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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Does that make you a hizzi or a nappie? Sadly, a nappie.
  2. A fun evening. Beers with friends, then as we were leaving the pub saw a woman and her boyfriend having the typical mardi row. Trouble happened, however when the girl screamed "get off me", which as far as I'm concerned means just that. I shouted out "Alright, that's enough." and pounded over in my size nines (I'm wearing in a spare pair of Army boots). This bloke was a good eight inches and fifty pounds bigger than me, but I'm a great believer in right over might. Once I charged in, my friends followed up, and long story short we saw the girl home, with boyfriend meekly in tow. Poor girl had been assaulted two weeks previous, and was basically just in a state, mentally. Took an hour to see it all through. Good deed done. Quite relieved I didn't get kicked senseless. Maybe some of this Army nonsense about selfless commitment is rubbing off. BTW, how come thesluig doesn't have an avatar. Can we sort him out with one?
  3. I am regularly accused of being a nazi and a hippie in the same evening.
  4. I'm mashup surfing on Youtube, after our little search for dumb comments.
  5. How does that t-shirt go? "Stereotypes are a real time-saver"
  6. True. But isn't that how diplomacy works? You can't expect peopel who aren't your friends to stick up for you.
  7. You are correct, of course, Aponez. I was working from memory, and got cnofused because of the 352nd's SP anti-tank component.
  8. Already a thread on this. And in case you didn't get it, this means many guys also have STDs. Possibly some of you chaps. So play safe, get protected, and get tested.
  9. I don't get it. I'm tired and hungry.
  10. The comment si gone now, but i tried to find one where I got into a slanging match with a neonazi. He had some choice comments ending by accusing me of being a "mud soldier". He asked which "mud unit" I fought with, and I replied Royal Engineers, the oldest professional fighting force on the planet.
  11. Define 'fudge all'? If by fudge all you mean a dedicated and highly effective corps of intelligence analysts using reconnaissance and military logic then I shall agree with you. As for risking lives on rare chances for great gains then I'm afraid it bloody well does happen. It's how you win wars. And as a soldeir I'm none too happy about it, but I know it works.
  12. The "behaviour" of the Serbs in Kosovo wasn't worst than the "behaviour" of the Georgian army in the wars in Osetia and Abjazia, and if is for the "behaviour" remember that now in La Haya the International Court has a trial against a Croatian general for the murder of Serbian civilians when they retake Krajina
  13. I see no reference to genetics. All he talks about is nations. That would be culture.
  14. Not really. I'd have thought that Kosovo has special cause to want to secede given Serbian warlike behaviour.
  15. did you try and impress the young lady with your pipe smoke ring blowing prowess and suggestive eyebrow raising? No more than usual.
  16. I managed to squeeze a final
  17. As i expected, now I'm looking for bad comments I can't find any. Re: Martin Luther King discussing JFK's assassination. "Martin king was amaing and anyone who has anything to say about him thats bad should be hung. R.I.P its so ****ed up what happen to both of them! BUT bad ones like bush and clinton stay around....Go figure....Anyone who trys to makea good change. Notice that? CUZ CORRUPT! **** the usa i wish i was born in ****in ampsterdamn or suttin RON PAUL 2008!!!!!"
  18. Wait, so D&D is the new Grand Theft Auto?
  19. South Ossetia is hardly a new issue. Besides, isn't it on the 'wrong' end of the country? i.e. far away from other US allies. I'm quite sad that thanks to Putin's determinedly plugging away we are now at loggerheads with the Russians when we might be working together.
  20. This is getting totally off-topic. My point originally: if you care about animals it is nonsense to prevent them being mercy killed when they are suffering intensely. how they taste has nothing to do with it, I asssure you. These particular animals would taste revolting if anyone was insane enough to eat them.
  21. I agree that lumping in HPV seems like over-egging the pudding to me. I know it's serious, but its also crying wolf over much more serious diseases like syphilis and HIV. A far more startling statistic in the UK is that some 75% of teenagers don't use barrier contraception. To anyone who lived through the 1980s this is like ambling about the parapet of a trench when a sniper is around. It's not even like teh odl days when people were embarassed to buy contraceptives, or even that you have to pay for them. The doctor will give you them for free in our socialist paradise.
  22. What you call overly optimistic is in other circumstances is called daring. OVERLORD would be a good example. There were many intelligence surprises on D-Day, such as the moving of batteries, the dropping of thousands of paratroops into flooded areas, and the unexpected strength of the 352nd Panzergrenadier Division. But it came off OK. Hurrah. If it had not, what would we think of its architects? If you think it is stupid to have underestimated the German morale, perhaps you have some suggestion as to how morale should be calculated from the air? But even if it were higher the plan would have succeeded with a swifter and more sustained buildup of combat power in the airheads.
  23. How do the costs compare of the dart injectors vs bullets?
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