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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. Well that, plus a lot of the character's look older than they are intended. At least, they look older to me. Especially desciple.
  2. Did you try the party screen to get them back? <_<
  3. ... look at the picture in your current sig. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think I understand what you're saying. I suppose it is possible that she isn't actually that old, just deformed like palpy.
  4. Have you heard the new cassidy cd? Good album, way better then his first. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What the hell are you talking about? My screen name is a tribute to the best companion NPC in Fallout 2.
  5. I'm sorry, I had assumed you were paying attention when you were playing the game. Opo Chano is the name of the Duro in the appartment, I think it's B2. Anyhow, In order to get the credentials from him, first and foremost, Chodo Habat has to give you the quest. Then talk to a Czerka guy in the cantina, he is standing in front of the Twi'lek dancers. He will tell you about Opo Chano and then you go to his appartment and aquire the credentials. After that go back to the Czerka office and tell the droid to come with you. After that, you are now the droid. Go to Czerka office and talk to Lorso, enter the mainframe room and convince the tech droid to go shooting people. Access the computer, download the files, then leave back to the Ithorian compound. EDIT: Oh, you already got it. I must type slow. I was responding to the post.
  6. To take control of the droid you need to first get the credentials of Czerka's droid maintanence guy. He is a Duro in one of the apartments, B2 I think. Anyhow, get his credentials, then talk to the droid and take it to the Ithorians, then you control it to get into the Czerka mainframe.
  7. He get's killed if you let him have it or not. If you let him have the Hawk, when trying to claim it the Red Eclipse guys kill him, if you tell him to piss off the Red Eclipse guys kill him as he tries to steal the Hawk. Either way, he dies. LS player, give him the ship, DS player, don't. In the end it makes no difference.
  8. In my current game I have persuasion around 60 and it still fails. What you can do is this, Go to Grenn and report Samhann, he will you get you everything you need, then instead of informing Green when the deal goes down, try helping Sam ship his goods.
  9. Don't forget to demand more money from the administrator.
  10. I believe so yes. Of course, you can still help the settlers....... I am DS in my current game, I helped them without getting any LS points. In fact, I got DS points while helping them. :cool:
  11. *smacks DarthMoeller* Pay attention!! The LS thing to do would be kill the mercs and free Vrook from his cage. A DS alternative is to not kill them, instead letting them "ship him off". Of course, he never gets shipped off, he escapes.
  12. I get that problem, I even had it before I installed the saber mod. In fact, now that I think of it, since installing the mod I haven't had the problem, yet that is. It never was all that common for me. The only solution I found was to shut the game down, back to windows, then restart it and load up your game.
  13. Kreia is not 100% blind, or so she says. And no Kreia and Visas are not of the same race. Kreia is human while Visas is a miraluka. There is talk that Kreia is actually Arren Kai, one of Revan's teachers and handmaiden's mother, but this has not been confirmed.
  14. From what I have gathered, the MSG created a super strong gravity on Malachor. That super gravity twisted and warped the planet's shape, and aslo killed practically everyone on the planet's surface. Only those really strong in the force can walk on Malachor's surface without being crushed in the massive gravity. Nihilus' ship, forgetting the name ATM, it was torn from the intense gravity of Malachor's orbit as a way for Nihilus to escape the surface.
  15. I'm not sure how long it took. But a way to lower the time it takes to level is to repeatedly check the corpse to get many Hissy monsters at one time. 2 spawn per check, so I usually check the corpse about 40-50 times before I start killing Hissies. With Force Storm I can kill 30 or so at a time so the xp racks up really quick. I think all in all, I spent about 90 minutes in there, but I'm not sure.
  16. Yes I know about her successor. Thank you for the input though.
  17. Ok, so I exploited the Karriban tomb bug to get to level 50. I am playing DS and as a result decided to help Anda get rid of the three royalist captains. I used the terminal to kill the captain at the sky ramp, Bostuco I think. Anyhow, I used the terminal, but due to my high level, he had very high hit points and didn't actually die from the explosions. However here is the best part of the bug, even though he is still standing there, and I can talk to him, he is considered dead by Anda and the quest is listed as complete.
  18. Is there anyway to prove who actually did kill her? From the recording, I can see that it was a beastrider. But I have not been able to persue the investigation to prove it, even though there are many hints to being able to do this. Do any of you know if it's possible?
  19. At the end, at the council meeting? Yah, good question. I guess it's because Kreia already looted 'em! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought that too when i was playing through LS last, after Kreia kills the Masters, you cant loot them, but im guessing you can when you kill the masters personally everytime you meet them?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, you can loot the masters as you kill them. In my current game I killed and looted Zez, I let Vrook live, I'm saving him for last at the enclave, and I am about to kill Kavar and loot him too, if I can loot him that is.
  20. Clever, but can you equip them on anyone else but Handmaiden?? Like Mira or Visas?? Oh and how much do you get for selling them? I would have thought they were a bit useless if you cant equip them on other party members, or cant sell them for much. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not sure how much they sell for. And I'm 99.999999% certain that only handmaiden can wear them. However, if they don't sell well, you can always break them down for components.
  21. Thanks Chainz. While you're here, how can I make the break away double saber I saw in some of the screenshots?
  22. Well you can fight him in the cave, but once you start to get him beat down he uses force wave on you and pushes you and your party away from him. Then while you're stunned he runs away, to Khoonda I think. You do still have to fight him in Khoonda.
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