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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. *snips rambling anecdotal bollocks about arguing with beautiful women*
  2. So, elaborate: what makes the arguments exciting, then?
  3. Nope. Other people have made my arguments for me already. EDIT: Don't blanket assume that all rioters are scum thieves because some of them are. Some cops are scum racists, it doesn't amke them all scum racists. SUBEDIT: note I still regard rioting as wrong. It's both unacceptable in a democracy, and worse it is bloody stupid. It doesn't promote justice or dialogue. It doesn't break down barriers, it builds them. The only people who like riots are revolutionaries. And revolutions lead to all sort of fun stuff, including millions of dead kids _which would be somewhat ****ing ironic in this case_.
  4. Yes, but is that actually exciting? A textbook can make a point. Usually it will make the point well. But an argument is personal by design.
  5. Come on, fellahs. This is supposed to be comedy tales of criminal error. Don't make me blackmail you into commiting comedy crimes yourselves.
  6. Damn straight. If only we were Russians! We could eat all the Freedom we wanted.
  7. (From the pretty ladies thread) ...But if we have fake people on the forum, how are the arguments real?
  8. Arguments are amazing, gets the blood pumping. Is probably the most enjoyable thing I do, maybe after the thrill of fixing a difficult software bug - not exactly the fixing of it, but there's point between the time I fix it and the time I get the trail of it, sort of the brief moment before I run it to ground so to speak. Wondrous feeling. Er... stand by... I assume therefore that placed in a warm sunlit bedroom on a lazy Sunday with this young lady you'd argue about the articles in the paper?
  9. Its still there and I'm feeling like utter crap, the fun thing is given time I can really get used to anything. Human nature. Seems like I'm gonna be a depressed abrasive dimwit for the rest of my life. I bet they feel like balloons filled with old cheese curds. I will have you know that they are very firm and they have shaped many a chair over the years. In 500 years, humanity will see the imprints of my buttocks and they will ask themselves: What kind of divine being left these marks and what is the meaning of them? That is how the philosopher Buttoksius will be the most respected person when he learns the truth. Ozymandias may have left his leg stumps as a symbol of the futility of life. But you will leave your bottom dimple as a symbol of hope and the magnificence of all human achievement. EDIT: Btw, yes I had/have pneumonia. I am now on antibiotics.
  10. Its still there and I'm feeling like utter crap, the fun thing is given time I can really get used to anything. Human nature. Seems like I'm gonna be a depressed abrasive dimwit for the rest of my life. I bet they feel like balloons filled with old cheese curds. Is it wrong that I'm now hungry for cheese curds? I don't even know what the **** they are!
  11. I thought I had successfully buried this earworm, but it escaped by putting the phrase "Plain White Tee-shirt" in my head.
  12. I'd certainly eat intestines if I needed to do so for survival. But I'm damned if I'll eat them for fun. In my experience nothing short of nuclear grade chilli and 'dark' flavours like roasted rice and anchovy mask the flavour of poop. Eating intestines is what dogs are for.
  13. With buttocks like yours why would I start with the brain?
  14. That reminds me: are Hydra worse than the Nazis? If not, why not? If so, then how? The film didn't really make it clear.
  15. Update: hugely amused to misread the following from the NHS website: Should have read "in elderly people"
  16. Maybe, but my aunt broke a rip from coughing too much, and thats not a joke. As you can probably imagine that didn't help with the breathing problems. Actually I know almost exactly how bad that is. You recall that I cracked my sternum open a few years back and promptly got food poisoning and was throwing up and simultaneously passing out from the pain. Good times. This isn't that bad, by any means. Most interestingly it really does seem to be worse at night, even though I'm awake rather than sleeping.
  17. Can't breathe properly, so netsurfing to take my mind off it. Looked for my 'perfect' winter coat. Finally found it: thick wool, satin lined, double breasted, charcoal grey. Checked price tag and alarmed to note is £2000! What the **** is the point of a coat that is only at its best in all weathers if you have £2000 to throw around? You're not going to be standing around in all weather, now are you? ~~ In other news, all this coughing is doing my abs surprising good. Always a bright side, eh?
  18. Check the bourgeoisie, here. 'Stove' is what he calls his military surplus flamethrower.
  19. The BBC has done what I feel is the best solution: people can comment, but: - Comments are hidden by default. You have to click on that section to expose it - The first page of comments is normally ones that have been selected as interesting Thus trolls can happily waste their time posting bull**** no-one will ever read, except other trolls. Which presumably keeps them away from other activities they might ruin, such as pumpkin sniffing, biro theft, or enviously glaring at happy people.
  20. Up betimes and coughed non-stop for over 3 minutes - I dropped the watch after 3. Expectorated three tablespoons full of yellow mucus. I figured if I'm going to be sick and bored I should get competitive.
  21. I see, so you're saying a real argument with a stranger beats an entirely ersatz picture of a beautiful woman. Fascinating. Wrong, but fascinating.
  22. I agree that police culture in the US needs special scrutiny, and that cops should not get a free pass. But remember that they put their lives on the line, and I think that ought to buy them 60 seconds of your careful consideration before you condemn them. The reality is that police have a duty to protect the public. I don't think any of us would argue that point. The reality is that we live in a world where kids and teenagers think it's life-affirming to kill other kids, and teachers. In the US they use guns, in the UK they use knives. Therefore the threat from a kid in possession of a weapon in a public place is very high. The reality is that hundreds of people are killed or injured each year in confrontation with armed individuals. In these circumstances a kid waving what appears to be a weapon around is a threat to both the public and officers. It is NOT acceptable threaten people as 'playing around'. You can't threaten to rob them, blown them up, rape them, or - as in this case - shoot them. The officers warned the kid, and when he ignored the warning they shot him. You cannot taser an individual wit ha firearm because tasers do not always work, and they also produce spasms which might lead to the firearm discharging. That's is doing precisely what we expect them to do: protect people.
  23. Who's bashing women? You'll admit there's some fairly ...furtive... attitudes on here. Now if you'll excuse me I have to post pictures of scantily clad young ladies in KaineParker's thread.
  24. If we would do a comparative analysis, I'd say everyone gets off pretty well compared to India. Why everybody likes to compare themselves to the worsts? This is one of the things that hold us down as a species. Let's all rape, steal, kill and perform other atrocities, hey at least we are not Hitler. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that AFAIK Hitler never raped anyone. Except possibly his dad. Oh, come on, you were all thinking it.
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