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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I've long been of the opinion that games aren't realistic enough in that 1) Violence doesn't look gruesome enough. 2) Ridiculously large bonuses accrue with violence. In reality the results of violence are both repellent to the point of nausea and psychological scarring, and don't pay very well if at all.
  2. Happy Birthday, you whoever you are.
  3. But for Pete's sake, how often does it happen? Does it really need its own law? If it did then such a law would certainly cover all bullying leading to suicide. That's going to get pretty busy.
  4. I got carried away making my new tiefling bard. Curse you Obsidian! (She's far too cute)
  5. ramza, indeed. That should be interesting. We'll see how it goes, and also how non-combat goes. I think I may be going to become a sort of roving reporter in the LA Confidential style. Or possibly a cop. Not really sure what I can get away with.
  6. Would some please oblige me by having a dicussion about a fantasy comic so I can kill some catgirls?
  7. Interesting analysis, Tigger. You mind if I ask if it's your own?
  8. Inspired by this thread I have started a NWN2 persistent world character who is a bard. And just to make certain I'm not even a very good one I am a Tiefling with a -2 cha starter. It's been roleplaying fun so far, but I must say next to a wizard I look pretty pokey.
  9. No, but it did have Wesley which is twice as bad, until the last season when he stop being such a wus. I was about to do a spoiler there. In any event _I_ have all the buffy and angel. I win. At everything. Muhuh- MUHAHAHAHAHA!
  10. Maybe it's more to do with the fact that you don't notice them doing any good. I mean a warlock stands there blasting things. But the songster?
  11. Does Angel have a large black man wearing eye shadow?
  12. Huh? SG-1 is NOT better than Angel, Navy Boy. I've watched a lot of SG-1 but it's completely retarded in many plot aspects. I am far from the most skeptical of people about the US govt, but come on. They were presented with many occasions where a shady alliances or two would have netted war winning technology. Frankly, letting Maj Jack O'Dogood stay in charge was as likely as Congress cutting all nuclear funding to relocate wetland animals. Raaagh!
  13. The problem with being 13 is (if memory serves) that you're personality is developing so quickly. You're learning, hormones have just entered the equation, and a lot of responsibility is entering your life. It's hard to have confidence in who and what you are because in many ways there's no such thing. In this instance this poor girl thought she was having probably her first romance, and as such probably invested a lot of emotional capital in it. When that investment went sour she was left very weakened. I don't think she was weak to have taken a hit from this. And speulating on what other factors conspired to amke her take her own life would be an exercise in fiction.
  14. Depends on where you place worth. Some people say life is precious thing, but how precious something is determined by its rarity and with 6 billion people and more joining each and every day that rarity is not readily seen so human life is loses its glitter, but if you take the scope of the universe we may be just one tiny spec of a world in an otherwise dead reality thusly in truth life is really rare. Okay, I am rambling nonsense. BLAH! I side with your latter point, up to a point. However, the truly extraordinary thing about life is its potential. Even if some of the guys who get killed were as thuggish and inane as the shooters claim they might still have changed over time. Unfortunately we'll never know now. I'd like to expand on my previous point. Steve said earlier that government violence legitimised incidents like this. I think that a general post-sixties solipsism and new capitalism. The basic principle is that the customer/individual is usually right, and the collective is wrong. We're encouraged in every single walk of life to behave as we choose, with little regard for others. This has had its positiv side in incraesed poltical activism, but it's also had its negative side. I think this sort of behaviour is one aspect of it. Or I could be getting all pop psych.
  15. Oy vey! No one expects the hereticus inquisition!
  16. I'm not going to presume to say that the money isn't welcome, but a true heartfelt apology may be equally important. Surely the RCC should - of all people - understand the importancee of confession?
  17. It is indeed interesting. It's more like terrorism, in my opinion, than organised warfare.
  18. I am waiting on my birthday delivery of the full Angel boxed set. It is an extravangant present bought for myself by way of an apology for my genius plan of joining the Army.
  19. I could be wrong, but the failure to send an apology could be legal. Isn't it the case in US law that an apology is an admission of guilt? Thereby slaying good manners at one fell swoop.
  20. I don't know if you have to hate the world. Isn't thinking everything worthless even worse than hate?
  21. Or maybe it just thinks I am diseased?
  22. I would suggest tentatively that you are partly responsible, but not culpable, and that's my point in this case.
  23. Clinical depression isn't just feeling poo. The emotional component reciprocates with perception (like most emotions) and colours your worldview. "I see a red door and I want it painted black." The worldview of someone who thinks so little of everyone and everything that they are willing to destroy irreplaceable bits of it would be consistent with that.
  24. Anyone who believes in ID should be forced to stare at me naked for one hour. That'd cure 'em.
  25. I'm actually going to be more interested to see what the German judiciary rule on the legality of detaining the boys. If they get a halfway decent lawyer he will scream 'no proof'. It's extremely hard to prove conspiracy to commit on most issues.
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