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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Which item would that be? I pickpocketed a few people but didn't notice any strange items in my inventory.. A cursed charm will increase the chances of an ambush in the city. There's also the 'lucky' boots and the Thorn of the Dead God.
  2. Depending on your origin, the Dog appears at different times. There are feasible alternatives to Alistair and Morrigan within reach. I went to the Circle first, and found it very useful for my warrior. I'm not sure how useful it would be for another mage. You might want to play the game before reading the spoilers.
  3. I finished the game with my level 22 human noble warrior. I don't suppose you've pickpocketed a cursed item from someone?
  4. Log out and try to start the game.
  5. Hmmm...? She's not meant to be serene or mysterious. She is kind, but she's not aloof at all. Are you thinking Wynne maybe? Though that doesn't fit much easier. We're talking about a woman who takes a naked bunny-pig as a pet because it's 'cute' and names him Schmoopes. A woman who happily tries to give Morrigan a make-over and ends the conversation with "We could go shopping for shoes, Morrigan. Shoes!"” Serene, mysterious, and aloof, she's not. Part of me is finding it doubtful that you've interacted much with the character in game. Yes, she's definately a light-hearted character. Fairly sweet and without gile. The conversation about city elves is something of an eye-opener, but you realize that's just how people in Orlias and Ferelden think of them. I also like her conversations with the others about the nature of faith, the reason evil exists, etc.
  6. This tree makes the WORST pun in the game. It is groan worthy.
  7. You can't load a saved game unless you're logged in, that's what he meant I think. I play logged out with the DLC.
  8. This one is a bit obscure. How you will likely have to get it: It'll be on a book on a vendor. Keep and eye out for it. The most consistent way of getting it (I'm not sure where the book is), is unfortunately done much later in the game, towards the end game. The trainer is a person that you don't have access to until all the open world plots are done. It is (this could be a big spoiler. Read at own risk!!!! Once you unlock any specialization, they should be available for all subsequent characters though. I did not get my Champion specialization from him or from a book. You can get it by completely a major quest chain the 'good' way. Female Grey Wardens get… something. A number of female players are rather unhappy with that something. The male Grey Warden has interesting somethings as well. I dare say that they’re not canon, but the experience is superior. Morrigan is the face of the game for a reason.
  9. Given that she's a bard and archer, she should almost never take damage. And it's LELIANA. She's far more interesting than Imoen.
  10. "By Andreste's Holy Knickers..."
  11. This is the free DLC I have for Dragon Age: War Mage Amulet Erimies Many-Pockets Lucky Stone This is the DLC I got from the CE: Bergan
  12. An elf mage might get a bit more content. Elves are second class citizens. At 35 hours in, it's my favorite BioWare game. But you have to remember that I hate BG and found BG II bearable. I think the combat and characters are superior to any other BioWare game. Rogues are very squishy. However, in DA:O, if you tank well, having a squishy rogue isn't a problem 80% of the time. In fact, the game rewards you for keeping your rogue in light leather, not just because you have less stamina drain, but because mobs prioritize based on armor weight. I just entered the and switched out a rogue for a 2-handed warrior. He does more damage than the rogue and has on heavy armor, and it’s much harder to keep him alive because he draws more aggro.
  13. A new patch just appeared on Steam. Apparently Easy mode is now easier and normal has bonuses to attack/damage for your followers. For regular version: http://social.bioware.com/game_patches.php Is it confirmed that the combat calculations are actually doing this, or is this just in the feedback you get on your character sheet? It's confirmed by a developer. Er, yes they ought. By the rules of the game, piercing weapons (arrows and daggers) get a damage bonus from dextarity. For some reason the bonus isn't being applied.
  14. FYI, dex does not add damage to daggers. It ought to, but it does not.
  15. The character creation glich can usually be fixed by hitting previous and forcing it to reload the face.
  16. I played my first 24 hours on normal and found it very comfortable. There are a number of people who find the game HARD, and think that people who are having an easy time of it are bragging douches. It's a very strange place to be in as I don't consider myself l33t and I dislike combat heavy games. Telling others that the game isn't that bad and that they (sigh) need to learn to play isn't an expeirence I'm used to. I really have no idea how people are stuggling so much with it. I will say that around 2am last night, I bumped the game down to easy. I'm running into a 'random' encounter whenever I travel, and they annoy me. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the loading times.
  17. Yes. So far I've: I don't know if I should: After I gave Morrigan [special gift], she gave me her companion quest. I'm unsure if I should persue it or not. Do any of the other areas lock you in?
  18. If you leave, everyone dies. You also can't leave the Kenloch when you get there, but that's okay as it's much easier.
  19. Where does Alistair urge you to seek help after the Battle of Ostigar? "We should seek out XX in YY, he's well-respected and can help us." I didn't go there first, but to the Circle Tower to pick up a follower. Glad I did as well. Yes. In a place packed with the undead, the most powerful creatures are the warhounds. Which makes me wonder: if the guard dogs are so powerful, how did the place get packed with the undead? I found the battle in the open very difficult. My only AOE was sleep, and nothing keeps the allies from swarming a bunch of different targets and waking them all up.
  20. That would be me. Sorry, I like the health/stamina/mana regeneration. I find the combat fun. I don't want to be rewarded for not using my abilities because five battles from now, I might have to use an ability. One of my basic manuvers is Cold of Cone + Stonefirst/Overpower for a shatter. I usually take out two opponants a fight this way, and I like doing so. If I only used my spells and abilities in big battles than regular combat would be boring.
  21. Complaint: After first battle and [place where Morrigan takes you], Alistair urges you to go to [story location X], and it's a death trap. Moreover, it's a death trap that if you leave, will result in everyone there dying. I think BioWare fumbled with that one. If they're going to have a follow urge you to head to X, then X should be something person might reasonably survive or at least be able to leave and come back when stronger.
  22. I have a sword and shield human warrior and do about 58% of my party's damage.
  23. "Now stuff that in my box, boy, and no matter how much it hurts, don't pull out OR YOU DIE."
  24. There's a bridge in Redcliffe you can walk across that leads to a dead end. Whenever you do so, you get party banter. It's the sort of thing that ME's NPCs desperately needed. "Stop looking at my breasts that way; tis most uncomfortable." "We could go shopping for shoes Morrigan. Shoes!" "I was a Templar. I was educated by the Chantry. They don't make stupid Templars!" "Well, I'm convinced."
  25. It's not, but it's still a great gameplay addition.
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