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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Ah yes. I had a spirit bound to a fetish underslung on a double-barreled elephant gun. The spirit had instructions that on command she would leap forth and apply her (admittedly limited) kinetic power directly to the testicles of the target. If that didn't work then you knew they were probably a demon of some sort and you let 'em have both barrels BWAM BWAM!
  2. Who said the PC was going to die? I meant other people. If he has to build up towards greater and greater power by quietly killing the innocent in individual acts I don't see it getting too far out of hand. Thing about chaos powers is that you generally end up 'inside the tiger you set out on'. So as he does more Khaine type stuff he'll probably mutate further. It's essentially a race to gain sufficient power and favour to reach daemonhood before you die or mutate to the point where you are just gibbering spawn. I think I just answered my question, really. Maybe.
  3. You have to admire her defense lawyer, tho. Arguing it wasn't intentional murder.
  4. A crone is an old woman. You know, like in fairy tales.
  5. Neice of British minister takes random man to bed, then dissatisfied she plunges a knife right through him and into his spine.
  6. I'm looking to have a shaggy dog story on hand with the punchline "People who live in brass houses shouldn't owe crones" Now for the lead-in...
  7. I already giggle whenever I hear the Fox strapline about fair and balanced, but this is mental. It's not journalism. It's the circus. Just to make it perfectly clear: this wasn't said in a sarcastic way? What wasn't?
  8. Avatar accused of racism I'm a bit tired, but I have to say I follow the logic. Why ARE the technocratic organised chaps always white? Why are the blue fellahs so obviously foreigners? I dunno.
  9. I might suggest they do this at my old school. Could make a change from A Midsummer Night's Dream.
  10. I was about to scorn you for this, but some people choose their news channel based on what the anchors look like.
  11. Sweet. Gibbering. Jebus. I just... I mean... moo?
  12. I already giggle whenever I hear the Fox strapline about fair and balanced, but this is mental. It's not journalism. It's the circus.
  13. weird you should mention the grill. On Saturday I overheard an acquaintance saying that he was having trouble cooking in his rented accomodation. So more or less without thinking (and after heavy doses of Dragon Age) I suggested he take my old grill since I only use it a few days a year. Nearly backpedalled when I remembered how much it cost me then thought "Nuts to it. I really don't use it that often."
  14. Classic.
  15. :lol:
  16. only 2 of them I may have mentioned this before: I hate you. I hate you so much.
  17. For some people that wouldn't be a hell. I actually found an online Game of Rebirth! http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~s-slater/Dharma/05.html Freaking awesome.
  18. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthne...ck-by-half.html Apparently, having sex twice a week can reduce a man's probability of having heart disease by 50%. Now, follow my logic here. If I eat bacon that's supposed to do x to increase it, and drinking probably increases it. But I reckon that if I hang out in places where you drink and eat delicious food I'm more likely to actually HAVE sex. The questions is, can we hunt around for thinsg which increase the chances of having heart disease and pile them up, but still come out ahead? Again, it would be good if the things which increase the heart disease risk also improve the chances of getting the sex.
  19. I could stand havings omewhere like that to live for a while. Maybe. It sounds cool. I'd probably go insane within about 3 weeks, tho.
  20. I thought I was taking a risk in reading this, but Meshugger was right. This rules.
  21. The buddhists had hells ages before that, surely? Rope-and-crushing hell was one which I remember learning about as a kid.
  22. Heh. It's like Gordon's a prisoner who's tunneled his way to freedom for 30 years and now he's got into the light he can't stand it. There are too many noises, and people keep expecting him to answer questions and like make them happy.
  23. Holy Crap. 20k? Houses over your way are really cheap. If I ever decide to chuck in the towel and just live off my savings and investments I will have to come live in the US. Liquidate my property here.
  24. Comedian Jason Byrne does one of the funniest practical gags I've seen.
  25. Not Vinyard, Moonshine! Good Tennessee river bottom land, that is what its good for. I'll plant corn and sorgum for the mash up by the house and build a still by the river! Kidding of course. I would like to build a dock to fish from plus the plot is a natrual flood barrier for Cold Creek and I'd like to ensure it never gets developed which would increase the chance of my place flooding. I sent him a email explaing why I was not going to meet his price and how I came up with 9K. Another 10 acre plot closer to Raliegh Millington Pike (the nearest hard road) sold for $4800 per last November. And it is ready to build. This patch of dirt has the river and the Hatche Management area on one side, and me on the other. He cannot develop the lot unless I grant an easement for utility access and if he is a total A-Hole about this I will not be inclined to ever do that. Sounds like the right tack. If he doesn't go for it it's either a) He thinks he can do better elsewhere b) He's in a crappy mood. In the case of a this would complicate matters. It could be some poor fool is considering buying who knows none of the complications with the land. Have yous een anyone else checking it out? In the case of the latter perhaps you could invite him over for some steaks and bourbon? Or even better help clear up whatever's bothering him.
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