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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Lol. More than enough. Thanks, man. I assume I'll be off the pretty pretty features, though?
  2. Shoot a molerat - "Fallout lvl 1" = rubbish achievement Trap Elijah in the vault with at least one holotape and 3 robot components - "Sciency Mystery Theatre" = cool The point is there are dumb challenges and good challenges. Plus there are bragging rights to tough ones. What's so hard to understand?
  3. Tale's got a point. Maybe you should team up with crazewpolf. add some of your thoughts to the loose terminals in FONV. Maybe have a bit of a treasure hunt element to it? Maybe just a story.
  4. Am considering demanding my tidying obsessed housemate buy me Skyrim to make up for all the OCD shenanigans he is polluting my waves with. But i've only got an i7 2.6 ghz, and a GTX270 (from memory). Not sure if that's enough.
  5. :p @ Gorth's Oz experience. Yes. I guess that would make you a customer in a way. Cant, your experiences in the US might be even morevaluable because theres a perception here that US medcare is more consumerist/free market. ~~ So far I'm picking up on two things: 1) service, with an element of responsiveness in that service. Even a degree of proactive standards 2) Pay on delivery, with Enoch implying the old concept of 'investment' (I think). If your customer is the state then the citizen isn't really the customer. They're like the nephew of a rich patron. Except the patron is old and insane. Mistreat their nephew and they probably won't even understand anything is wrong. ~~ My point really was to seek to describe the distinguishing features of a customer, as opposed to other roles we play in society.
  6. I know there are a bunch of psychologists and economists etc. on here. I'm interested in a speculative way about how the UK government is trying to turn government services into kind of consumer driven entities. They keep waffling on about it. What I'm after is some academic (or indeed your own) perspectives on what actually defines being a customer of, say, a hospital. Rather than being, say, an employee.
  7. I suggest you should introduce user prompts that read "Forgive me, machine. I do what I must." And other bits from the imperial infantryman's primer.
  8. Pro-tip: oxen.
  9. Walsingham


    It's like my body has developed some sort of massive calypso deficiency. Mainly listening to Lord Kitchener.
  10. Damnit. Now I want to play GTA III San Andreas.
  11. I should have time this evening. After a pretty wild week I'm taking a quiet Friday.
  12. If that dog growls like Chewie...
  13. Note to self: one dragon couch, moochers welcome.
  14. I read this as "Two Chickens linked to a Russian bomb were shot in Turkey." Terrorism most fowl. ~~ I like the notion of a phantom invasion followed by a quick phantom win. Our own Ministry of defence may have to have one or two of those.
  15. You need to link us some day so we can hear those golden pipes. As soon as I get a recording which doesn't sound like a donkey being whaled on with a bar stool, I just might. Ugh. NEVER agree to work on a song about getting stupidly drunk in local pubs.
  16. 1) Last week Turkey announced it was sending tanks and armoured vehicles across the border into Iraqi Kurdistan. They then later announced they were pulling out. The Kurds announced that they had no idea about any of this, and there had been no incursion. 2) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15462752 Two Chechens linked to a Russian bomb attack were shot in Turkey. ~~ There's surely some proper shenanigans afoot. ~~ Commence the wild speculation!
  17. Work this morning, then clocked off to sing on my friends album. Bloody awful. Drank vodka. Now don't care am bloody awful. Funny how being recorded can make me tense up so much I basically throw away five years of lessons!
  18. I'm sure you did the best you could, Cant, old son. But not even you can make me change my opinion on this.
  19. As I get older I become more and more incredulous of two business departments: customer services, and human resources. All big businesses I deal with seeem to treat the first as an embarassing bodily malformation like a third nipple. They get hidden away, and under-supported. The latter is bafflingly well supported and seems solely oriented on preventing the hiring of good people or the firing of bad ones.
  20. What a narrow minded chap you are!
  21. 1) As we've seen with Wikileaks "airing" is exactly what these leak sites amount to - hot air. Malfeasance in government has to be known about to be fixed, but merely being known is insufficient. There have to be robust accountable bodies in place to tackle the corruption. 2) Most free states have parliamentary committees of elected persons, appointed legally to deal with leaks. 3) The public press handle leaked material all the time, and generally pursue the story, not just air it. What if 2 and 3 fail? Then you're ****ed sideways anyway. At that point the engine of government is so badly twisted that leaking material won't help.
  22. You, sir, might leave my mother out of this.
  23. Or the campest not pain ever run?
  24. You know, I must read about three articles on this every day, and Enoch's the only bastard I can actually understand.
  25. Impromptu session with an old friend last night. Over-tense so we started on iced vodka. Then moved onto beer. Ate roast chicken with knives, watched Inglorious Basterds and moved onto Sicilian red wine. I am now hungover and thanks to sleeping at a weird angle my back hurts. Great night though.
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