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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Read my post before TrueNeutral's. Sorry. Careless me. I'm not sure horrible would be my first choice of adjective, assuming I agreed with you. Ironic, certainly.
  2. have a hot daughter I could wed instead? Nope. But I'm sure we could hook you up with SOMEBODY. Assuming you don't mind older left-wing ladies who drink beer. Actually, I don't know why I'm trying to palm them off on you. Scratch that, YOU can come here and save ME from myself.
  3. Surely rabid self interest is a reason?
  4. They're actively working on a horrible death for America. What? We're talking about the Polish president here. Who the hell are you talking about?
  5. You should totally come to England. You can be my cleaner, and I can lie about you being a legal immigrant*. Then we can drink ale. And eat curry. Hurrah! *Obscure British politics joke.
  6. RGr that, Enoch. I follow you. If everything written gets bureaucratised to infinity then you want to do it via voice. Now I think about it we had a similar issue with military radios in teh UK. No one wants text, even though it's more secure.
  7. ...Because I don't trust Google to be there indefinitely and I have emails from my mum I want to keep, as well as work stuff. far better on some DVDs. Thanks for the hint.
  8. It could be a bird's nest. They get built. Unless it was one of those ones made entirely from spit.
  9. That really shouldn't have made me laugh, but it did.
  10. I'd say life was like an extremely spicy vindaloo: it hurts at the beginning and at the end.
  11. Hmm. Signing the Molotov Ribbentrop pact, exchanging military missions to swap ideas on tanks, invading Poland together... You just get better and better.
  12. Go easy, fellahs. Maybe he can't change jobs. Can you at least sleep in a sunny spot? I sleep better during the day than at night, so this may not work for you.
  13. It's got suck having people use the excuse of being on meds to blame you for being pissed at them. I'm not sure how smart this is as a suggestion, but consider doing something for cash which involves a) getting out of the house b) being your own boss c) is self-organised Doing yard work in summer could be good. Likewise collecting junk and recycling/reselling it. Just a thought.
  14. What _I_ see is a man filming two planes doing a flypast, and a dark dot which might have been added incredibly easily. BTW P&O are a massive shipping line. I doubt they'd use guerrilla marketing like this.
  15. I have to say I see Numbers' point, Tigs. having God sometimes intelligible is certainly more conforting than God being always incomprehensible, but it IS effectively a cop out. If x doesn't make sense in human terms then x defaults to 'mysterious ways'. There is no limit to the range of items which can obey this rule for x.
  16. As I said above I don't think it was. It's far more likely to be the poor safety record of the plane.
  17. I used to worry about you convincing people of your odious and ludicrous ideology. But I now see I need have no fear on that account. You are the perfect apotheosis of the marxist commissar described by individual account and general history: boorish, bloodthirsty, and without regard for any loyalty or code beyond your dream of power. A dream which justifies any atrocity as being necessary and any thought of justice as petit bourgeouis squeamishness. Men died at Katyn for no greater crime than service to their country, after being treacherously stabbed in the back by your shining worker's paradise, a paradise who allied with Nazi Germany. Men have just died on a journey to lay that ghost to rest, and you choose to mock the incident further?
  18. If that was an apology I accept it. If it wasn't an apology I admit I have to admire your spirit. ~~ To return to the point in hand, the question of whether we are winning or losing is a complex one. If I was excessively bullish in tone it is because there are two ways we can lose this war. the one is the obvious way of taking excessive casualties in the field - by which I mean so many men that our economic and social infrasturcutre is devastated. Of this there seems little danger. The other is that we are persuaded by doomsayers that we cannot win and quit. Of this there seems a very great danger, repeated to me personally by officers, NCOs, and soldiers who have recently left the forces. I cannot cite these sources for obvious reasons, and can only suggest you hunt some up for yourself. It's rarely an unpleasant experience. Being stuck in a chair, and facing removal from the Army I am - I think understandably - keen to do whatever I can. This includes correcting misapprehensions which could lead to defeat. Obviously I did a lousy job since I merely pissed you off! if that is an apology I hope you will accept it. However, I DO maintain that your thesis is incorrect. Malaysia and Northern Ireland are evidence that the British Army can win a counter-insurgency campaign _as part of the tripartite solution I already described_. That is security, development, and political spark. For a full description, read Low Intensity Operations, by Frank Kitson. Although i should stress that teh bok is quite old and doesn't go the whole hog. Having said that, the insurgent has a far far easier time of it, and that is why they frequently succeed. If by succeed one means destroy their own country and debase their own integrity by perpetration of murder and atrocity on their own people.
  19. Yeah, but the bugs and Mormons don't have to know that. You have a good point. Certainly more convenient having a veggie giant lizard as guard animal.
  20. That's what happens to counter-revolutionaries who "commemorate" the so-called "victims" of Stalin. Maybe you should try not being evil and commemorating villainous traitors who were executed according to the Soviet legal system? The so-called Polish "resistors" against Soviet "imperialism" were villains who can only appear righteous by ignoring that the Red Army flooding over Polish territory was the only thing that saved it from living its life under Nazi rule, whose stated goals were to kill everyone east of Berlin who wasn't German. As stalin himself said: Now we know what sort of man you are.
  21. Not sure I can fully agree with this. Would you mind expanding your thesis?
  22. Final word of advice: don't throw out the baby with the bath water. You have many excellent qualities you should not abandon.
  23. Firstly and above all, condolences to the Poles. You guys never seem to get a break, although if I may say so you bear your misfortunes with perennial and admirable good fettle. As for the crash I am reminded of the death of Zia al Haq. An enquiry suggested that the probable cause was poison gas released in the flight deck of the plane. Although I confess that beyond my general opinion of Putin I can conceive of no particular benefit to his causing such a crash. I must therefore suggest that it is probably down to the lamentably poor safety record of these Russian made airplanes.
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