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Everything posted by Darth_Onivega

  1. If a new Jedi Order is built in K3, its probably going to built by the Handmaiden, because you eventually find out her mother is Arren Kae, then you train her to be Jedi of course, and Kreia says at the end of K2 that Handmaiden teaches people of the Exile
  2. Will the Mandalorians be in Kotor3? Or will they be wiped out during the middle of the game by the True Sith?
  3. Ok, Revan and Exile go to the Unkown Regions to fight the True Sith, but who will be main character in kotor3? Revan? Exile? or a new character? Because at the end of kotor2, Kreia says that Handmaiden becomes a historian and teaches people about the Exile, suppose the new character is the one Handmaiden is teaching...
  4. I know you have to be a female character to unlock Disciple, i havent done that yet, what is he like just out of curioustiy?
  5. hmmm, if it was a male Revan, I would say Vin Deisel or the Rock when he takes off his mask
  6. Ah, but there can be no light without darkness, as long as there is Jedi...there shall always be Sith my friend, that is where TRUE power is
  7. Mind Crush: crush an enemy's mind with the Force Floating Lightsaber: that power that Darth Traya had in the end of Kotor2 Force Fire: ignite an enemy with flames from the force Force Adreneline: Quadrupole your stats for limited time
  8. I would totally go with the Mind Crush power
  9. plus with Kreia, i just attacked and used force crush against her, and the 3 lightsabers, i just used Force Lightning on the lightsabers
  10. Dude, the only 2 force powers i used were Death Field and Force Crush against Sion, and Nihilus was the easiest Sith Lord i killed, well thats only because i gave Visas Freedon Nadds lightsaber. and to your "Run and Heal" crap....HAHAHAHAHA
  11. After you got the Jedi Masters to the Enclave on Dantoeen, can you go back to Atris's base in Telos? To like save the masters from getting killed?
  12. also, it would be cool if Jedi and Dark Jedi robes' hoods can be put over your head for once, and get Dark Jedi-Sith masks kinda like Revan's
  13. ya...I say kill them, the twilek jedi at the Enclave in kotor 1 says they exterminating the jedi so i say let them burn
  14. I like the idea, and if i would make k3, i would make a new presteige class, like if you want to start out as Sith, you eventually become Sith Warrior, Assassin or Marauder, Obliderater (my own little class) Sith Lord and Dark Lord
  15. I am sith, all the way, the sith are the ones who will basicly obliderate the Republic, but that is my opinion
  16. I beat KotOR 4 times, and im getting bored with the heads your given, is there a way to unlock new heads or portraits for the Exile (your character)
  17. this may sound weird, but i may would have a 2 color double-bladed lightsaber, one blade red, the other silver
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