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Everything posted by Darkside

  1. I was thinking more along the lines of:
  2. Quietly raises hand. :ph34r:
  3. *sighs* If you insist: " I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO!!! Would you like to see my portfolio? BUNGHOLIOOOOoooooOOOOO!!! AY! Are you threatning me? I need TP for my bunghole!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (w00t) So classic. Ah, the memories.
  4. Celebrities are boring as heck. But that doesn't mean you can't look at the hot ones.
  5. Uh... Yes, Vrook was in Kotor 1. The green guy's name is Vandar. Is that what you were asking?
  6. At school dances I am often the one that spends the night eating pizza and chocolate. Dancing isn't a class skill for nerds.
  7. Hmm... Maul and Malak were idiots, Greivous died too easily, my Revan was LS, Palps/Sidious was annoying, Kreia wasn't "evil", Sion was a pansy, and I don't care much for Dooku either way. Vader for teh win.
  8. I'm getting ready to order a horde of shirts from them. I love this one.
  9. Four? That many? I only ever gained one. No wonder I couldn't find anything rare...
  10. Welcome to the boards. I like you already. Why do you ask? Because that was actually funny. *applause*
  11. I remember TA. Good game, good game. (I can't elaborate because I can't remember much beyond playing. )
  12. Eek. You're a braver person than I.
  13. Wow, I'm impressed. It took a whole eight pages. I mean sure there was that pic a few pages back, but you're the first to come out and say it.
  14. Perhaps not, but it doesn't require this much thought to name your favorite color. Unless you love them all.
  15. Agreed. There are few things worse than sports games. *shudder*
  16. How? How do you manage to spark an intellectual debate from something as mindless as "favorite colors"? It's like finding enlightenment from a can of soup.
  17. I'm glad we're all sooo friendly here. How hot does it get in Mexico? I mean, I guess I could look it up myself, but I'm lazy.
  18. I don't play racing games much anymore. I always wrecked too much. Not to mention nightmares of Kenetica and the old Nascar game. *shudder* I'm thinking about picking up a few if this summer doesn't get any more interesting though.
  19. Why must it be bumbed? All things die eventually, why can't this thread just fade away in peace? And believe me, this thread's time has come and gone.
  20. I think he is speaking the dialect known as 'teeth-spitting fury" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sounds about right.
  21. Halo... Star Fox 64... Kotor 1 and 2... Legend of Zelda... Theif 3... Half-Life 2... Golden Eye... how do you expect me to choose? It's impossible I tell you! And where is Gauntlet Legends and Dungeon Siege? That's some classic dungeon crawling. And what about Starcraft?
  22. Tsk tsk tsk. I thought we had taught you English? "
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