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Everything posted by Arkendale

  1. But if you win by cheating, aren't you a winner too anyway?
  2. Koji Wada & AIM - An Endless Tale
  3. Yeah. I know that. But still it's a waste of time if you don't use cheats...(Hssiss Spawn Exploit not included)
  4. My brain hurts.......Ow.
  5. If Jawas were taller, they probrably would make good Jedi...
  6. Oh yeah. And what the heck does getting experience have to do with Jolee's Robes?
  7. No, use force storm and spawn multiple Hssiss at once, not 2 at a time. I get 8000 experience in less than a minute that way. I just have to stay there for less than an hour to get from lvl 20 to 35. Why the hell do you want to get to lvl 50 anyway? It's not like you can't beat the game easily enough anyway...
  8. Dude, relax...lighten up a little. In your first playthough, there'll be at least 20% of the game that you won't have found out about. Just do it again on your second playthough.
  9. Yeah, especially on girls <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  10. Well, I have absolutely no idea what you're saying...
  11. I was referring to LA.
  12. Yeah. Hope you have fun. :D "
  13. I'd try it, but sadly I'm not allowed to play my Xbox until the end of the year...
  14. Black and White aren't colours?
  15. This has been done before, hasn't it?
  16. I don't like movies where the good guys die.
  17. Maybe they won't even know that it exists...
  18. Crimson...you're obsessed with that movie...aren't you? She doesn't look half bad julianw ::Error! Reverting to 13 year-old mentality....:: I mean, hey, I shouldn't be here...
  19. You can download it? I think it's illegal, no matter how many Xbox copies you have.
  20. Everyone dies. Whether you die sooner or later, what's the difference? You still die anyway.
  21. 24th of July...come on Aimo, where's that hidden button thingy?
  22. Yeah, so he did the voice...big deal, he looks nothing like Atton... Although I must admit, his voice is really nice...
  23. No, if Bao-Dur uses the workbench they use his stats. I always use him to fix the droids on Dantooine and they only cost 4 components per defence droid.
  24. Nicky Katt just doesn't look nice with all that facial hair... Um..I mean, 'I LOVE NICKY KATT! NICKY KATT IS ATTON' Please, please don't hurt me... :ph34r:
  25. I'm sure it'll be a good one Launch
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