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Everything posted by Arkendale

  1. Too bad they stopped selling it before I could buy it
  2. Great comic sentry.
  3. The forums are so eerily (or eeriely) silent today...wonder where's everyone gone?
  4. Wow. That's good Zulu - That's amazing! (w00t) Julian - Nice pictures of Atris I'm sorry if I have missed out anyone.
  5. Samuel L. Jackson for a samurai?! This world is whacked!
  6. Before this thread is locked for either reaching 40, spam or flaming, or all of them, I'd like to say thanks to Pixies and Jags for the last few pages of laughter. And Jodo, too.
  7. Photoshop art is fun...most of the time anyway. Thanks also for keeping this thread alive Good work to everyone! P.S. Wish I had a dollar everytime I said that...
  8. Julian - Enha - Looks much better
  9. Great art to all of you again. KotorFanatic : If you want it to look anime-like, put some details into the eyeball. Julian : Atris looks like a droid with empty eyesockets... Damn, my internet sure is slow tonight... Oh, and keep fighting the spam, wookie
  10. Okay, after reading that again, I understand what you mean. Are you sure that the only way to advance the plot is to get her to put her clothes back on? Maybe it was just a glitch...
  11. Curse you Zulu! After opening your gigantic map picture all my programs stopped responding.... Julian - That picture is awesome Zulu - Can't wait for the Mira pic. I wish I knew how to colour things in Photoshop... P.S. There've been too many additions for me to comment on all, so I'll just say 'Great art!'
  12. Yeah. And you always have a romance with Visas, whether you want it or not. They didn't have time to do extra romance options. P.S. I know it's probably just me, but I don't get the part about bad design. P.P.S. Welcome to the forums P.P.P.S. My brain hurts... P.P.P.P.S. Way to many P.S's :D
  13. All I can say : Awesome! (w00t) Thanks aimo!
  14. No, you see only Carth if you chose Revan as LSF. If you chose Revan as LSM, you see Carth and Bastila.
  15. Cool drawing savage! But I can't really see her eyes; they're one big grey mess. P.S.
  16. I counted 26 lying around in my house. I'm sure there are more hidden somewhere but I'm too lazy to look for them and put them nicely somewhere. P.S. Did you take that picture, Vixen?
  17. It's only six if you count the expansions
  18. It's only four...
  19. Here's a picture or my new desktop windows skin thingie, just so to keep this thread from being locked.
  20. Those cheats are useless...and I think they only work for the Xbox.
  21. I know it's off-topic, but... So they you what?
  22. No, he had 2! P.S. Yay, we got 2 squeals P.P.S. Spam spam spam "
  23. Baley, you must be rich to have so many games...
  24. Maybe that won't happen...Launch doesn't seem to be squealing that much recently... Nice Carth anyway!
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