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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. This is a simply cretinous statement. But I'm damned if I'll get drawn into it any further. I refer you simply to every work of economic theory written since 1700. I can only hope they are more clear and persuasive.
  2. originally, neither did i and i had read reports of 3.5 GB so i was hoping. that said, the "3.5 GB" might have been actually "3.5 billion bytes" which is closer to 3.2 GB in reality. once i installed, and got everything going, i was a bit disappointed. there is a big improvement over 2 GB either way. once i go to a 64-bit OS that won't be an issue and i'll likely upgrade to 8 GB as well. from a game standpoint going to 8 GB won't be a big deal, but from a MATLAB standpoint, it will be huge. i have to play a lot of tricks to get simulations to run properly because each vector requires contiguous memory space. when vectors are double-precision, complex (i.e. 128 bits per element) with several million elements and a dozen or so vectors/matrices, even at 4 GB i have a hard time finding contiguous memory blocks that large. taks My attitude to MATLAB s much the same as that of those chimps in that film towards the atomic bomb.
  3. True. But if you hadn't given them away you'd now be worse off. Because at least this way you can : a) expect some help in return. Which is precisely what happened in Katrina as other countries, including the Uk sent aid. b) increased local prosperity means it's easier for you to sell any new tools you make. Otherwise you'd be far worse off, because you'd need desperately to make capital but the market would already be saturated. EDIT: I just realised that we can't even have a disagreement unles you deny the US itself has a national economy which you are part of and which you benefit from. Your personal economy is part of the US economy. The US economy is part of the global economy.
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7308890.stm Look at the map here. I'm ashamed to admit I hadn't grasped just how big Tibet is. It's the entire South West flank of China!, and especially the largest mass leading towards Afghanistan and the Middle East.
  5. been there done that killed the eight goa'uld that cropped up. What? When?
  6. I don't think security is the issue. One thing that deters profession political assassination is the prospect of discovery and horrendous consequences. If you can make it clear that someone will find any bastards who do such a thing and destroy them and all of their friends that will help. You can see though, that even murder/assassination by bin Laden did not result in effective retribution against the perpetrators but instead in efforts to profit from the deaths by perpetrating other wars of opportunity to achieve other objectives (political control of the Middle East). It's like gang fights. Even the good guys are skum. You can hope that there really are a few good men and because of that it won't happen. I'm sorry, Colrom, but I've fallen foul of the language barrier. Would you mind explaining that again?
  7. I would certainly back any increase in reconstruction aid to Afghanistan. It's the only way a lasting peace can be fashioned - although it's important to understand that reconstruction can only occur within secure areas utilising force. Aid to Israel is an entirely separate issue, and hardly a very simple one. We cannot afford to get into it here. As to the correct allocation of money you have been told several times - and not just by me - how money spent abroad can assist the US economy. I'l try one more time because I don't like quitting. Imagine you are in a Fallout style village and you discover a means of fashioning tools. It is true that you can sell these tools, but after a while you realise only a very people can afford them. If, however, you give away some special kinds of tools, like ploughshares and knives, then the other residents become more effective and prosperous. Thus they own more interesting things of better quality, and you are able to trade your tools at a higher price and in greater volume. If you want to see the above in action I suggest you play the game X3, and tinker with local economies.
  8. Pies! Great hudge scadges of pie. I had a dream about pies last night. Pies and Command and Conquer.
  9. But if i lay a bet on it, maybe the bookies will generate nterest, and raise the issue higher, leading to better security?
  10. Erm... not to be obvious but these guys chose to spend their free time shooting people for no reason. I think that qualifies as stupid right there. what kind of car they drive is just icing on the cake.
  11. It's basically impossible. I hope I haven't given the impression that I think the war was purely moral. My objection is to statements claiming it was immoral. Viz our recent discussion on glossing over details in judging right and wrong.
  12. Teeter?
  13. That's what everyone is telling me, sans the naive fool, part ( ) Only thing is, I have no idea what I would buy that would take up more space at this point...ahh, the life of a single male I'll give you a clue. It begins with 'P'.
  14. Obviousy I temperamentaly agree with your statement about being free of lies. However, I ask another question: If - as I do - one believes the pre-war stance was in fact immoral, is it immoral to lie in order to provoke action? I ask in the context of my premise, not in general terms.
  15. There were bits of it which stood up on their own. The whole isolation and madness thing works. But why go so cheesy at the end? Bastards.
  16. Poor naive fool. You will soon run out of space.
  17. Because Muso just kissed her?
  18. I agree that the UN council was grotesquely weakened by the invasion. However, I respond with two points: 1. The stance taken by France and Russia was equally damaging to the UN's moral mandate. 2. Was the pre-invasion stance of sanctions morally sound? With the UN itself estimating civilian deaths in the hundreds from inadequate medicines and food. In addition it served no purpose whatever in terms of weakening the regime. 3. Regime change may be illegal, but is it actually immoral?
  19. I'm also interested.
  20. I think they should have to meet a culture that provided the base for African mythology. That would rule.
  21. My TV says screw you. ROFL I agree it looks like you've got it pretty good. Of course MINE used to look like that, before I realised I could leave it much more messy/ had to squeeze in all my military kit. My second bedroom is supposed to be my office but at present it's mainly just a bergen explosion.
  22. I am just finishing off the its of chicken I had from Wednesday. Wednesday: picked up a bag of lemons, made fresh lemonade and roasted the chicken with the lemon skins and a little salt. Served gravy over couscous. Dashes of Oxford sauce. Thursday: out all day. Drunk in evening. Terrible curry. Friday: hungover. Doing taxes. Made soup instead. Soup incredible. Saturday (today): thick wholemeal toast with pork pate and marmalade (insane but delicious). More soup. Still soup left over. Throwing it away now as I can't believe it is still going to be good to eat tomorrow.
  23. Norah Jones and the Handsome Band live in concert on DVD. It's pretty weird having something I'm listening to on DVD, but it kinda works.
  24. I've been reading more of How to kill by Kris Hollington. It's my considered opinion that Hillary or Obama will be the subject of at least one assassination attempt, and there are good odds of it being succesful. My question is, is it tasteless and/wrong to lay a bet to that effect?
  25. Book so much better it's not even funny.
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