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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Charmin? I wouldn't wipe my... oh. wait. Seriously, as long as it isn't that tracing paper stuff who cares?
  2. Extremists DO bother me, tho. Particularly when their dingbat unrealities get people killed. I'm pretty equal about that, whether they're terrorists, greens, or anti-transplants. Because extremists don't care about debate, and without debate there is only war. However, since I've already said many times that I feel war is an inevitable by-product of the very existence of violence I'm now confused and hungry. Although the latter could be the diet I'm on.
  3. I do like the notion of a BBQ, although teh inability of teh forum to organise anything as simple as a game of Red Orchestra makes me suspect it won't happen. Seriously, though. I'm talking as soeone who walks rather than drives, and who uses public transport wherever possible. I recycle, often with some difficulty. I support being sensible. BUt the green movement seeems hell bent on pushing everywhere, rather than key issues. You can't get a better example than developing nations. No-one wants to address the fact that they are the greatest growing cause of emissions. They don't want to address it because all the poor sods want is some simple things, cars, electricity, running water. If we can't face tough decisions over climate change then we may as well not bother, because there are ONLY tough decisions to be made.
  4. Ok. That's step one. Now... WHY?
  5. I get annoyed by these posturing weasel ****s because they are inevitably going to try and abuse powers put in place to prevent acts of terror and serious crime. This weakens the mandate of those measures, and may lead to their abolition. And for what? It won't stop piracy. Surely it will just go back to being distributed in hard copy, which makes money for organised crime!
  6. "My proposal: Increase funding for health care - No. Ther are more pressing needs, This is a good thing to spend money on once we are through the most delicate stage of the coup, but not now. "My advice: Increase funding for health care. - No. See above. "My proposal: Continue to support my efforts to discipline the Army - The last thing we need is to begin fighting anew. Justice can wait, or it is unlikely to happen at all. The military need to be forged together through the most strenuous training, and exercise. Unfit units can be disvbanded, leaving only the very best. The remainder will be proud and loyal. "My advice: Continue to support Colonel Ehrlich's efforts to discipline the Army. - No. "I am pleased to report that my government has decided to resume shipments of military aid to the Chimerican Army. Arrangements are presently being made with Colonel Horacio Ehrlich - Ask we can have some bloody tractors. Just put them down as tanks or something. Water pipes would also be good for sanitation and can be written down as some sort of super-gun. My proposal: Arrest the members of the defeated Farsante Guard. - No! I'm all for interning any with suspect loyalties, but if we try to arrest them all we're back in a de facto state of war. "My advice: Arrest the members of the defeated Farsante Guard. - Tough. No. "My proposal: Set price controls for basic foods. - I'm not sure this is the best way to fix teh problem, since it undermines the efforts of rural farmers to get more cash for their produce. However, I'd vote yes to anything which would make people happier in the short term. "My advice: Issue warnings about the dangers of hoarding and speculation, and call for calm - Yes. "My proposal: Divide credit resources between the food growers and the producers of export crops." "My advice: Direct the National Bank to give priority to the producers of export crops. - I'm a big believer in micro-credit schemes. I accept that we need foriegn currrency, but the people have to see evidence of progress. let them have the credit at sensible rates, with sensitivity about farmer's cash-flow cycles, and they will feel positive about the future. "My advice: Accept North American offers of development assistance - I vote yes. This can form the missing investment to our export sector. "My advice: Negotiate the rescheduling of debts. Secure further loans from the IMF. - Yes. See above. "My advice: Give the dictator's land to the less-well-off coffee producers.- I accept the advice, since I don't know about coffee production. Yes. "My advice: Increase funding for education. - Intermediate stage goal. Irrelevant at this stage. No.
  7. With what?
  8. If only they were as good an idea on toast. I admire your empathetic powers, Lady, but I still hold my course. Cutting economic activity isn't a zero cost affair. Billions of people the world over are trying to elevate themselves out of a quasi medieval state, and billions more are trying to retain an advanced lifetsyle. Having labour saving devices, cars, travel etc are not simple fripperies. They free us to devote our time to intellectual and spiritual advancements, which we would be incapable of if we were toiling at bark gnawing 12 hours a day. So when someone asks me to sacrifice a trip to Tibet to save a panda I want to know precisely what I'm buying with my sacrifice. Because like any trade-off it may not actually be worth it.
  9. What I find extraordinary is the way these punishments are all completely beyond anything levelled at someone who - for example - sells drugs, or commits common assault or vandalism. I don't support piracy, but I am equally opposed to the huge media giants who are opposed to it. Where does that leave me?
  10. This is the heart of the matter. Many Greens seem to have adopted the notion that the Planet is a benevolent Earth mother. Leaving aside specific examples like poison monkeys, the notion is ludicrous on first (system) principles. It's a non-ordered system, in a high energy state. Catastrophe is written into it's fundamental structure. The only reason we have brains at all is to try and mitigate the worst excesses of the system. This doesn't mean I'm anti the environment. I'm pro us. I take global warming seriously because of that perspective. I think that's important to serve logical coherence, but more importantly from a practical perspective. Any attempt to enact political moves not based on human interests will simply fail. Appealing to the global masses because pandas are cute is a charming waste of time.
  11. I had to look after a friend's dog, and it was freaking out after a few hours. He wouldn't let me near him. So I lay down on the floor and went to sleep. When I woke up he was cuerled up next to me and has been happy ever since. He'll even run to me in the street on his own initiative. Although I agree that playing a lot with him, running around on all fours so you're nearer their level also helps.
  12. I'd love to pick the bones to see what caused the failure. Poor project management? Personality clashes? ESRB ratings? Gnomes?
  13. I think we should talk to The coffee workers. Lets hand out cake.
  14. I can see Ziggy's point about it trivialising the nukes. I'm sure we can trust Obs not to balls this up completely, given their key players.
  15. I think what bothers me more than anything is the almost puritan-religious approach towards global warming. There's no attempt to say 'you can do this and not feel bad' It's a massive guilt trip in which we can never be good enough, until we're gnawing bark off trees in the nude. What i want is some gorram numbers so I can view these things sensibly. I mean, for example, burning the bush on purpose might sound bad, but if it is going to all burn anyway eventually, then surely it's irrelevant as a question?
  16. I used to have just one earphone in. Although you get a weird mix of sounds. I like to do it with a new album when I'm in a new place. The sights and music get alloyed.
  17. You make good points, Crimson. However, it sounds to me like the specifics go against the general counterpoints which may have been likely. I certainly don't see why firebreaks aren't standard. Although obviously there would be room for abuse. But I do think it's a useful debate to have. What are the issues when strategic and tactical collide?
  18. Now I'm totally confused. Are we, in fact, agreeing, then?
  19. I'm sorry to hear that, man. Still, sometimes it has to be done.
  20. Walsingham


    It's quiite pithy, and I believe it was written by a mentalist. But I personally prefer the more structured approach of Sun Tzu. Of course, Tzu couldn't draw.
  21. I just think it's interesting how cultures have a 'leading' group who can do no evil for their season in the sun. It seems Greens are the current favouries. I would suggest that this is not an issue for balance, because (hopefully) sensible Greens would themselves recognise the legislation is off base.
  22. I call that 'different'. You wouldn't say that sensible bush management is the same as wholesale deforestation?
  23. I once attempted memetic assassination on a fellow I didn't like at school. I began bandying around the notion that his surname was actually the proper original term for an item of pubic horticulture. It is still my fond hope that this can be achieved and his children will be as badly bullied as he handed it out.
  24. that's sustainability at work. taks You mean we can't eat people?
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