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About Brdavs

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker
  1. Looks like a decent game, nothing spectacular but overall OK. Looking forward to it. Btw does anyone know who is voicing Jayne? Very familiar but I can't pinpoint it.
  2. So you`re basically saying that (jsut our) ends justify the means in a thread about talibani unacceptable means towards their end? I find this killings a crime and condemable but I don`t allow for their use in lowering our standard of behaviour. Its not ok to stoop to the oposition level just because theyre there. Especially cos we have an option not to and are allegedly superior by allways pursuing that option. The west doesnt get this conflict and thats why we`re doomed to fail. That fact beautifully demonstrated in this thread where people compare the war there with a nation state total war like WW2 or NI or Wales insurgency. We`re simply unable to grasp it and still try to force round peggs into square holes. We flap around with words "enemies of democracy" and the like where people there are still in tribal era. Short of a cultural genocide ove 2-3 generations we wont achieved our high flying goals or even come close to them. That had to be obvious even before the invasion.
  3. I find it hillarious that out of all the dangerous dangerous men held at guantanamo they only managed to sentance bin ladens chef and driver the other day. Its a good thing they`re there, safeguarding the civilized world from people like osamas dry cleaner who would put too much starch on our clothes, the filthy terrorist. I mean do me sideways and call me nancy, a chef/driver. Its tragicomical.
  4. Saw Kick-ass the other day... could barely finish watching it. So bad. I still have a bad taste in my mouth. Cage showcasing that his bad judgment transcends his financial affairs into choosing scripts aswel lol. Watched The Ghost Writer after that. Very impressed. Polanski delevered yet again and Ewan was very good. And I allways knew there was something fishy about tony b.
  5. Its funny that out of all the concrete facts and reports on the appauling state of affairs in Afghanistan from wikileaks the propaganda machine... I mean mainstream media... got hung up on speculation about Pakistan... Under the line the situation seems like a dejavu of the last years of the soviet presence... and the modus operandi to get out of that debacke is about the same and about as effective awell. Russians must be laughing their arses off. Saying that, Pakistanis would be idiots not to play both sides. They know that in a year or so the last nato chopper will lift off and they`ll be left holding the baby. Why on earth would they go out of their way to do everything the US wants if they know the americans are activly packing their bags and passing the buck. Lession of south vietnam not lost on everyone in afghanistan and pakistan... You cant expect people and countries to jump at the prospect of being the coalitions meat sheald for departure that is getting sacrificed to the volwes. They`re taking a page out of the USs playbook. Rule one: look after yourself and your interests above all else. And we`re blaming them? I`m not.
  6. You don`t even know what nation buidling is lol. Germany and Japan allready had a national identity. Waht you`re thinking off is demilitarisation. Nation building has flopped pritty much everywhere, when we talk about forcing a national identity from the outside (ie. Iraqis, Afghans etc.). And we all know this, so que "state building" - deliberate efforts by a foreign power to construct or install the institutions of a national government, according to a model that may be more familiar to the foreign power but is often considered foreign and even destabilising. Which is such an improvment... I`m sure the millions dead and misplaced are content knowing their suffering brought about a 40% increase in mobile phone coverage and another undemocratic and corrupt (puppet) regieme.
  7. Each state has a right to choose itsown political, economic and social structure. We may not care much for it, but any meddling into internal affairs of any given state by another state, like the one proposed in the OP, is quite illegal. One would have thought that 2 "nation building" disasters in quick succesion were enough to teach people such change has to come from inner inertia and not outside influence.
  8. Disputable given the nature of the two and their past. You can almost look at them as north v south in the US frozen just before the last blow of the south to the north. And lets not even get started on how big a threat Iran is heh...
  9. Not as ofthen as the US does about China or Russia selling stuff to say Iran. Cos I mean, how will WE be able to invade THEM if THEY keep arming them? lol
  10. Irrespecitve of the motive (I`m with Gfted1 on that one btw lol), there is one tncy wincy problen in afghanistan. The same one that`s pestering Iraq infact, just worse, far worse. Well 2 problems actually. a) there really isnt an afghani nation. Not really there isnt. Really. and b) the whole notion of "nation building (by force)" is dead set to go down as one of the more pompus historical blunders. Next to the lebensraum one. Afghanis are not afghanis, they`re tribal people. Say it with me: tribal people. And there are so many tribes there that they make Iraq look friggin homogeneous. And those tribes live tribal lives, with their own power structure, their own customs/laws and in generally their own way of life. There is no history of central identity and power other than that artificially created by foreign powers. You say they need accountants just as much as gunships... Like the millions of people living a very "primitive"/down with nature traditional life give or ever will give a toss about the accountants that we import. Best we can honestly hope so, if we cut all the hypocritical BS, is to "stabilise" the situation to a degree that the central government, which is btw honestly nothing more than one then militia we backed going in 8 years ago, wont collapse. We will do that either via appeasing all the local "warlords" (lol, @ the warlords term for the situation, maaking it as if taking out 3-4 nutjobs will change things) or via securing the "governments" position via force. Ushering in a "representatory" regime according to our taste. And for PR purposes we`ll be able to feel proud at footage from the 4 big cities come election day. Other than that, forget it. Might come as a shocker but our suburban idilla may not be the epiffany of a wet dream to everyone on this planet. Afhganistan democracy (forced down at gunpoint atleast) is not a lost cause since it never was a viable cause. One would have thought history had shown us that even pre 2001.
  11. I like it. Seems like a barrel of laughs to pass the time. The Obama article is gold, UN is`t that bad either. Boy time flies when you start sifting through that. Not sour if I should be laughing or crying thoe.
  12. Luckly an older autosave seemed to work. *shrug* Ya well, just goes to show, save often and on different slots. But keep one backup save file from when you first arrive on a planet lol.
  13. My game ctds on the spot after I make it through the "underground sanctuary" maze. The cutscende between mira and hanharr in the arena takes place ok, pictures fades out and instead of combat... boom. desktop. awwwww. Is that a known bug? I have vista 64b and other than that it all worked fine upto now. btw, sry to hijack the thread.
  14. Gameplay Fixes Have been removed - all fixes will be integrated into TSLRP. Very funny hehe.... But seriously now, I`ve hold off from replaying K2 for a year now waiting for TSLRP but now I cants take it anymore, I`m playing it again. Any chance these fixes (most notably for the broken quest on NS) available anywhere still?
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