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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I saw a pack of Chinese tourists nearly barge an old lady with a stick under a goddamn train. Today. The funny thing was how polite everyone else became while boarding. Also, I'd dearly love to confound 'oby's British tourist concept. BUt on balance I think I'd rather strip to my pants and vomit in his handbag.
  2. WTH has happened to this thread? Monte, get back in here.
  3. While I understand your tongue in cheek concept, I'm not in favour of these holy-rolling rapists invading anywhere.
  4. Lobster, butter, and pale ale. God I'd like some right now.
  5. I did get to use that frown later at the night when people started to discuss their bedroom habits and fantasies. DAYMN... O.O It did end up being a good party, except that there was some "dropin" people that came by, so the party went from 9 to 15 people. I did get gloriously drunk though even after eating copious amounts of food and the weather was decent enough so that we could sit outside all day. My biggest complaint about the location was the really lame arse stereo system and that my "bed" was a leather sofa... Lots of talking and ofcourse fun and games, pool and beer pong amongst others. IMO the best part of a party is meeting random people.
  6. Fixed. Ah yes, my second favourite half-assed geopolitics shortcut.
  7. Do go on, Zoraptor. Nothing entertains and enthralls me more than seeing people trace a line of causation back as far as the last Evil Western intervention somewhere. Because the problem with Iraq has nothing to do with ancient religious schisms, issues with the Arabic approach to civil society, or the toxic influence of a neo-fascist philosophy intent on a half baked global moral revolution. Or even just a buttload of firearms. It's down to Sykes-Picot.
  8. Keep the news coming, baby.
  9. Great. Now I feel like mkreku.
  10. I find the objective of ISIS almost completely fanciful, maybe they got inspired by the developments in Crimea but there is absolutely no way they will ever be allowed to create an independent state in the region. I wonder if there leaders actually believe they can do this or do you think these types of campaigns are more about fund raising and gaining new volunteers for there cause? Allowed by whom? The only people who can effectively stop them are the people in the way. Because the great British public just cannot be bothered.
  11. I have a theory, and it's as much for the sake of having one as anything, but... Our players doon't perform as a team because we lack: 1) enough common practice time to develop an 'england' style within the team 2) a common style across all the clubs they play for normally By contrast some of the best scoring national teams come from nations with only a couple of dominant clubs. Thoughts?
  12. Out of interest, has anyone been at all influenced by this oby stuff? Even slightly. Go on, be honest.
  13. I want to grow a beard, and have them free roaming in it.
  14. I suppose you chaps noticed that ISIS's great Caliphate covers the whole of India? So naturally we should just let them crack on. I'm sure they'll be happy once they have everything from Morocco to Indonesia.
  15. I actually really enjoyed the England game, even if we went out. A bit slow and tactically gormless as ever, but played clean, and I liked Cahill's defending.
  16. That reminds me. Did I say I was reading It Never Snows in September?
  17. Drama queens. 30 ain't nothing.
  18. I'm not really comfortable forming an opinion of the attractiveness of a woman who apparently looks like Woldo.
  19. Better tha imagining that that creepy insect is your own finger.
  20. Don't watch much football, do you?
  21. While I agree that the Germans did halt the advance quite fast, are you certain it wasn't as mcuh to do with it being an amphibiouis landing? Anzio also came to a startling halt.
  22. Perhaps your computer is just sick of the internet.
  23. No true geek would treat their comics like that. I disagree. If I could keep young ladies in my comic books I would. Probably stop the paper going mouldy.
  24. Obviously I don't know the guy, but maybe he didn't want to wake you? He could have at least put the couch bed away. It's not like he didn't use my bathroom (which meant he had to walk through my bedroom) this morning Then I regret to inform you that your brother may be a c***.
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