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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. That does sound sensible. Preproofing is just blody impossible, given certain temps.
  2. Isn't England at the other end of the continent?
  3. What's Nexus like?
  4. Thanks for the note. By the same token a 'certain' major online retailer has put up the complete Angel boxset for a 65% discount in the UK. I ordered it immediately.
  5. I think you should dye your hair platinum blonde and then braid gold wire into it.
  6. For basic training I'll give you the same advice I got before getting on a bus for Parris Island, "Don't be first, don't be last. Don't be fastest and certainly don't be slowest. And above all, don't give them a reason to remember your name." Do that and you will have a much easier time of it! Too late for that, I'm afraid. I've always had a knack for antagonising NCOs. I really am beginning to wonder why on Earth I volunteered for all this. Bloody morals.
  7. You're joining the reseves or something right? You dont have to go to boot camp for that? The training isnt every day but split into sessions spaced here and there? Yes. But in some ways that makes it harder since you have to adjust to being yelled at. In civvy street I don't get yelled at. I am a happy dwarven character who drinks ale and cooks. I take far too long to turn into an angry dwarf, during which period I am confused and vulnerable. It is not a good idea to be confused or vulnerable in the Army. I should also point out that in the British Army the reserves are nowexpeected to perform at the same standard as the regulars, because we get deployed alongside them. I have been issued my kit now, and my house is full of the smell of boot polish and starch as I prepare it for more use.
  8. I also liked teh Sixth Sense. Although after The Village I intend to punch Shmyalan in the face should we ever meet.
  9. Good point. Nothing beats morning breath like tiger mace.
  10. Did someone say War? When's my turn?
  11. I'm away this weekend but will be up for a game of BIA Earned in Blood on monday, if anyone else knows the game. I'm registered for online play with Ubisoft.
  12. I'm not trying to veto the idea, but Free Religion? You goddamn hippies. Give us Theocracy, and an all-conquering army.
  13. No probs here. Is it possible you've [icked up some bug somewhere? Or have you an outdated version of Firefox/IE?
  14. For the record, I am a cretin.
  15. Off for my first bit of training later today. I am very very apprehensive. I'm too old to get shouted at, dammit.
  16. Rain like the fall of ruined seas from secret worlds above?
  17. I'm sure my learned colleague meant to put this in C&C.
  18. Out of date legislation? Basic reason is that back in the day no-one gave a crap what happened to kids. Send 'em down the mines, let 'em get typhus, whatever. I hope we've gone beyond that now.
  19. nyone who tells you to 'jut have fun' is attempting to make sure you don't.
  20. On the subject of theft it is never a bad plan to have decoys such as a decoy wallet. You put a small quantity of cash in here along with expired bus passes, and library cards. Use this cash as your daily working cash, and transfer other cash to this wallet as necessary IN PRIVATE. But similar principles apply to valuables in bags. I've often wondered how practical it would be to fill a camera case with bees.
  21. You old Irish Rover.
  22. May I add that a detailed explanation of what they screw up would be tantamount to publishing an how-to guide?
  23. Don't listen to them. If you think your girlfriend enjoys a little mild jealousy you go ahead and bitch about her going alone. Some women like it. You're the man on the ground, you make the call. I did a bunch of reading today, made some business calls, and generally mooched around. I gave up pretending to work about 1500 and watched almost all of Band of Brothers. This scared the bejaysus out of me so I did an hour of circuits and went for a run. Keeping in mind I had trouble climbing stairs three months ago I think I'm doing pretty well. Jaunting about up hill and down dale. Got news an old friend ay be coming to visit this weekend. There really is no pleasure like retiring to the pub for a day, drinking beer, and talking total balls.
  24. Who's up next?
  25. *sigh* I'm all in favour of sexy but when are we going to face the fact that armour has to cover all of you to work. I don't recall Saladin cantering about in a halter-top.
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