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Everything posted by Walsingham
Biking is too slow not to be boring, or too fast to have the luxury of thinking. that's why i'll always prefer a fast walk.
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Mind you, I've got as far as reading about the build up to WW1, and thinking "It's time we became a superpower by building a navy to threaten the existing superpower" was a really funting bad idea. It's not like passing a conch around.
I don't understand that second quote. Sounds like the man was an arse.
I believe we're having Chinese.
I hope whoever she is doesn't mind you farting, because that sounds like a guaranteed methane-fest.
William "Bill" Slim Slim was commander of the 'forgotten' 14th Army in Burma. Unlike most other Allied generals he had to make do with makework logistics, and a patchwork of troops from all over the place. He had to liaise effectively with the Chinese, Americans, Indians, and Burmese. He had to struggle with jungle terrain and weather that mocked his supply lines and induced terrifying sicknesses. The sicknesses compounded low morale and a perception that the Japanese were unbeatable in jungle warfare. Slim turned the situation around. He risked his own neck visiting the front line, and knew how to talk to ordinary soldiers without the 'bull'. He was determined to make an army that was aggressively capable, and changed unit organisation and training accordingly. He was rightly suspicious of 'bright ideas', but enabled novel tactics and operations, like the chindits to occur. Every account I've ever read of him said he was the epitome of a good British soldier. Not over-confident, nor enamoured of war. But quietly ruthless and professional in caring for and leading his men. There's a first class account of his efforts given in his own book "Defeat into Victory"
On any normal day I spend at least an hour walking. Much of it up hills and stairs. I consider this to be moderate exercise. Poor exercise is a consequence of sedentary lifestyle. By which I mean driving to work and sitting down all day. To the best of my understanding you DO NOT have to do very much exercise at all to avoid serious heart trouble.
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Christmas party tonight. It is my considered opinion that Christmas parties are a pain in the behind unless I've organised them and have license to shoot anyone who attempts to force people to sing or perform in any way.
Granted I don't know many, but I've met a few of those brides when working with my mother. When I was cleaning the bookshelves at one place and told her why she looked absolutely perplexed. "Shelves get dusty...?" Well if you cover them with books, they don't. :D Or try to get air flowing across them, but really no one tries to manage airflow to that degree in one's home. I'm confused. Why are we debating covering Russian single mothers with books?
This is my forum, alright.
I like Galliano, mixed into other drinks, and served over crushed ice.
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Errant Gamer critique of Stanley Parable
Walsingham replied to alanschu's topic in Computer and Console
I loved the Stanley Parable. I found it more of a commentary on my professional working life than video games. The points being made may seem a little less obvious seen in that light. Mind you, I work with a lot of 'process' obsessed bloody engineers/halfwits. They'd regard being Stanley as heaven. -
I'm more alarmed by the fact that he was in his own house, and whatever's in that room with the steel door is more important than his guns.
To be honest I'm more BuSab.
Not wishing to sound pedestrian. But wouldn't a locksmith have made more sense?
*shrug* I find it hard to condemn them for what is ostensibly a scientific pursuit of truth, when I'm sure many tens of thousands of visitors chip bits off for idle amusement.
Not when trolls are on the loose.
An honest mistake on my part, I assure you. Since the honourable member was accusing many of my friends - who are policemen - of being ****s, I mistook this for the topic.
Misread of the day: "Troll plan for A14 [road] halted"
I think that's what they pay them for. Efficient =/= fun. I suspect that running out of ammunition is also unfun. ;p
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Do it cold-turkey style and you're not going to miss it after only a couple of weeks. I remember when I quit soft drinks, It was pretty awful and pure water made me feel sick in my stomach, but now I feel so much better, especially my teeth. Also my headaches went away and I don't have odd fatigue attacks anymore. The body doesn't need all that blasted sugar. Who would have guessed... Very true. I only have a sugary soda maybe every fortnight. They're fun. But you don't need more than that.
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Do you known what is most funny thing in your post ( and in similar post of forum members )? When you read my posts IRL you see into mirror to yourself. I am mirror. Image what you see in mirror make butthurt to you? Dude, it's not problem of mirror really, stop lie to yourself, i it's just you, it's how all western citiezens looks like from side view. Конечно вы можете думать, что это просто троллинг, многие люди хронически неспособны принимать реальность как она есть и предпочитают жить в вымышленной действительности с ясными и понятными правилами, с разделением на черное и белое, на добро и зло. Только это все иллюзия, не существует ни добра ни зла, есть только миллион оттенков серого. Ну что тут поделать, к каждому в голову не залезешь, да и люди в принципе не заслуживают другого отношения короме как снисходительной иронии, такие вот зверушки, кувыркаются там в своем Г и воображают что их Г лучше чем чужое. P.S. После английского языка (которого я в принципе не знаю, да и не имею причин учить, да и задолбался уже гуглтранслейтить) писать на русском истинное удовольствие. Английский все-таки очень механистичный и упрощенный язык, техническую дукоментацию на нем с простым набором действий ещё можно описать, а выразить что-нибудь посложнее уже фиг. Возможно в этом и есть главноое отличие России и Запада, там где русский видит миллион возможных объяснений и ньюансов - англоязычный житель Земли увидит только одну неоспоримую святую правду, потому как просто не имеет слов для описания ньюансов. "Of course you may think that this is just trolling , many people are chronically unable to accept reality as it is and prefer to live in a fictional reality with clear and understandable rules , division into black and white , good and evil . Once this is all an illusion , there is no good or evil , there is only a million shades of gray. Well, what can you do to each head will not climb , and people basically do not deserve another relationship Koroma as condescending irony , like this little animals, tumbling there in his T and imagine that they are better than someone else's T . P.S. After the English language ( which I basically do not know, and I have no reasons to teach , and zadolbali gugltransleytit ) writing on the Russian real pleasure. English is still very mechanistic and simplified language , technical dukomentatsiyu on it with a simple set of actions is still possible to describe and express something more difficult already FIG. Perhaps this is the glavnooe Unlike Russia and the West , where Russian sees a million possible explanations and nuances - an English-speaking person on Earth will see only one unquestionable holy truth , just because it has no words to describe the nuances ." Google translate. EDIT: Your central thesis seems to be that there is no such thing as good and evil. This point merits discussion. However I can assure you, without fear of contradiction, that you are a c***.
Our firearms instructor was almost obsessed with the virtues of firing single aimed shots. I leave it to Monte to say whether he was right, or just waffling off.
- 552 replies
ROFL. Come on then, I'll bite. You texted your ex?
Would any of you be interested in...
Walsingham replied to aluminiumtrioxid's topic in Pen-and-Paper Gaming
I'm pretty relaxed about the system, provided I can play characters with a bit of depth. The one thing you can guarantee I won't do is rules lawyer. I'm too old and lazy to tally up numbers in my down time. Numbers are the GM's job. My concept was to work as assistant GM. So I act the incidental hotel owners, squaddies, countesses etc. Leave you to make sure the plot is functional. System we have in operation is you give me the NPC's name, their interests both overt and covert, and vital information I might impart, and what circumstances I will impart said information.