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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Actually if you talk to the critters concerned, don't BOTH parents instantly become pure evil?
  2. LOL. I was just going to post that! I recognised (I think) all of them from STALKER.
  3. Agreed with Amentep, with the emphasis on malcontent fethtards. Thanks to a small percentage of angry halfwits everyone has to be on their guard. EDIT: On topic I was supposed to revamp my CV from the ground up to make it more comprehensible to agency and HR staff. I was about to remark that it's as if my CV is reluctant to die and is snarling at me. However, it's just occurred to me how stupid it is that as a culture we allow recruitment to be done by people who don't have the first goddamned clue about the industry they're recruiting for, and certainly don't care about it. Is it any wonder so many industries get things so badly wrong? If I ever lose all my self respect and morals I'm going to join HR. ...Which is something to look forward to.
  4. Liked, then unliked this. Cats are evil, disease ridden arse obsessives, covered in spikes.
  5. I love how you paint this picture of the kleptocrats pwning the West. They pwn Russia three times worse. But then I go and spoil it by remembering you're an alt. :heartbrpkwned:
  6. Paper trail. They have lots of formal programs and certifications, and can prove how much value they add to employees etc. Plus they very likely do their payroll straight with HMRC/ local tax goons.
  7. Blame also goes to the higher ups who believed the abbey at Monte Cassino was being used as an artillery spotting position. despite Kesselrings communications to Allied forces to the contrary (as a great admirer of the arts, he did in fact issue specific orders to his troops that it not be garrisoned lest it be targeted). Nonetheless, it got bumped up on the USAAF's strike list and it got bombed to rubble, which had the effect of making it an even more fortifiable position for elite German Fallschirmjagers who were now free to use the rubble as cover. Fair play for knowing the issues, but if you go and actually look at the thing the first thing you notice is that it's on a mountain. Jerry had plenty of other observation posts to use either way. It's just that it started to loom large in the minds of the ordinary soldiers as High Command putting their lives at risk for abstract values. They've rebuilt the monastery now, and it's quite fun to troll the monks by apologising for blowing it up.
  8. Next playthrough you will graduate to doing the same with Deathclaws Wait, are we talking Lonesome Road? I stil rate Dead Money as best, but the more times I play Lonesome Road the more I like it.
  9. I agree with Zor's analysis on Crete. Strategic nonsense from the start .The tactics of moving tanks up to the airfields etc is pure wargaming fodder. However, I'd completely disagree with the analysis of Monte Cassino. I've been to Cassino and it's about as hard a fight as I can imagine. For those who don't know, picture the Somme UPHILL ON A MOUNTAIN. Cassino the battle was lost because of (to use the moniker the troops gave him) General 'F***ing' Clark. For the sake of him getting a photo on some steps in Rome he turned another Stalingrad for the Axis into a meatgrinder for the Allies. Actually, if youare going to check out any battlefield I totally rate a tour of Cassino. I'd also recommend sparing time to visit the Axis cemetery. It'ss almost more sad, because the silly bastards died for no goddamn reason worth spitting on.
  10. ANZAC day on wikipedia I don't want to be all gushing, especially on a day for Aussies and Kiwis, but my British family made a point of teaching me as a kid about the sacrifice their grandparents made alongside ours. Gallipoli in particular being a fight they could easily have stayed out of, WW1 being a European affair. Prof. Richard Holmes said to me that the thing to remember about the ANZACs is that they were almost a family affair. People back in their home countries knew precisely where they were fighting, and watched their (almost ) every move in the press. Their home countries were tough, hard working, and tolerated little bull****. The men of the ANZACs fought and died accordingly. In WW2 a rather starchy British staff officer complained that the ANZACs weren't keen on saluting. Gen. Freyberg replied "You should try waving. They always wave back."
  11. I must be getting cynical. My first thought was "I wonder how much go missing from a dump just before it 'all' gets destroyed in a detonation."
  12. To be fair, the last time i was in New York, some of the locals wondered if "Finland" was a suburb in Paris, France. Yeah, you wish, frostback.
