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Everything posted by Darth_Onivega

  1. a Virago called "The Whore's Left Boobie" which has a picture of a naked woman on it
  2. Exile: Atton what are you doing? Atton: Eattin puddin... Exile: Puddin? Atton: Yes...Puddin Exile:oooooooh yaaaaa..... Handmaiden: See I told you Echani training makes the boobs big Visas: You must be BLIND! the dark side make the boobs BIGGER Bao-Dur: Disciple, you KNOW your gay! Disciple: no im NOT! Bao-Dur: You know you dont love the Exile, you love the droids! Disciple: (runs away crying) Bao-Dur: now i can eat my pudding in peace Exile: What do you mean you have to kill me? i just killed the masters and im also Sith Lord! Sith Assassin: I dunno...I never heard of no sith lord... Disciple: (Listening to Nsync music with medbay door locked) (Knocks at door) Disciple's Father: Mical? are you listening to that gay music? Disciple: ****** uh no dad! Disciple Sr.: your lying i can hear it! Im coming in there! Disciple: No Wait! Disciple Sr.: I knew it you were thats it time for ur spanking! Disciple: PLEASE DAD NOT THE LEATHER BELT! Disciple Sr.: (SPANK!) this hurts me then it does you...
  3. male exile-Hanharr,Handmaiden,Visas female exile-Disciple,Mira,Visas
  4. I know someone has posted a thread similar to this, but it didnt quite tell me how to sacrifice Visas, so can someone tell me straight forword how to do it
  5. actually i have modded xbox and i havent gotten in trouble "
  6. i dont have codes for Xbox but i know how to do things to lvl up or infinent force(light dark) Unlimited Dark side points-When the mercenaries attack the Ithorians on Telos, when you reach Moza say "There be a reward for this","Then i shall leave you to fend for yourselves",finnaly "Better you then me", do this repeatedly Infinent EXP-When you find body of a dead jedi in Korriban Cave, keep pushing A after that 2 Hississ spawn, once you do that keep doing that till you have what you what Differnt Items- if you want better items from merchant, save your game BEFORE you talk to him or her, then after you see anything you dont like just load game again and they will have different items
  7. actually Exar Kun and Ulic Qel Droma wore armor in there Jedi days, before they became sith
  8. i use Exar Kun's battle suit I WEAR ARMOR OF DEAD MAN
  9. ok but like how can you get the romance? like have enough infulence with them or something?
  10. Can you have a romance in K2 with Visas or Handmaiden?
  11. *Nihilus just finishes his English teachings and is about to go into the galaxy* Nihilus: Now that i can speak English, i dont need the dark side as an outlet to my anger, i think i'll eat my yummy looking lolly-pop. Exie: Not so fast you evil gibberish speaking bastard!!! Nihilus: Pardon me? Exile: FIRST you try to destroy Telos, now you stealing candy from little children?! Nihilus: Now just wait a sec- Exile: DIE YOU EVIL SATAN SPEAKING MONSTER!!! *Lightsabers sounds* Darth Vader: Hey Mandalore, do you want a Mentos? Mandalore: Sure... *Mentos falls on Mandalore's helmet then to the ground* Darth Vader: Ha ha HK-47: Master, push the button thats "near" my groin area... Exile: Uh...ok what now? HK-47: (Statement) Kill all meatbags mode activated, now will kill all organics. *This is from a Flash movie from Newgrounds* Yoder: Geroge! Return Geroge you must! Yoda: Miine your Geroge is now! Hehehehe! Yoder: WAAAAAAAAAHAAAAA!!!!! *T3-M4 sticks anntena thing in girl utility droids "exsaust pipe* T3-M4: *Sizzilling noise* Sion: *boohoo* *sob* *cries* *sniff* eh no MAN will EVER want me... Mysterious Voice: oh...I beg to differ.... Sion:??????? Disciple: Heeellllllooooooooo Sion.... Exile: Bao-Dur...where did you find my secret stash of weed? Bao-Dur: I had some help... Remote: *makes annoying beep noise and keeps flying into a wall*
  12. Exile: Handmaiden, why are you and your clone sisters called the Handmaidens? Handmaiden: for 25 dollars you can find out.... T3-M4: Doooooooo bee do weet dooop beep (R2....I am your father...) R2-D2: BEEEEEEEEP DO WAT ZZZZZ!!!!!!! (NOOOOOO THATS IMPOSSIBLE!!!) T3-M4: Beep do weet DOP wooot (Search your protocols, you know them to be true) Exile: OMG BAO-DUR WTF ARE YOU DOING?! Bao-Dur: Having my way with the Handmaiden. HK-47: (Statement) Master, that is nothing compared to what I saw last night, I saw Mira and Hanharr getting it on, it looked like she had a Wookie in a leg-lock. Disciple: Exile, i came to say that I love you... Exile: Dude wtf...im the MALE Exile. Disciple: I know... Exile: OMG!!! (stabs Disciple with lightsaber) Darth Sidious: It had to be done...He was too dangerous to be left alive... Bao-Dur: General can I talk to you for a second? Exile: ??? Bao-Dur: I have herpies and i cant remember which one of the women i f*cked... Exile: uh you didnt have it with the women, you had it with Hanharr... Bao-Dur: Hanharr: Loud Growl (call me sometime...spiky boy...) Bao-Dur:....... :D :D :D *Exile walks into room* Darth Sidious: oh Kreia...you look so hot in that dancer-girl outfit... Kreia: anything for you...Sugardaddy... *Exile closes door then melts it shut* Tell me if you thought these were funny and or f*cked up
  13. He was DS, though he was one of the most intelligent Sith of his time, during the Jedi Civil War, he had Jedi captured to break them into joining him or kill them.
  14. look, i havent been on the forums for too long to learn how to get images on to your signature, can somebody tell me how to get those on?
  15. Ok, i need an opinion, do you like Jedi-Dark Jedi Robes or battle suits? example: Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit
  16. source http://www.starwarsknights.com/ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Holy ****! I believe you!i've been waiting for a kotor 3, im getting bored with kotor 2, just beat it 6 times, K3 will probably be Exile and Revan fight True Sith, but if they made a K4...it would probably be during the Mandalorian Wars...
  17. ok, do u have to kill Vrook to get Jedi Master Robes? I only played this on Xbox by the way
  18. My avatar, thats just a picture of Vincent i saved
  19. Ok,this has been on my mind for a while, you know those screenshots they have on the K2 boxes for Xbox? Like theres one that shows Exile with lightsaber DURING the battle with the assassin droids on Telos? I mean did they just make the images by computer or does it actually happen in the game?
  20. well...in Kotor 2 Carth says Revan told him to keep the Republic strong while he fights the True Sith, plus think about it, Carth armed with only a blaster and Sion or Nihilus armed with a lightsaber and the force, so who would win? :ph34r:
  21. Finnaly, someone who can relate to what i do
  22. you acttually think a character that probably sh*ts in a litter box is hot?
  23. if you want to make a voodoo doll of dark master, you got to have someting that he owns, like a shred of a shirt or hair.
  24. It would be easy to kill them with a peanut
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