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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. heh, I have an ex who's just like Boomer, looks and personality Season 1 Spoiler:
  2. I don't think France has been an ally of the US since you stopped fighting us Brits. Even during the war there's some rather illuminating stuff in the archives about De Gaulle. I don't really have a problem with France, i just get annoyed when people make like the UN blocking the invasion has some moral or even legal (given the corruption) authority.
  3. OK. But you have to remind me to fill out the forms on my business tax.
  4. Huh? What? How much later?
  5. Columbo is certainly a personal favourite. I'd also have to list Giles from Buffy. Starbuck from BSG also reminds me of way too many ex-girlfriends to be ignored.
  6. you'd have to try every one of the security council/UN members that voted to allow force. if they didn't want us to do what we did, they should have voted it down. taks Well, France and Russia both opposed action, but of course they were owed 50 bn and 17 bn respectively by Saddam. So I'm sure it was a moral standpoint. Edit: Got my figures muddled. 7 billion dollars owed to France. 50 billion owed to Russia. Although, that excludes the value of oil extraction contracts to French and Russian oil companies, which might be worth several hundred billion.
  7. I have an in-law who was one of the lead engineers on fissile material refining, actually in the Manhattan project. According to him the entire working population was physically isolated and monitored 24 hours a day by armed guards. Literally, guys walking around overhead with shotguns. The need for total isolation is huge, as evidenced by its use during the preparation for the glider assault on Eben Emael, and OVERLORD. Hell, you can still get leaks, even with isolation. Look at that Israeli guy who whistleblew their atomic research.
  8. cool, thanks for sharing, gotta have a closer look at this Tosca - Busenfreund (walkner.moestl dub) Goes in the same direction as Walsingham's track. (there's another remix on youtube, also fun, but too fast and kind of nervous: Busenfreund (Baby Mammouth mix) Not sure about that one. But it makes good GTA mix music. I can't get the original via my download service. Hvae been listening to Run DMC "Run's House". Pure fun. Now onto 'Positive Contact' which is a croos mix of Del the Funky Homosapien and Kid Koala. More long rolling beats for driving fast to.
  9. As the attorney general said in his assessment, there is an accepted precedent (Balkans, Rwanda) for unilateral deployment of national forces "to avert humanitarian disaster". To assert that there was no humanitarian disaster in Iraq is mendacious at best.
  10. What about some sort of montage?
  11. i knew it! Gentlemen, let us adjourn to a nearby place of shoes and change our fate!
  12. Oh holy Jebus. Look, if it weren't for the fact that I'm suposed to be using this morning to apply my engineering skills to actually saving lives I'd sit down and run through each of your points. I mean, kudos for taking the trouble to enumerate them clearly, and not treating us like total dolts, but you're just making your case worse! Just one case in point: two airplanes can destroy three skyscrapers when one considers the impact energy of a skyscraper falling out of the sky. Fine pulbverised concrete happens whenever concrete gets smushed, or have you never done any demo work? It's fething awful stuff.
  13. I'd have thrown a shoe at Hitler. God himself would have said "Mother ****! I never knew you could throw a shoe that hard and fast." I just reread the might makes right comments. I see I was being buffleheaded, and apologise.
  14. Dream analysis is great fun. Although I now get quite boring briefings. Three men sit around a desk and show me powerpoint explanations of what is going wrong and how to fix it. I mean, it's very efficient, but I somehow miss all the dinosaurs and cave ladies.
  15. Please tell me you're kidding! That's hilarious.
  16. I used to live in a room that small. I got rid of the bed and slept in between two double size duvets. Rolled them up during the day.
  17. WTF? Surely the signal feature of succesful US foreign policy has been that might does NOT make right. Right builds might. Now if you wanted to say that right without might is as pointless as a bulbless torch then I'd be right with you. I think this is germaine because I think there's a lot to criticise about the Bush administration, even if you don't agree with footwear hurling. But I also think that whatever those faults there's much to be said for elements of his policy. Foremost of these is that we've seen two fascist dictatorships ousted in the face of considerable corrupt opposition. Moreover, while he's been a slow learner he has allowed institutional change in the Pentagon and State Department, changes that have seen improvements in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran. As a further point, can you name me a politician in teh history of mankind who didn't have at least one person who'd be willing to chuck a sandal at him?
  18. Wasn't Prime Minister John Major hit with eggs? I think you tend to get an official caution and perhaps bound over to keep the peace (trans: don't let us catch you ****ing about for a while)
  19. I'd like to remind everyone that I still think George Bush is a jackass. I just don't see being a jackass as being incompatible with not being satan.
  20. I genuinely don't mean this in a disrespectful way, because there's no real reason why your awareness should be any better. However, you seem to be thinking in terms more appropraite to Hollywood than real life. I've witnessed stabbings and also am fairly well aware of how the Secret Service operate (from books ). There's often a big delay while everyone tries to work out just what the hell is going on. That's going to be especially true when an attack is ambiguous as throwing a shoe. The guards will be thinking 'was that a bomb?' Then there will be apause while they work out it hasn't exploded. Then they have to work out who threw it. Then everyone jumps forward because basically everyone has similar thinking speeds, and are working off the same cues. The use of overwhelming force will be justified firstly because if you are going to act you have to be certain. It's also justified if you think the guy might be carrying a suicide device and you need to get as much meat on top of him as possible to protect the principal.
  21. I like to think I'll consider these things. I was suspicious about the pentagon crash until it was explained to me how much force was involved and in fact how much of the plan was still visible. Plus, having worked in film special effects I was like: "You're saying it was staged? by how many guys?" Even assuming you could keep it secret, the idea that it went off perfectly is literally insane. No plan ever goes off without a hitch of some kind. Which comes to Kirottu's point. We're talking about multi-person teams. Someone would blab, and you can bet your ass someone would use that info as a weapon to get ahead by nailing competitors or opposition. How do you think we know about so many CIA and MI6 black ops?
  22. Wait, I'm confused. You're saying it's wrong to wrestle him to the ground, but the mark of a professional security detail would be they shoot him instantly? What kind of freaking math is that? He is indeed lucky to be alive, but it's great that he is, given his fairly simple intent.
  23. Yeah, I know, taks. I'm not sure whether it's put a strain in the family, or if it's simply cut a lot of the restraints we usually have on sticking together as a family. I take a lot less ****from my siblings since I became the primary caregiver. I feel like I've acquired two kids (my mom and my stepfather). Well, I say two kids. At least they don't wake me up at night wailing.
  24. Easy Muffin - Amon Tobin Soft, spooky electronica. Like a seedy bar, on the wrong side of the tracks inside your graphics CPU
  25. You don't mean you've been eating the damned things? They're like molotov ****tails, but festive. Throw them at policemen.
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