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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Walsingham


    Woollen, no bobble.
  2. Sadly true. Ah well. Happens to everyone.
  3. You mean apart from the Kps, the dishwasher, the cellarman, the wine waiter...
  4. I agree with Lucian. It seems counter-intuitive to assert that a good writer/project manager/creator should arbitrarily be required to code as well. Why not insist that chefs should juggle?
  5. It's straightforward enough. The cartilage tore, and now the bone only rests in the sternum when it feels like it.
  6. It has popped back in again. The workshy fether.
  7. I have a cold. I sneezed. My rib dislocated. Even if the filter would let me swear i don't know the right swearwords to express my feelings of rage, pain, and fatalism.
  8. My dear boy, we are discussing drugs in the context of an ongoing debate happening throughout popular culture regarding the relative merits of the various substances from beer to banjos.* I've seen articles asking similar questions in the Financial Times, and Jane's Intelligence Review to mention just two. I'm certainly not condoning their use. I'm simply wondering what the implications are of a policy that makes it easier to get hooked on heroin than have a sociable drink. *banjos?
  9. I'd got used to the forum being smarter than this. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention. 1. I'm not an expert on Somalia. I know a couple of Somalis, and have read three books on the subject. Them targeting the US is part and parcel of their culture of revenge. It's not based on a geopolitically aware threat assessment! 2. Can I kindly advise everyone to stop taking 'Killian's crazy statements as needing responses. Even if he were serious - and I don't believe he is - then they answer themselves. It's the politics of a twelve-year old. That, or a 19th Century British parliamentary leader. Either way... as discredited as Bill Clinton's marriage vows. 3. Attacks are occurring in blue water. We're talking about covering an area of millions of square nms. 4. You can kill as many gunmen as you like. It's a war of intimidation and attrition against a population of several millions for whom imprisonment in Europe would be a step up in living standards. Death is a daily thing, not something they see only on CNN or only happens to the aged. 5. Jamai, it's irritating enough that some people seem to feel shouting "oil" is an adequate analysis of all geopolitics when there actually is oil. If we start pointing at anything happening and shouting oil when there isn't any fething oil? That's just sad.
  10. scanning my system now
  11. Notice how people who've done it want everyone else to join in? Lies, I tell you. I know one guy who did it, and he tore his undercarriage wide open while trying to get out of his trousers in a hurry. No bedroom bonus points are worth that. Well, maybe some, but we're talking +10 to horizontal mambo.
  12. Don't they have government run booze shops in Norway? Thanks for the advice, mkreku. I'll try to remember the bits about the blondes. I have to say all this about the booze is hardly cheering. I may be getting my flights and accomodation done for me, but it sounds as if I'll spend hundreds on the fething entertainment. Out of interest, how much do the drugs cost? I'm interested because last year govt tax pushed the cost of a pint above a hit of heroin in the UK and we're a gazillion times cheaper.
  13. It's because alcohol and having fun are the same as alcohol and committing crimes. So they tax everyone rather than deal with alcoholism on a case by case basis. Huzzah!
  14. You stay out of my mindapce, ye hear? It's wobbly enough in here as it is without people not believing in me.
  15. For the love of god man, hook up with mkreku and have him show you around. Youre going to the land of uber-blondes and your going to need an accomplished guide. Yes, because that's exactly what downtown gotheborg needs. Two fat blokes wailing on each other for about three hours.
  16. I thought I'd mention I'm accompanying a colleague to Gotheborg in Sweden next week. Any advice, you nord-lovers?
  17. I think we should be allowed to assert that the Pope is a goddamn muslim if one more beanfethed nitwit tells me Obama is a muslim.
  18. I've not know Hurlshot to be a doofus, and even if he was I don't see the point of saying so. You doofus. I think Hurlshot is right. You've got some folks who are - against all the evidence of what marriage entails - trying to get married. Let them. Big whoop. EDIT: my friend just came in. "Gay marriage? Surely that's a contradiction in terms? Wait. Are we talking about people being happy while married?"
  19. Yeah, but this isn't the nineteenth century. People object if you start whalloping civilian areas merely as a deterrent. Besides, weren't you listening to the man? Gunboat policing don't work. I particularly doubt it would work with Somalis who are tough SOBs. EDIT: The point to hit them is not the dinky pirate boats. The point to hit them is in the money transfer and holding system so they can't profit fom the actions. No profit, no action.
  20. I love octopus in its own ink, a bit of paprika, some white rice, string beans... mmmmm
  21. .50 cal on each quarter of the ship. No pirates and fun for the crew. A serious proposal would be convoying. It's what private yachts do. It's what anti-submarine warfare stipulates.
  22. If women want to join in the crappiest jobs like soldier and policeman and doctor then I say hurrah. Now shut the hell up and get on with it.
  23. Are you kidding? It's a great way to justify the totally pointless fleets of destroyers and frigates we all maintain.
  24. Well, to be fair, that was created by one "fethwit;" however, there is not much in the way of criticism on the Talk Page. Why you one register to discuss something that stupid? I refer you to the comments of Chris Rock:
  25. I absolutely love octopi and squid to eat and observe. I support your idea and suggest you run for Parliament. Or, I should say, ride a squid to Parliament. It is next to the river if that helps.
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