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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Walsingham: "Ooooh! A post by julianw!" I was wondering when you'd weigh in. Good to see you. I buy your latter argument about a different culture up to a point. However: 1) My reading of them is that they also deeply resent and fear US global hegemony. If for no other reason than it directly threatens things like Taiwan, and the offshore oil they want their mitts on. 2) I don't think you are giving China nearly enough credit for the astounding leaps forward it has made in the last thirty years. This is partly in industry, but far more importantly in academia, and military science. 30 years ago the Chinese military was still thinking Korea. Today they're drawing level and even forging ahead of the West in many areas.
  2. Freudian at all?
  3. It will not be dead. It will LIIIIIVE! AH AH AHAHAHAHAHAHA! *zoom*
  4. Sand: an opponent of, and living argument against, intelligent design.
  5. Sorry, Steve. Hey! Let's support the Steve by sending him Irn Bru!
  6. Isn't there a webpage for generating character names somewhere? Surely that would also work for places? Also, would anyone else agree this might be more comfortable in PnP?
  7. Do you get Irn Bru where you are? I was obliged to open a bottle yesterday for work after a long day, and it's bloody rocket fuel.
  8. I don't care what you killjoys say. If you thank a guy for being in your film IN THE FILM, and then call the cops to stop him attending a screening then YOU LOSE! Irony points all round, and a gin gimlet for me.
  9. What about your faith in squint eyed skepticism?
  10. Heh... If you think that's bad, wait until she finds out that she had sloppy drunken sex with a guy who talks about his love life on an online forum for video game nerds. You know that noise where you kind of snort, then cackle laughwith bitter furious joy? I just did that.
  11. With respect to China, yeah. But since when did any country want other countries to be strategically and operationally active within their borders? I meant active full stop.
  12. fixed
  13. Replace the word 'dead' with 'in a state of strategic and operational passivity' and we're cooking, tho? Stratfor's angle on Tibet, which I just got round to reading:
  14. I don't have time to go fielding both sides of the argument. That's just bloody lazy! Shall we dance?
  15. Then I salute your courage, sir!
  16. Go to sea in a storm. That'll make up your mind, mate.
  17. You should have seen the trouble I had explaining Christmas to the foreigners I used to teach. In the end I reluctantly agreed their version was more fun. It had explosions.
  18. Nice. I really need to make some time to do that sort of thing.
  19. Dammit! I'm sure the Queen would let you look at it. She is far too well-mannered to refuse. Use proxies!
  20. People who eat pancakes. Oh, and the hundreds of millions of people who've benefited from Canadian aid and peacekeepers since the second world war. And the people who benefited from the tens of thousands of Canadians sacrificed in WW2. And bears. And me.
  21. being a soldier takes more than pulling a trigger You also have to be able to pose in front of a mirror and take pictures?
  22. What the glitter-coated primate has that got to do with people nailing themselves to wood this weekend?
  23. I completely misread this as 'on my face'. The image was hilarious.
  24. I woke up from a very deep sleep. I thought this was closer to the festivalness than, as tlg Bill Hicks said "A giant bunny rabbit came and left chocolate eggs in the night."
  25. This sounds as much like propaganda as the Chinese claim that no rioters were killed. Are you suggesting that a totalitarian regime can be held in place by only a large moustache and firm admonishments? "You there! You democrats! Put that down and go home!" I'm prepared to accept we have a skewed vision of China, but I won't accept they're sweetums. In essence I'd say walkerguy was essentially correct.
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