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Well, I am obliged to thank you for attempting to address my queries. However you are still struggling to grasp two essential points:
1. All the government action you describe still has to be executed. Such execution must be underwritten by force. This is true of all government action, of course, but not all government action results in blood being spilled. However, a lack of violence is only normal where people don't stand to lose very much. Therefore in this case where you are talking about taking a lot from lots of people you are signing up for blood
1.1 Talking about grassroots nonviolent action is obvious balls. Nonviolent action won't work, and grassroots violent action is a lynchmob. Look at Zimbabwe.
2. Regarding policing the state, once again you are in some fantasy land where local commities are pure and virtuous by simple reason of being small and local. Small local commities are narrow-minded, furiously backbiting, and staffed by mediocrities.
I can't help feeling that all your theories prove is that you have absolutely no experience of running any organisations, or managing people.