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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I know I'm bad and wrong, but I can't help thinking how terribly pretty she is. But I agree her music is awful. I've decided to install steel floors. Well, not really, but it would be cool. On a Modernist kick huh? First the business cards and now the floor. I find steel comforting. It's why I wanted to join the tanks.
  2. I know I'm bad and wrong, but I can't help thinking how terribly pretty she is. But I agree her music is awful. I've decided to install steel floors. Well, not really, but it would be cool.
  3. Given that most superbilionaires simply spend tehir money on massive yachts I think this shows a degree of common sense.
  4. I agree that we accept too many excuses in general. I'm also annoyed at the way the banking failure has rallied people to their tired political dogma like some sweaty fat man hammering a tattoo on a giant idiot drum. We need level determined methodical action, not arm waving and shouting.
  5. I got the impession the man in the moon was leaning in for a closer look. My friend said she'd never heard of the man in the moon, and that I was mad.
  6. I stayed up until 0700 playing KOTOR II as an homage to my student days! Great fun, until I realised I'd accidentally turned the difficulty to easy. i wans't just becoming awesome at the game!
  7. I think it's tremendous. Makes you proud to be human. Can a giraffe make a ****ing star? I think not.
  8. I misread this as 'romantic in their own right'. Which would be awesome. Let's call it awesomelexia. Taiwan is such a strange thing. An independent state which is allowed to be so provided it never actually says it is. I can't think of any other sphere of politics in which so much rests on a simple word, and nothing more. I don't know how sensible it is, but it always seems to me that nothing illustrates the peculiarity of Chinese politics than this issue. I don't think there is anything much to be worried about here tho. The Chinese were bound to complain and the US was bound to go through with the supply. Having said that, should relations with China deteriorate it is always very possible that they would invade. Particularly as they may reason it gives them an excuse to further clamp down on internal dissent 'in time of war'.
  9. Couldn't agree more without making a small statue of you.
  10. I know I'm a bit of a techno-peasant, but surely this is just a knicknack for executives who earn too much and have no mates and no private life? It's too big to be carried sociably, and too small to properly work on. The connectivity it offers is the connectivity of a loner, the gimcrack friendship of facebook etc etc.
  11. I won't pretend to understand it fully, but I have relatives who are heavily into banking and insurance, and they reactfar more mildly to government regulation than most internet capitalists. Which is because *fanfare* the banking industry, and commerce in general is already regulated. Regulated by laws which help protect investors and protect society as a whole. It's therefore not heretical in my opinion to suggest that capitalism and regulation are consistent with each other.
  12. Gabby Young again. I have afierce hangover and her voice just entered my ears like a cold towelette.
  13. Yeah, I think of her kind of like I do of Kenny G: Clearly gifted technically, but having no taste whatsoever. If I just want notes hit I can ask a machine to do it. Being a musician means having artistic gifts IMO.
  14. *is reminded to check for any new books by Robert Young Pelton*
  15. I just type "crazy drunk soul diva" into Google because I coudn't remember the name of Amy Winehouse. To my surprise Mariah Carey came out ahead. WTF? Surely she would be more appropriate to "Talentless wannabe boob singer" *checks* aparently Google claims this means either Emma Roberts (who?) or Peaches Geldof (whuh?) or Jacqui Smith (ROFL).
  16. It wasn't a small, oblong, black-and-white pamphlet/comic book with lots of 'helpful' info in the back about becoming a Christian, the importance of reading the KJV every day and joining a church where the Bible is at the centre of everything, was it? If so, that's Chick Publications at its finest. I don't really remember, but I don't think it was a cartoon. I do remember being surprised when I saw a Chick tract later.
  17. Terminator was heavily influenced by a Philip KD book about future war with iterative generations of robots designed to mimic humans. I forget the name.
  18. I still recall picking up a message in a bottle back in the eighties which turned out to contain a pamphlet saying DnD was evil, along with the World Council of Churches, for some reason that was never explained.
  19. Um... you really didn't follow his point, did you? The good founding fathers were also the bad ones. He's not conflating different people. I'll keep my eyes peeled for that version of Sun Tzu, and reserve judgement. Oh, and before I forget I meant to ask my RSM about the balkans last night, but we were too busy.
  20. I reckon the game Paranoia would be more appropriate.
  21. Salma Hayek should do economics lectures. I'd actually pay attention then.
  22. This happens too, particularly with defense contractors. Major systems production (like, say, the Joint Strike Fighter) is deliberately planned out so that parts of the product are produced in the maximum number of states and congressional districts, so that they know they'll have the largest possible contingent of Congresspeople fighting against any cuts to the program. It makes the prices they can offer less competitive, but there isn't a whole lot of competition for many of the really really complex contracts, so budget cuts present a greater threat than losing the contract to a rival firm. Interesting.
  23. You don't check your shoes? I always check my shoes when I'm travelling. i don't care where I am. It pays off, too. I rememvber one time going to check my shoes and realising they were flipflops. I thought 'don't be stupid. As if there's something hiding under the strap'. But safety procedures have no exceptions. Under the strap I found the teeny tiniest aggressive scorpion.
  24. Refuse? Weird.
  25. He basically applied what he read in Sun Tzu's "The Art of War". The man said so himself. I read the art of war for fun, and with curious respect I would ask what precisely he took? Beyond the basic principles of preparation and leadership.
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