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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Hold on. Fair play to them. Women have a far more dynamic role in Iran than in many other countries. And I don't just mean Islamic countries. I'm not saying its a great role, but if you want to move things forward you have to involve all sorts in the process.
  2. Hmm, yes, let's steal the victories of the struggles of black South Africans and replace it with the struggle of white people to use sanctions. Wonderful. And what would you know about it, you bloody Walt? You paint yourself up in the colours of the people's champion but from what we can observe your sum total effort consist of waffle on the internet. I doubt you've shed a drop of sweat for your revolution let alone blood.
  3. Met up with my friend yesterday to do some more roleplaying in the pub. The two other men in the group demurred, but to our surprise their partners turned up in the pub at about 2130. one of them seemed to be in a rotten mood with her partner so being the helpful chap I am I set about singing his praises and generally cheering her up. I think that after the third bar and the ninth round all were in a great mood, having seen some superb live music and drunk some awful brandy. She certainly seemed in much better spirits. On the way home a group of lads tried to start a fight with me, but being the charming devil I am I managed to somehow finagle them into not just letting me go, but actually shaking my hand and wishing me a good night. I really don't recall specifics but it had something to do with me pretending I was angry with someone else who'd just mistaken me for someone else. Today I intend to do absolutely sod all except complain about how expensive booze is in this country.
  4. Fair does. If I ask myself for random ideas I generally get something from the table below: 1. A booby 2. A huge gun 3. A steak 4. Death Although now I come to think of it, those four things would make a pretty awesome adventure. I think I may put your characters into my adventure as an homage. Tell us more about them.
  5. Very very very important: don't buy an Audi. It is unclear whether buying an audi turns you into an arsehole or arseholes buy audis, but they go hand in hand.
  6. Loved the last one.
  7. I think you should watch some of the show Top Gear. i doubt it will find you a car but it's certainly entertaining.
  8. The UN is precisely as efficient and effective as its membership suggests. That is 70% of the members haven't figured out basic plumbing, and have violent corrupt and partisan political cultures. ramza... if the UN was a US run mechanism, how come it never lets the US do what it wants to do?
  9. Up at an ungodly hour with a hangover. Talked epic bollocks for hours yesterday with friends. Saw various young ladies who were nice, but nothing came of any smiles and waggled eyebrows. Had fantastic curry then waddled home to bed. Wait, that's all in th wrong order. But you know what I mean. Now I intend to make a conference call for work - which should be entertaining - then a nap and off to the pub for the roleplaying campaign I'm running.
  10. Well, now I have to somehow get an artillery engineer, a tedious old bastard, a mountain man's fine goatskin shoes, and a voodoo doll into the story.
  11. Roll a few random characters and items from my patented threads for each in this forum.
  12. You could have one old guy who flips patties at their favourite bar and who constantly harps on about how in the old days anyone could eat real meat.
  13. Up betimes and to work. And great was the noise of swearing and the gnashing of teeth as I did struggle with the incomprehensible design options of paint.NET. Only constrained economic circumstance prevented me hurling the entire PC out the window.
  14. Thought: One Hit Wonders Rock Band. Pop Corn by Pop Corn, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Saturday Night Actually, no, wait. I'm thinking of pure evil again, aren't I?
  15. Without getting into any spoilers I have to reluctantly agree. I wanted him to die SO MUCH.
  16. I thought it was fairly common knowledge that N Korea was exporting nuke and missile tech.
  17. Agreed. Just wave or nod or something, you bastard.
  18. I don't know about perverse. If you mean that when they do get in charge they tend to have rather novel and dynamic ideas then I'd agree. I think the thing is that women are often lacking in control mechanisms (soical status, strength, a biogenetically engineering tyrannosaur etc), and as such they have to be wary of sex. Because - as I say - sex is many things including dangerous. Women have a lot more to lose by sex than men do. So there's a kind of tension between need/passion, the ambition to fully exploit that need/passion, and the fear of risk. LOL. I guess that's why I like 'warrior women' as a rule. Very little fear.
  19. That'd be pretty ****ing cool I worked out we'd probably need about twenty orders at 30 quid + postage. But he's an ex film props guy who worked on Harry Potter etc etc. EDIT: If we could get 5 here then I guess we could assume another 15 would be forthcoming. But I'm not sure how Bethesda would feel. I don't want to piss them off even though it's a tiny sum in company terms.
  20. The map is the biggest size, with (as I say) a hidden underground which you may not explore on your first go.
  21. I remember reading some pulp cyber-noir where white people were the minority in America and were referred to insultingly as 'blancos'.
  22. Excuse please. But where is this face slapping thread of which you speak?
  23. Spent fortune today. Osteopath, fixing the roof, travel, food. Discovered great little restaurant near my home, and set up new working relationship. Was on train with three stunning young women. Felt very old.
  24. I think that princess out of Mario should qualify as an evil supervillain.
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