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About hawkmoon269

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  1. 2nd Edition for life, baby. Alas, how would the troubled citizens of Shadyvale fare in the land of 4th edition will have to wait until we can give video games truly epic level budgets. Shadyvale did have it's own share of scandals, rascals, etc.- but it was the BEST place to plot and plan for the many areas nearby- including a nearby village seen going up flames from a distance- and never finding out exactly who or what was behind such total destruction.
  2. knowing Frank and his time a way back as a simple "DM", I hope that the town of Shadyvale some how gets some spotlight time as a locale in the computer based gaming world- it was great as a pen- and - paper site, man how i miss the author of those modules. And where is that box full of @$$$%- it could be broken down in 30 seconds, but had a mass of adventures, only a little piece of what was to come. Cheers!!!
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