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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. I wouldn't call the Blue Moon Hotel combat-slog-ish. I was able to talk or sneak my way through a great deal of the game.
  2. That in no way follows from what I said.
  3. What are you talking about? When did this change? What evidence? Christina Norman is 'Lead System Designer' I wouldn't hold my breath for that! The ME2 story will be awesome no matter what, but certain content is only going to be available based on your actions in ME1 imported through your save game.
  4. i just saw this. is there proof of this? it would certainly save me the hassle of replaying the game just to make sure kaidan is dead and ashley lives. No. Evidence points to the opposite.
  5. I rather dislike dwarves myself.
  6. That's sort of the elf problem. They're adaptive; the more they interact with another race, the more they take on characteristics of the other race until there's nothing to distinguish them. BioWare put the city elves into human cities though, which is a mistake. If the audience saw city elves-who-are-really-dwarves and city elves-who-are-really-qunari, the Dalish stance (isolation in the wilderness) would make more sense. Or maybe it would just confuse people. I thought it was a good idea, but BioWare has failed to express it in the advertizing so far.
  7. Really? I find the city elf origin most interesting and the dalish elf one the most boring. I'm playing the noble dwarf first at any rate. Do you have a link to the dwarven commoner article? I have read it, though I believe the story is 'pimp your sister to a nobleman.'
  8. I've heard nothing about it.
  9. Confirmed Voice Actors: Loghain: Simon Templeman Duncan: Peter Reneday Flemeth: Kate Mulgrew Arl Howe: Tim Curry Ser Cauthrien: Katie Semine Oghren: Steven Jay Blum Alistair: Steve Valentine Morrigan: Claudia Black Steel Box, cloth map, soundtrack, making of... dvd for the physical copy. Soundtrack, making of... video, and the Warden's Keep DLC for digital copy. There are also pre-order bonuses for CE and regular edition, and if you have a new copy there's the Stone Prisioner with Shale and the Blood Dragon Armor.
  10. Gamestop has sold out of their Collector's Edition for the PC and XBox360. I paid about two thousand dollars for the knowledge; I ought to get some use out of it.
  11. Betrayal in Antara and Guild Wars
  12. Carth != Kaiden - Other than that they were both the 'regular guy' of the crew. Juhani != Liara - I have no idea where this came from. Their personalities are very different. I can see how Wrex could be considered a copy of Canderous.
  13. And Dragon Age has an oppressed minority that's forced to take the poorest jobs and have little to no legal rights. It sounds like they're including an issue there.
  14. Okay. We're talking about a thread in which David Gaider was explaining to a very angry gay man why BioWare was *not* obliged to provide romances to everyone. And that demanding same-sex romances from BioWare was, in fact, kind of stupid. As for the very vocal and pushy number of fans: Guilty as charged. I started posting in May of 2004 and one of the first questions I asked was 'will there be a same-sex romance?' I'm pretty certain I've requested a same-sex romance once a month for five years now. However, I have rarely seen you on the BioBoards. I don't think I've seen one thread from you asking for BioWare to cover 'important issues.' That suggests to me that you're really not that concerned about 'important issues' being in Dragon Age. That's the thing. No matter how much BioWare developers know the people in their forums are 1% of the fan base, it's the 1% they interact with on an almost daily basis. If there are issues you feel passionately about, and you want to see them in Dragon Age: Origins 2, then I'd seriously think about campaigning for it. I would have thought sarcastic comments of this sort were beneath you. I can see where you are coming from, but do try to see my point as well. I don't see your point. Female PCs can have sex with Morrigan or Leliana. Male PCs can have sex with Zevran. Romances in a BioWare game aren't new. Same-sex ones aren't new either. Yes, David sympathizes with gay players, as do a number of other BioWare writers. Moreover, gay players (and straight guys who like to watch girls make out) have given them a fairly simple way of making them happy. So they do it.
  15. And supporting gay rights is? Apparently, BioWare should not let FemShep get blue alien nookie until they've finished curing cancer.
  16. I thought the low intelligence conversation tree in NWN was a great deal of effort for very little pay off. I didn't even know they existed until I opened the OC in the toolset. Outside of comedy, the savior of X isn
  17. I assume as he's no longer interested in the Dragon Age game, he won't be frequenting that forum anymore. At the same time, he'll likely continue posting in this thread and the other DA ones. I am rather skeptical about his claim that he won't be buying the game.
  18. To be sure, you are The Mighty Boo on the BioBoards, right?
  19. So are they M/M, F/F or both? They haven't said. Though I notice they talked about romanceS, plural. I assume both.
  20. Same-sex romances have been confirmed. On Twitter.
  21. The Borg with swords!
  22. They're a bit like mystical, hive mind locusts. If a regular person/creature/plant catches the blight they usually die, though a few people live as ghouls and then die. The dwarves are constantly fighting darkspawn, but when an archdemon leads them, they become a Blight and attack the surface in numbers. I believe it
  23. I'd say half of all the Dragon Age threads are talk about something other than DA. Why apologize now?
  24. Could you possibly provide a link to that?
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