  13. Although of course you wouldn't care about the shots if you got kicked in the balls.
  14. LOL@ Nepenthe. My training made camping much less worrying. I realised that half my problem was all the crap I was schlepping out with me. A shelter half and a good sleeping bag* will do for any reasonable casual situation. You don't need a tent at all! Bruce, you're saying you live in Jo'burg and you've never been out in the bush? Find yourself a good tough girlie and go up the Drakensberg mountains. Baboons notwithstanding it's the best location I've ever been. Hands down. *Plus items one and two from my previous post.
  15. GD's probably forgotten more than I know about camping, but I do have four tips: 1. Bring a good knife 2. Bring strong twine 3. Bring dry rice and dry red lentils 4. Bring salt and spices Your most basic problems will be getting things apart or holding them together (1 and 2). Your next most basic problems are being fed, and enjoying feeding (3 and 4). If you can get water on site, you're not going to suffer, given the above.
  17. 1) Doing a drill at a live event is best practice. Plus they might have found something, with better luck. 2) If you're going to start reading sinister subtexts into a drill coinciding with an event, then I heartily recommend you spend a couple of hours reading up on conspiracy and never sleep again. You deserve every misfortune accruing to the full retard. 3) The Canadian situation looks like it was a group planning on targeting a train. This has been done before by (apparently) Chechen related groups in Russia. 4) The halfwits engaged in terror tend to get fixated by 'bright ideas' so we can expect one or two more attacks in the same vein as the train bombing and marathon bombing before they distracted by a shiny object or their own tails or something. 5) If anyone hasn't watched 'Four Lions' yet, then you really have to.
  18. Last night had almost aexactly the same thing happen. Some sword brandishing bravos accosted our mixed race party and accused them of being murderous freaks. One damage dice rolls 6, 6, 2. And the party's lead swordsman suddenly has grown an iron tongue and ear. Of course in Warhammer the players have 'Fate Points' which get them off the hook if they die. But our man is still going to be deaf on one side.
  19. First edition, baby. On paper. Surely it would be pretty easy to adapt Delta Green to your circumstances? If, perhaps somewhat more politically resonant than 90s America. What if UN Forces were actively siding with cultists?
  20. Do you think this is a significant enough amount of people to make them care? IMO, most people probably dont care, its only we hard core nerds that even notice. And even out of us its a small fraction that is bothered enough to actually not buy the product. I think I mentioned this point earlier, but in any case you underscore it. The issue has to matter to the decision factors in play. In this case it's going to be cash. And by which Gfted and I mean Big Cash. So, to be more blunt, the choice (for regular people) is between two versions of the same game. One with all kinds of bull**** that you have to be a nerd to resolve. The other doesn't. And the one that's better is FREE. If you want the game to be bought you can't make it worse. You have to make it better somehow.
  21. Er... I don't think 'Roid Rage is actually a super power. I'll take calm professionalism over looking buff any day.
  22. I think it's harsh to condemn Game of Tthrones for sex. I've read the books, and they're bonktacular. But yes, I agree it's a bit of both. But also the kind of people in that environment. I mean Al Pacino's a great actor but he also apparently nurtures very young actors. (Someone's bound to correct me on this). ~ As an aisde, I'd forgotten who Tricia Helfer is, so I googled her and now my brain has... Well what happens when you undo the rear TMH locking pin on an SA80 without due care and attention.
  23. I wonder if good shows hire good people, or if working on a succesful show 'trains' good people somehow?
  24. A useful review. But we're quite comfy with Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and Delta Green at the moment.
  25. I felt I had to quote some of the BBC's work on this story, as an example of how unbelievably weak their news has got since going 24 hours. My emphases. "The president might be wise to start by asking President Putin. I have no evidence that the "foreign government" asking questions about Tamerlan Tsarnaev was Russia, but that is my strong suspicion. Whoever it was, they warned the FBI that Tamerlan was a strong supporter of radical Islam. The FBI say they investigated, interviewed him, and found no links with terrorism. This is quite remarkable. Let me repeat it. The FBI had been warned that the man who apparently carried out the first terrorist attack on an American city since 9/11 was a strong supporter of radical Islam. People will want to know how far they delved, how hard they tried, how seriously they took the information. Some of the criticism will be unfair, based on hindsight - they must get thousands of such warnings every year. Or perhaps they are quite rare. That is another question." Really? I think we've given casual posters on HERE a hard time for making zero effort to substantiate a claim. This is from the BBC's North America editor. Drivel.
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