yeah i watched that a couple of weeks ago
kinda bland and a lot of stuff completely unexplained, but i guess the comic/book/whatever it's based on is more in depth
i have done bugger all for the past few days
today after work though i shall be seeing a friend who's been away for a few months, and then going to another friend's art exhibition, and then to a party
met a girl on guy fawkes and though at the time i thought she was pretty cool i didn't make any effort to get her number and thought i'd never see her again
evidently i was wrong, as i encountered her at a gig a couple of weeks ago and we ended up staying up all night together doing stuff.
last night i met her after work for a casual coffee, and next thing we know it's 2am and we've just been chatting and hanging out for nearly 9 hours
tis a pity she's leaving the country in a couple of months
first time i've actually sat down and had a proper go at it, and it's alright so far
vita chambers make things stupidly easy, so i'm trying to play through without ever needing to use one
it came pretty close one time - maybe deciding to bash a big daddy to death with the wrench was not the greatest of ideas...
today i slept in for ages, got bought breakfast, went to visit a friend, got a tattoo, watched a wicked move, got given a genuine and pretty damn kick ass Vatican priest's coat, and had a beer waiting for me when i got home
it was a good day
no work today so had a really chilled out day having beers in the sun on the roof at a mate's place
thankfully not sunburned, even though it was an intensely bright sunny day today and i was out there for a good couple of hours without a shirt on
really gotta feel sorry for you guys who are in the middle of winter
was very pretty but nothing amazing or new story-wise
had to chuckle at the whole "we'll bomb the tree by... shoving a big crate of explosives out the back of the plane..."
and you gotta feel sorry for the main dude's first dragon thingy - he fully ditches it for a bigger better model
enjoyable enough but i don't think i'd bother to go see it again
still going out pretty much every night, but haven't been drinking much lately
actually i don't think i've been drunk a single time so far this year
been doing more outdoors kinda stuff rather than partying
wandering through the forest or doing firespinning or playing with the tightrope etc
huzzah! multiple suggestions ftw
i've told her to surprise me and just pick whichever one she wants, and the rest shall be slowly investigated over time as i find them
i've been in a very odd mood today
i'm supposed to be going to a friend's birthday party after work, but i kinda feel like going home and sitting on the roof with a cup of tea listening to music by myself
heh well we do have what you could call a "friendship of convenience"
i have tried all the different label Johnny Walkers, but not Middleton, so maybe that's worth a shot
i've experimented quite a bit with beer
it all depends what sort of mood i'm in. Sometimes i quite like a nice dark ale, sometimes i'm more in the mood for a nice light pilsner or lager
but i don't want to inconvenience her too much. I'll just get her to bring me a single bottle of spirits or something - preferably whiskey
i'm more a fan of the smokier tasting stuff, but that sounds like it could be pretty good
i may tell her to keep an eye out and see if she can find it. She did say that if all else failed she'd stop by the whiskey store in Heathrow on her way back to NZ
i do like both, and usually drink single malt, but i want to experiment a bit
but none the less, if you have a suggestion for a good single malt then i'm all ears
so i have a friend currently in England and she's offering to bring back some duty free booze for me
now i think this is a prime opportunity to try out some interesting new booze i can't find here in NZ
i'm a big fan of whiskey, but for the most part all we really get here is generic stuff like Jack Daniels
so basically, what's a really nice (preferably double malt) whiskey i can get her to bring back for me?
Standard tattoo logic is to have some awesome beast put on you, but since your record asserts that YOU are an awesome beast I insist you have ME tattooed on your arm.
pfft nah
nothing special, i'm just getting a labyrinth pattern
it's costing me pretty much nothing as well
the bonuses of having a tattoo artist as a friend