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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Good idea. Gives you something to put the tea in.
  2. Small girls don't eat candy. They eat lead piping and boy's shins.
  3. Good grief. look, if you want to take it up with the expert I originally cited here he is: http://www.dcmt.cranfield.ac.uk/daps/commu...chardOrmondroyd
  4. Dear sweet mother of christ. *sigh*
  5. True. GCHQ are number boffins. I think the point is not the context. The point is to reach computer nerds.
  6. I'm going to pretend you're talking about the chain on a tricycle. It's certainly a more entertaining image.
  7. well, as you can see, we had a gisagreement earlier. This seems to clinch it.
  8. I think we need an equation function on the board. Anyone else agree?
  9. Hell, if you think that's bad, they recruited most people of my generation through Bubble Bobble
  10. More proof fro CAA (BBC website) "Mobile use is currently prohibited on planes because there is evidence that they interfere with onboard communication and navigation systems. Research published in 2003 by the CAA found mobile phone signals skewed navigation bearing displays by up to five degrees. " In your face, annoying upper middle class bint!
  11. Oho. I wasn't sure if we could use that, or if it was for looking at your images. What a thoughtful chap you are.
  12. I'm more scared of them than terrorists. At least you can arrest terrorists.
  13. Passport, memorised card and passport numbers, pliers, mosquito net, change of socks and underwear. Also one addition to the list - a scrim scarf. Basically a net you can use as a scarf, bag, mosquito net, fishing net, etc. If you can get one made out of silk when you are out there I'd be interested in buying.
  14. Up the guards! I agree it's very hard to get the guard to work well. Largely because they can't dig in IMO. Soft infantry have a very simple set of imperatives 1. Move 2. Shoot anything unfriendly at arrival location 3. Dig hole, and climb into it. 4. Make hole more roomy, add top-cover 5. Brew tea.
  15. Bum. I hath forgotten my bloody account name and passsword for photobucket. I am a cybercretin.
  16. Having a nasty scar on my shin from a little girl fetching me a mischief using a long stick, and missing a clump of hair on my head whence it was ripped by another little girl, I am not reassured.
  17. There are bombings almost weekly somewhere in India. If it does remember to get compression on, and as soon as possible clean out the wounds. A lot of fragment damage from terrorist bombs is bits of people. Nice.
  18. Ah, I guessed about the advantages, but I usually don't wait about. Get it done now, you never know when you'll need it. But I left the rear forces unpromoted. And apologies for the conversion thing. But on the bright side at least I din't do anything wierd like Hinduism. No sense trying to placate that bloc as we're going to crushkill them toot sweet. Bed now... sooooo sleepy...
  19. That's what I was thinking. There are some awesome moves in there. The only real let down was the music. This was much more original in choreography than most of the later matrix films. That bit where she stamps on a beam and then kicks it at her opponents was hilarious.
  20. Worked it out. Sorry about the lack of pics. But it's late and I can't remember my password. Can I request that the new city be called Fat City in honour of the late great Hunter S Thompson? God_Emperor_Feargus_AD_0580.zip
  21. I'm just chewing my way through a rather fine and fiery sag paneer while looking into the game. 1. An expression of mild surprise crosses W's features when he notices that a number of units have not used their upgrades. Thinks: what Walter Mitty nonsense is this? Does nothing yet. 2. Hatshepsut demands the currency tech. I tell her to get stuffed. 3. Elizabeth asks to swap resources. In a patriotic ferment I agree. 4. Dur-Kurigalzu is looking mighty tempting. I have two catapults in the works, and intend to hit it with three swordsmen. I notice somebody *directs glare at pid* has pegged a new site for city, and I will have to somewhere building a settler. 5. Being a vat-grown fool I choose to convert to christianity. However, I have perfect confidence all will be well. 6. Time is running short, and a spy is caught near Peragus. This act of Babylonian aggression cannot go unpunished, and besides which we're running short of cash to pay the men. Cry havoc and all that. 7. At the same time as declaring war I have begun building crossbowmen, since they are superb all-rounders, and also knocked out a spearman for DOOM in case Hattie gets odd notions. I have also begun researching horse riding, since I think with such a large empire full of open space the only sensible option is a roving defence if two fronts open up. 8. Our forces cross the border in fine style. Once across, my whimsical provision of a chariot proves fortuitous. A Babylonian axeman on the road is minced quite easily. I considered bringing them back in, but the temptation to cut the road proved too great. We're going to be faffing about this end of their country and I don't want them racing down here. 9. The chariot actually survives my gamble, and returns to the fold, with a melee promotion. Compounded by some locals who aid them, no doubt impressed by their ferocious demeanour. Meanwhile our first crossbow unit has arrived in good order, just in time for the assault. Let's see how it goes... 10. ...besides the unexpected death of a swordsman everything goes very well, and I even have the chance to nobble ANOTHER lot of reinforcements with the chariot, who I've now christened 1/1st Royal Bastards. 11. Borsippa is now the target, and although our catapult survived I have another ready so it moves up onto the wooded hills with a protecting garrison bowman. I added the escort because he's obsolete and might actually be some use. 12. Well, JUST AS I PLANNED the archer and catapult are annihilated by a swordsman and an axemen. Er... bugger. 13. Our army is now rested and has washed its hair, so it advances. Yet again our opponent proffers a reinforcing axeman, that the Royal Bastards mince despite being a bit understrength. 14. A horse archer is beaten like a non-mathematically gifted Indian slum child by a swordsman, who is then mashed flat by a garrison trained crossbowman. Cheered greatly by news from the front our people near the cpaital discover a way of turning frogs into vodka. We get a winery! 15. I realise I have run out of time. Can someone explain how to transfer the file?
  22. I'll do it, but I have to cook first. Give me an hour to get back with the completed turn. It's currently zulu 21.56.
  23. Pregnant vandals?
  24. I would contrast the message in this film with the Poseidon adventure. In the Poseidon adventure the people ignore official instructions and live. In this film people ignore official instructions and kill the entire human race. One film is American. The other is British. Coincidence?
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