According to our training, British troops are required to avoid targetting a number of area types, provided they are clearly identifiable as such, inluding medical and cultural sites. You are also prohibited from deliberately targetting civilians. However, it is also an offence to abuse the protections afforded by these rules. So for example I can't pin a red cross to my helmet and go Rambo. If someone does that then they essentially cause the protection to disappear.
I think it's fair to assert that some of the civilian casualties are the product of error rather than design, since Israeli has lost several of its own soldiers to incorrect artillery fire.
However, I'd like to reiterate, that after considering this using game theory and confrontation theory there's no way a lasting peace can be concluded. I'm therefore officially uninterested in issue at anything other than broad abstract or close technical levels. You might as well stare intently at a rock.