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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. These last two weeks I've read Demon Eyes - Horrible 'supernatural horror' book about sex vampires or, as the Wise Old Walking Exposition character calls them 'soul f--kers.' Avoid at all cost. White Witch, Black Curse - Bloated, poorly plotted angst fest. Don't read unless you're already invested in the series. Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne - Light fantasy adventure. Good for a quick read. Death Masks - Book five of the Dresden files, and the first one I've read. Great story about a wizard in modern day Chicago fighting supernatural baddies. I went out and got four more books from this series, it was that good.
  2. Look at their page. Their weapons, special abilities, and animals are all listed.
  3. I was planning on picking that up soon, is it any good? Yes, if you know what to expect. It doesn't have deep characters, a complex plot, rich wordcraft, or a vibrant setting. It
  4. For a level 3 vs a level 5, I think your brute did pretty good.
  5. I was under the impression that Jade Empire actually sold pretty well. According to Chris Priestly, BioWare community manager, Jade Empire sold 'quite well.' The thing is, I've never seen sales figures for it. I've seen figures for KotOR, NWN, and Mass Effect, but none for Jade Empire. I think if it had sold as much as those other series, they'd make the figures public knowledge.
  6. A Song of Ice and Fire could be described as dark, heroic fantasy if fantasy readers used those terms. Why did you dislike it? I found A Game of Thrones good, but the last novel (something Crows) was just bad. I mean, 'you couldn't get this published if it wasn't part of an ongoing series' bad. Brandon Sanderson is writing three books, not one. That's pretty tame compared to mystery series. Miss Marple, 12 books. Hercule Poirot, 33 novels and 51 short stories. The ‘in Death’ series, 29 novels and going.
  7. These are all old videos. I wouldn't label them orgasm material, but they are pleasantly stimulating.
  8. You forgot the question mark. Because award shows and 'the best of' lists generate more viewers/internet traffic. I don't have a T.V., so no.
  9. Go to the Arena and type their name in the search function. I think I have 8 brutes now. Kiwijuice slices and dices Gifted 1 braydar falls to Rightous Fury I
  10. I believe that BioWare attempted to match the tone and feel of A Song of Ice and Fire; I am not sure they succeeded, but I will reserve judgment for when I play.
  11. Jade Empire is horribly underrated. I wish it had recieved the popularity (and sales) Mass Effect did because it's a much better RPG.
  12. I'm hanging around my mother demanding tasty food. It's worked for several hours now and dinner will be coming soon.
  13. Thank you. Thank you. Ive seen lesbians in reality, ok? And I think we should be glad that those women stick to other women. Go **** yourself.
  14. Gothus minimus falls to Vanilla Float - Film at eleven. In other news: What the hell?.
  15. A woman I know on the DA board bought 25 copies and sent one to me. Who did that? Imported Beer? Yes. Though I think she only ended up buying ten. Either way, instead of sending me a copy, she ordered one from amazon.com and sent it to me. Now I'm trying to figure out what to send her.
  16. A woman I know on the DA board bought 25 copies and sent one to me.
  17. I was suddenly reminded of The Professional: .
  18. It needs a romance.
  19. DA isn't a PC exclusive. And.. the book is fine.
  20. Did you do that? Cause the photoshoping is horrible, but I won't comment if you did it.
  21. I applied weeks ago. I don't think they love me.
  22. I never finished the first, so I'm unlikely to get the second.
  23. I notice in the fight you link, you only have a dagger and sword. Is that giant, bumpy club new?
  24. Ah! I just realized Maria Caliban is a *boy* toon. Your agility buff is called 'feline agility.'
  25. I have the 'thick skin' ability that soaks damage. I've survived three of the arena matches. Also, I added one of you guys to the arena. Hmm, I think I'll make myself a pupil of everyone here and help you guys level. My pupil for Pidesco is Kiwijuice – she’s won 6 fights and lost 0 and is now level 3. http://kiwijuice.mybrute.com/cellule Motto: Are you man enough to drink the Kiwi? My pupil for Calax is Rightousfury – His managed to win half his fights. http://rightousfury.mybrute.com/cellule Motto: Time to suck my bone and die! My pupil for HellKitty is Pinkysbitch – She ought to be called *everyone’s* bitch because she’s lost 6 fights. http://pinkysbitch.mybrute.com/cellule Motto: Stop hitting me! It hurts! Maria Caliban is so much more awesome than all you guys.
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