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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. In-jokes
  2. Master of Orion. The game by which all others are judged and still unsurpassed after all this time. Thank you! 4x stands for eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. It refers to strategy games where you typically develop and grow a civilization.
  3. Everyone knows that the internet and computers are based on alien technology discovered at the Roswell crash site in the 1950s. What many don't know is that this crash was staged by a race of intelligent machines in an effort to guide our planet's technological and social development. When they come for us in 200 years, they
  4. What is MOO? That's the stand alone of Civilization IV where you conquer the new world? Honestly, fantasy and science fiction sit much better with me than recreating unpleasant historical events. What is Age of Wonders like?
  5. I've recently played Civilization IV and Galactic Civilization and have a hunkering for other 4x games, particularly turn-based, particularly ones where non-military conquest is supported as well as military conflict. I
  6. The man knew how to wield a comma.
  7. The person will have a huge bill to pay. If the hospital believes you don't have insurance, most nurses/doctors will go with the least expensive option available for immediate treatment. The problem comes later on when it comes to 'treatment and rehabilitation.'
  8. The majority of Americans could not afford it. The last time I had health care, I paid $300 a month and that was with my employer sucking up about 60% of the bill.
  9. From the BioBoards -- Markinator123
  10. Fallout 3 is a fun game and an average RPG with bad writing.
  11. Morrowind. Boy has it grown ugly since the first time I installed it.
  12. I enjoyed it.
  13. What is fobos?
  14. Single-player instances as in Guild Wars.
  15. Dogs don't talk. Also, from the BioBlog: People of Dragon Age: An Interview with Sten, Wynne, and the Tower Gaurd.
  16. Or they could end up like comic books: a unique art form that becomes massively popular among a wide range of demographics but later deteriorates into almost nothing but adolescent male power fantasies as the bulk of 'culture' continues to spurn it.
  17. Yeah, I know that too. As I understand it, your dreams of doggy romance will never be fulfilled as Dog comes from a traditional family who'd never forgive him if he went cross-species. However, in a certain brothel, there awaits a canine companion who
  18. They probablly give it to a different developer.
  19. 1) There are same-sex romances. 2) Yes.
  20. His name is Uldred. If you watch one of the videos showing the discussion between Loghian and the King before the Battle of Ostegar, you can see him as well.
  21. New creature video: Abomination.
  22. Not only am I lazy, I thought Gorth started the thread. I think it's nap time.
  23. Did anyone ever ask Gorth about Loom?
  24. Was it ever revealed what that swamp witch told Maric in maybe the first three chapters of the book? Nope.
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