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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. CONE OF COLD! Worst damage spell ever. CONE OF CABBAGES!
  2. I'm struggling a bit with the strategic intent. Is this so people can write their own stories?
  3. Asked that girl I met at the weekend out by text just now, and now I'm too excited to work. ...And now I feel ludicrous.
  4. No time to check at the minute, your solutions. Noticed that the problem is specific to the 'unknown artist' folder. Some sort of WMP 7 bull****?
  5. I was under the impression that the smart way to use lasers in the military was to pass a charge down the ionised air created by the laser. Using th ebeam itself to deliver energy is ...sub-optimal.
  6. Do what I'm doing, and start out walking, then start walking uphill. Agree with you about Morrissey. To paraphrase him: the Chinese are a subspecies, and killing a deer is the same as killing a child. I've often wondered how many steaks I'd have to forego in order to be allowed (morally speaking) to shoot Morrissey.
  7. What, like Morrisey?
  8. You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that? Hope you're feeling better now.
  9. ROFL. Seen it before. But still.
  10. I agree that excess dudes causes trouble. My analysis of the so-called Arab Spring is a case of excess unemployed men. I'd cheerfully put a tenner on there being journal studies of this phenomenon. But I can attest to it personally. Just meet some young unemployed fellahs. They don't just get antsy. They're positively up for any kind of work or mischief, and they're angry. Very very angry. InSidious: I think my original point was that denying equal rights to a great degree creates a society in which women are devlaued so far that people will abort purely on that basis. And before anyone points out the inconsistency in my pro-choice stance and this thread, I'm still trying to work it out myself.
  11. Does anyone know if this play is any good. I like some other Tom Stoppard.
  12. That's clearly not true, Kaft.
  13. Came across this, thought fans of the show would be interested in what is probably one of the real life inspirations.
  14. How about a sandwich of belly pork and plum sauce? You'd like that? On rye, with a cool beer.
  15. I don't think we could even pay them to take 'em. Have you seen the state of some of them? I mean really... Orange isn't a skin colour! And thats just the start! True. But presumably if we were exporting them we could package them up. Like other countries do with their fruit. Wash them, maybe? There's a job for the shofty scrotes that you might just get them to enjoy. A plan with no drawbacks!
  16. Doe sthat mean there's some sort of market for all our deranged and shiftless slappers?
  17. funcroc is like our roving reporter.
  18. Precisely. "Don't worry old man. you're not an idiot. You're just a sinner. Have a beer."
  19. Business?
  20. It was the setting and quality of the work which made PST superb. Plus a willingness to focus game play on story and not punching everything in sight. Now, stop and think for a second. Do you REALLY think that console gamers are going to pump their bucks into such a game? Such a game might make money. But putting assets into that game, rather than seeking a mass market game would be commercially retarded. At least in terms of first and second order dynamics. There MIGHT be some sort of payoff in establishing a studio's brand, and fan loyalty/fan kudos. But I doubt it would justify the expense. Ironically such a payoff would be less valuable for someone like Obsidian, who already have gold standard classics in their brand.
  21. Always keen to build bridges with my enemies I thought I'd post a thread which LoF and I can agree on ...at least in terms of the problem. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13264301 In brief, India is seeing a pronounced trend for families to abort female foetuses. Male babies are seen as stronger breadwinners and continuations of a family, while girls are seen as a dead end. So it struck me that this is literally a case of equal rights being denied and leading to MDK. I think that's pretty ****ed up, and underlines the need for a society to give equal positive potential to both sexes.
  22. I just had a thought. Would it comfort those bible-bothering loons if we spread the word that the Rapture had in fact happened, just to other people?
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