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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I know that because of this view you and I disagree over drug policy, but believe it or not I am generally the same way. I certainly don't believe that putting up with attacks is tenable. However, I'm not sure there is the political will yet to carry out the necessary action to eliminate the problem. I think we're going to see the phenomenon spread, most likely to Nigeria first. Maybe the LTTE will try it as well. As for criminlaising paying the pirates I don't see your point, Volo. Paying up finances more crime, and more victims. The cycle has to be broken somehow. If it were criminal to pay up, then the owners would be obliged to protect their assets properly.
  2. What is glog?
  3. I've been trying to learn the NWN2 engine, and getting on quite well. This surely qualifies it as easy to use. I like your effort and ideas for random encounters, Ed.
  4. Dictatorship my foot. I've visited dictatorships. Maybe you should too, unless the same rules apply to nation states as games: that seeing them on TV counts as experience.
  5. Why should the ladies have all the fun?
  6. I think you need to turn your life around and become the Pope.
  7. I don't have a problem with serving drinks when it's low key, and the drinks are low-alcohol. I think it's a great idea to be festive and hand out mulled wine. Particularly when police and court time could be better used. In general I think there's a disturbing mealie mouthed sentiment at times. Case in point: a display of courage and ingenuity meets with po-faced disapproval.
  8. That will teach you to have such freakishly long and disembodied arms.
  9. Yup. Five. Like I say, I think we annoyed the director with our well-disciplined defence. Two main shooters, and the other two ONLY fired when the main shooters were reloading, and were being attacked. This tactic takes some determination and trust, but it's fun once you get used to it. You literally sit there while zombies are stopped inches away by shotgun blasts.
  10. I agreew ith Gorgon. Very few of the strongest people I know are blind to weakness. Everyone has weaknesses. Contempt for weakness seems associated with never accepting sufficiently tough challenges, so you never have to face your own weakness.
  11. Piku, The Chemical Brothers Thumping rolling goodness
  12. It liiiiiiiiives! I thought I'd resurrect this thread because we've been having fun after randomising both stats and career class playing NWN2. I can detail the system we used if anyone is actually interested.
  13. Agreed. I love the English evil people giving briefings. Also:
  14. The NPCs might not be as interesting as they could be, but compare them with other games. Also, keep in mind that they get more interesting as the story progresses and they open up to you. If memory serves this also depends on you making them like you through decisions, and charisma. It's a good reason to play through at least once with high charisma. EDIT: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...amp;hl=crafting A discussion of good characters, and a poll, for quick summary. Who says I never make an effo...
  15. Got two x-boxes together last night and we did a four man team. No Mercy and the small town one. No Mercy was pretty sweet, but we really struggled with getting on the boat in the small town. In the last attempt last night we actually fought FIVE tanks. I think the director got annoyed because we had such a tight defence we didn't take any damage to speak of for about five minutes. It is a bit annoying to get penalised to doing things well, but I do understand/accept the principle. I think the key must be moving around periodically. Next time we get together I think the solution will be to fight each wave (in order): picnic ground, house upper floor, house understairs cupboards, jetty.
  16. Quick question: do I have to buy a copy of the game for each of my friends if we want to play together? I'm just ordering a big heap through Amazon.
  17. So... if a person kills themselves because they're upset, tehy're weak and selfish because they may upset others? Surely the people who get upset are worse. I mean, they're not even dead! I mean come on, dude, it was just your mom! Man up!
  18. *Birthday style beatboxing.*
  19. Centrifuge. Bound to be humane.
  20. I don't think I'd feel right saying anything, but thanks for the offer. I'll just carry on being 100% mental and physically opposed to the wankers who did it.
  21. Hairdessers face 20k fine for serving free mulled wine. Arsonist confesses to police. Is given a drink. I have no problem with the latter, and problems with the former.
  22. Legendary thread. "Man up, kid. You've still got one arm, one parent, and one lung."
  23. I may be over-tired, but a thought occurs: If the President is the um... dammit. The thingy which the Queen is in a monarchy. Then the president is not just an expression of America. Their job is to embody, and to shape what it means to be an American. If that is true then it must be quite hard for a president to be unAmerican. Or i could be sleep deprived from drinking too much homebrew.
  24. I guess I may have been splitting hairs. Sorry.
  25. The U.S. State Department reported/confirmed that they died... R.I.P. Bloody hell. Sorry to hear that. My best friend was nearly killed in 7/7, and that gave me a shock.
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