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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. WOW your willie can re-enable internet access......I must say amazing, just amazing......JK Wals I don't want to do my undercarriage any disrespect here, but when did I suggest I use my genitals for IT support?
  2. "Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the western..."
  3. Simple social dynamics, surely. Easiest way to reconnect and get back to the discussion proper is to have a bit where we cleanse the 'palate' with some primo bull****. Now would be where someone comes back in with a different but serious question.
  4. IMO 1 in 10 is a good hit rate. Afraid 50% may be too optimistic.
  5. I know I'm paranoid, but I don't like the look of that link.
  6. Captain Buzzkill - strapline "he clears the officers' mess" ~~ What cracks me up hthose two are the most negative people on here, yet ostensibly they are also worse than the handful of clinically bipolar chaps around.
  7. If the French drown sparrows in armagnac, I don't see why Jews can't drown fish in wine.
  8. ~~ I was up in London yesterday. Found a pretty good coffee bar in a church near the Tower of London, if you chaps are ever doing the tourist thing. Called 'Kitchen @ the tower', I think. Not fantastic, but ten times better than the tourist traps nearby. After work (more on this later) I went out drinking with pals and a 'certain' young lady. None of us could work out if she's keen on me or just unfortunately over-enthusiastic body language. But more dates are afoot, so I guess I'll just have to fall in love with her and see what happens.
  9. Not as much as I hate Janeway. Not a fraction. Well, not a large fraction.
  10. Are you by any chance a Husky? or a cubscout? Or a playing card.
  11. That ain't even nothing, dude turned water into wine. That party was off the hook! Can fish breath wine? That would be pretty ****ed up if he killed the fish.
  12. Massive milestone workwise yesterday, and today I feel hinky as hell. Shoulders are a mess, like an excited kitten has been at my sinews. Left eye hurts like someone has punched me. Can't focus. Made ginger and apricot jam. Pretty damn good, if I say so myself.
  13. Yeah, I'm always confused by that, too. Bolt goes in, then explodes. It's not very complicated.
  14. Heroically battling on a bridge with some bandits in Skyrim. Masssive angry overhand smash with the hammer, mmoving forward. Step past the target who easily side-steps. Plummeted hundreds of feet to my death.
  15. Killed the big bad in my first play through. Key points: 1. Civil war? What civil war? - Hardly any actual incivility besdies the fairly innocuous beheadings right at the outset. Lame. I saw more violence in the boyscouts. And I only turned up once. 2. Big bad? - Compare the chase through the big bad base with the one in STALKER - Shadow of Chernobyl. No playing with fight dynamics, no real pressure maintained on the plyer. No surprise teleports in. I'm only spoilering to lower disappointment. Also, at level 49 I killed the big bad in _3_ hits. 3. My god, it's full of stars! - Three times, in spite of my low graphics settings I've just stopped murdering and enjoyed the view. Once, underground, I completely stopped wanting to fight, and just wandered around speechless. For _30_ minutes. 4. Fight makes right! - I do enjoy the fight sequences and the kill moves. You do feel you're doing well. I could have stood more scattered scary blokes, but basically I'm good with the concept of mainly peons who get chunked.
  16. You can't survive for ever. I'm here... waiting... just waiting....
  17. The mere sight of me in spandex would eradicte much world hunger at a stroke.
  18. Could you elaborate on the "understated performances" the movie has been getting lots of praise, specially regarding Gary Oldman's acting. It just seems to me that what carries a film like that it's performances and considering the all star cast that's what I was expecting from it. And now you have to worry me. Oh, don't worry. I meant that in the good way of understated performances. Gary Oldman can be a very good actor, but he's also had a lot of roles that are.. bigger then the screen? Characters that can loom and be very loud (performance wise, not verbally). Within this film, all the characters they play have no real scenery chewing, there are no "loud" moments. They're all very quiet, restrained, very.. English. The whole film has a certain sense of claustrophobic feeling to it when it's all taken together, and that suits the story. "Whats a Drexel?"
  19. Good point, Raithe. I say the same thing about my spleen.
  20. Nothing cuter than a political child. Actually, that's kinda the point. Those are political placards, not theological ones.
  21. Kryten: And we're going to... live!
  22. Um... seeing patterns is what the human brain is good at. Case in point: seeing the face of Jesus in toast, etc. Looking at history and saying it is implausible without God is an argument I find ...less than compelling. Continuing another thread, I don't see what's so mental about making crap up. I mean falling in love is 99% of the time an exercise in raw fantasy over facts. But being in love can stil make you do and achieve all sort sof things.
  23. Woke with awful hangover. Got straight down to work and actually got a lot done. Gallons of coffee, big spanish omelette for fuel. Am now contemplating taking a break and getting in some more fodder. Got offerred a new job today. I really can't make up my mind, so I'm playing for time. It is pretty crap work, but extremely close by, and pretty secure.
  24. But margin for error defined how? To the best of my knoeldge stistical tests are pretty much arbitrarily pegged at what we have found to be useful. But if utility works then the god-monkeys already win. Because I've seen god-boys doing crap I would have said was absolutely impossible as an unaugmented human.
  25. If you stick with this animation/TV mashup it gets funnier and funnier. http://neave.com/television/
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