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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. How was I misleading? I didn't say they were in all 50 states. I said they were 'all over' and listed various climates. They don't like to go further north because they dislike the cold.
  2. I'm going to disagree. I can't use my crowbar or baton because someone flicked the 'lock-down' switch built into it. That makes no sense.
  3. There are some people who enjoy eating ****. I
  4. My first image of Fallout was the recording of the American soldier executing a
  5. Scorpians are all over. Deserts, tropical rainforests, temperate environments, mountainous, or cave biotopes. As long as it's not cold year round, they're there. Here's species that lives in Maryland now:
  6. Do what I do and only use VATS. Dont' even waste your ammo shooting in regular mode. Oh, and you gain XP faster the harder your mode, so what is most likely happening is that easier is harder because you ought to be a higher level during your encounters.
  7. I put the 'asian people like' and original side-by-side. What I gather is that 'asian guys' like a faith who looks younger but has bigger breasts. Oh, how utterly different from what 'American men' lean toward.
  8. Whatever the case, most women, when they look down, see boobs.
  9. People need to remember there
  10. 17 hours in. How nice that I spend all that time gaining allies only to make enemies of them. Not only does everyone hate me, but to advance in level, I have to go out and kill innocent people. Yep, a world of choices there. I have the Dragon HF. Do all HF ships have the same level of manouverability?
  11. Danke.
  12. I"ll have to remember that on my next play through. Right now, if I went back, they'd probably try to kill me. I didn't deliever Shetland to a battleship though. I delievered him to base of floating ice.
  13. There are no heavy fighters at the beginning. I'm currently flying a bee.
  14. I usually do two missions before the main quest jumps on my back and begins to harass me again. It feels like only a minimal amout of exploration is allowed at any time. I like it more than X3, but wish it had a bit more depth to it. Why can't I have more than one ship? If I get a freighter, I'll die during the story missions.
  15. Okay, I'm playing the main plot, mission 4, and just came upon something painfully stupid. [mild spoilers] I and an NPC are trying to escape the starting system and suddenly everyone and their cousin becomes hostile to us. Said NPC goes on about how we have to run and reach the jump gate. I charge my cruise engines and... Mission Failure: You have run from battle. [/mild spoilers] So despite the fact that in the story, the objective is to escape and avoid fighting, if you do so you'll lose the mission and you have to replay it until you destroy everything in your path.
  16. I.. what is a space sim? Are there others like these two?
  17. I've played 15 minutes of it, and so far it's enjoyable. The tutorial is better, the story is interesting, and the combat and flying is simple enough for the hand-eye coordination deficient. It
  18. I don't know. I just put down X3. I've heard good things about this game, but am worried I'll dislike it. The install had little blurbs about different worlds though, so it's already more interesting.
  19. I think the real problem is that people want cRPGs to be RPGs. They're not. Even a hack-n-slashtastic game of PnP DnD where everyone plays to stereotype has more flexibility than a cRPG. A human GM allows a level of gameplay a computer cannot duplicate or even come close to. A cRPG is an adventure, or a FPS, or an action game with stats for character and/or dialogue options. This is not a bad thing, but people need to learn to except the limits inherent in computer games.
  20. Volourn, No one is flaming you because you're uninterested in the game. People are flaming you because you're saying the game is bad even though you've never played it. And you're doing so in a thread where the majority of people thought it would be bad before they played it, but find the game good to great.
  21. I traded in my Buster for a freight ship. Damn this thing is slow. Hate to say it, but I think I've found a game that doesn't appeal to me on any level. That doesn't mean it's bad. From what I see, it's well made if you're into that sort of thing. But, there's nothing that appeals to me. It took 27 years (exaggeration, I didn't start playing computer games until 10 years ago and didn't really get into them until about five years ago) but I
  22. It seems to me the fast travel system is just like the Fallout 2 map, but without random encounters.
  23. I've killed him once that way and only because the thing he was fighting was as low to the ground as he. Against anything as tall as a person, I've never hit him.
  24. Dogmeat is mortal, but this is his third incarnation so I wouldn't worry too much.
  25. Other than the metro areas, I find each place distinctive. Even then, they're not as cookie-cutter as the Oblivion areas.
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