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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Thanks for the advice, gentlemen. However, if you will excuse me I intend to cotnue grumbling like an upset stomach for a wee while more.
  2. Don't get me wrong. I want auto updates because it is more convenient to have it going on in the background. But I don't like the idea that I have to shut off my PC when they say so. It just goes to the heart of their whole mentality which is that their customers are cattle.
  3. Like most things written all in capital letters this is simply bollocks. People are suspicious of anything that is free. People would rather use a system which costs 100 bucks than one which is free because despite all evidence to the contrary they believe it is somehow better. take advice for example. Earlier this year I wrote a report which I felt was so important it should be disseminated as widely as possible - hence free. It died on its feet. I recently re-released the report with a large price tag, and I have people queuing up.
  4. Walsingham

    Post Counts

    How about we replace it with a midichlorian count?
  5. I am so sick of Windows/Microsoft. My PC keeps trying to shut down because Microsoft have decided in their lordly wisdom that I have to. Not when it's convenient for me, but RIGHT FETHING NOW. Why? Is running a windows update so important I would normally prioritise it above any and all other tasks I am currently doing? Is it only temporary blind insanity that makes me believe erroneously that I have better things to do, and that perhaps the shutting down can occur the next time I do so normally? Dear Microsoft, I am not an Interplay cow. I can think for myself. And right now i think I hate you and your disgusting product.
  6. Walsingham

    Beer Round

    I think the best way to look at it is as beer karma. After all, they are now in your debt. That has to count at some level. It could also be an accident. These things do occasionally happen. I still owe a feller a pint from nine years ago. Can't find him.
  7. I've seen nothing by way of mainstream advertising in the UK except some posters in the underground. This was almost certainly a mistake. They had the money to spend a little on some targetted TV advertising. I do think serruptishus is right. People don't seem to have paid a great deal of attention to the reviews. However, I still hold out some hope. Occasionally films grw slowly, and there is till time for this to take off further.
  8. Um, I'm the only person who would cut bread on a breadboard?
  9. Walsingham

    Post Counts

    Definitely not. This is an Obsidian games forum. Why should any of us get credit for posting deliberately provocative tales of terrorism, pizza, and the size of our pants? In any case if I saw anyone bashing a person for being a n00b I'd simply identify them as either joking or a pathetic wasted life!
  10. Yet starwars ep III had similar nerd antics, and was a much worse film, taken on its surface characteristics. So what is it that made the difference there? Moreover, is there a potentially dangerous parrallel here for Obs? Are nerd hardcore fans like us a positive threat to Obs reaching out to non nerds? Particularly in the console market?
  11. If you think that's bad, their training manuals are worse.
  12. I'm telling you there is something very fishy about this whole business. Firefly was at worst a reasonable show, and it got axed. Serenity is at very worst a passable action film, and beats most other action films out now. Does anyone else think maybe we internerds have scared regular folk away?
  13. I can only think while exercising. I have my study set up with desks at chest height so I can pace between books and read. The more astute among you will have noticed I correspond with this forum while sitting very still. The even more astute will not be surprised. I get annoyed by wanton acts of selfish greed. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4339344.stm
  14. Well, _I_ appreciated this post.
  15. I shall be seeing it again this weekend. And have got a number of others to go as well.
  16. I've just been to see it, and frankly I'm through trying to drag your sorry butts into the theatres. If you don't see it you are only doing yourselves out of a fantastic film. I can't believe they made a movie that's great if you've seen the shows or not! AND that they can make fans and non fans happy. Don't wait for the DVD this is a real romper of a film, with great effects and moments that just wouldn't work on a small screen at home.
  17. Spellsword 62% Combativeness, 46% Sneakiness, 64% Intellect, 47% Spirituality A smart paladin? With a sword and bow and arrow? Sheesh. I think the OPerative summed me up much better. I don't know much about D&D beyond Baldur's Gate. But i know dual weilders are pansies.
  18. Don't think for a moment I'm calling you an eedjit for wanting to do it that way. But the reality in the business is that the producers can just decide randomly that they want to re-write the whole thing differently, set it in a wood, with an all female cast 100 years after you wrote it, just because they have secureda grant for a different location, or they have some costues from another show, or just because they are *** holes. I'm only saying this so you do't get riled and make a fool of yourself.
  19. It hasn't opened in the rest of Europe yet, afaik. Hades_One its good you want to retain control, but the movie industry has a very raapcious attitude towards n00bs. you really won't get any control until you already a household name. If you even get your script to a producer you are witnessing a small miracle. Expecting him or her to respect your artistic vision is going too far after that.
  20. I'm guessing they were relying a good dal on gibbons like us going out and yapping about it. Seems to have worked. I don't know of any non-political forums that don't have at least one thread at the mo.
  21. I was thinking last night that their is something fundamentally wrong where you need a mass movement to try and get a second Firefly movie, but Police Academy went to 8 films, and Starship Troopers 2 was made...
  22. I know I supported the war, but am I the only person who would have preferred Bush went on a kind of dark glasses and rhythm and blues kind of mission?
  23. There is a difference between equal rights and uniform treatment. EDIT: For example, you and I would agree a child and adult have equal rights, yet you would not take a child to a seminar on economics. In fact nor should I, but you get my point.
  24. Certainly. But one does not hold open a door for a man the same one would for a lady.
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