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About Jackalgirl

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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    The Outer Worlds, Esperanto, making things, science!


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  1. Would Obsidian/Microsoft consider releasing a purchase-able asset kit (and personal-use license) of assets for those of us who are building in such sites as Resonite (VR social/building sites)? I would love to remake my cloud home in Resonite to look like the penthouse in the Grand Colonial, and could probably build something like it on my own, but it would be very nice to be able to just import, say, materials, so that I can give the space that Halcyon look & feel. : )
  2. Thanks to you both for the response -- that makes sense, and I figured that there would be a legal worry about copyright infringement if someone viewed an unsolicited pitch and then ideas from that pitch leaked into something they did down the line (or there was some kind of "convergent evolution").
  3. Thanks for your reply, ShadySands -- it's not recommended by whom? Have Obsidian reps specifically posted this? (I wouldn't be surprised if so.)
  4. Howdy, Is there an established process for pitching a game idea to Obsidian? I see at least one pitch in this Forum, but I imagine that for legal reasons, there probably has to be something formal and possibly less public. Or does one just go hog-wild here? TIA -- -- JG
  5. What a very interesting observation, thank you -- you've given me a lot to think about. (This is not snarky--I mean it.) I think that if I had to hold up some outliers, I'd note that Sophia Akande is an antagonist (if you're anti-Board, that is), and Phineas Welles is a protagonist (again, if you're anti-Board). There are some other examples of quests where you have male protagonists and female antagonists, or at least jerks (I'm thinking of "Cupid of the Laboratory" and the Early Retirement Program quests -- though they are very much side quests and not tied into the main arc or subarcs like getting in good with SubLight). However, none of this IMO invalidates your point, which is (correct me if I'm wrong!) that generally speaking, major male characters (in particular, the antagonists) are portrayed in a more tropey fashion in the game. I will point out, though, that from my own personal experience*, I at no point got any sense that "the colony's broken because of men and the solution is to kick out the men and put women in charge**". I always had the personal impression that the people in charge of the colony (including Sophia Akande) were a bunch of people who placed no value on the inherent value of people (non-elite people are resources, to be used and discarded when no longer useful to those in power) and who valued utilitarian ethics, and it never crossed my mind that they were that way because of their (apparent) gender***. Again, other people might draw different conclusions according to their own experience -- it's just an observation on my part related to my own experience. * Your mileage may vary ** In the Board Ending, you essentially put Sophia in charge (as I understand it -- please anyone correct me if I'm wrong, as I haven't played the Board Ending yet, myself). My understanding from the Good Ending is that your character is more or less in charge (unless you choose the Ice Cream ending), leaving a group of people probably including Phineas, Junlei, Zora, and maybe some others (I don't believe it's explicitly laid out, but I might be forgetting) as your "small counsel". If your player-Captain is not female (and you haven't chosen the Ice Cream ending), then that means the colony is now being lead or at least directed by a not-female person. *** And I might not have noticed it due to implicit bias, to be sure. Thank you for the post! -=-=-=-=- Edited to add: I didn't want you or anyone else to think I was minimizing or glossing over your other salient point, which is that by portraying this kind of behavior as being largely carried out by men, it could reinforce/normalize negative stereotypes about men, which can be incredibly damaging to actual men. I agree. I was just trying to get to my points.
  6. I've noticed this also. Sometimes she says something, but now it seems that all of her "welcome aboard" barks that announced some kind of other companion interaction (such as Max/Felix/Ellie arguing) aren't happening.
  7. Well, I ran all over the Vale and explored as much as I could and did not find anything. That doesn't mean he's not there, of course. However, it doesn't surprise me, because if you were to find his body, it would kind of be a spoiler for later.
  8. That's a great question! I haven't found it, but I haven't gone looking for it, either. I realize I have some places I haven't been to in the Vale on my latest run-through; I'll go back and wander around and if I find it, I'll come back here and post about it. : )
  9. Oh yes, that is some really really realness right there! LOL
  10. Tumblr: < long speculative discussion of pets in The Outer Worlds, pet-based commerce & culture, pets that NPCs and personal characters might have, and in particular pet sprats, sprat breeding and showing > Brain: You know, there once was a magazine called "Rat Fancy"... Me: NO. I AM NOT MOCKING UP A COVER OF A -- < several hours later > Me: GODSDAMMIT
  11. Oooo, this is a good, good catch. I'm immediately taken straight to Game of Thrones where Cersei gets in league with the Sparrows and it does not turn out particularly well for her. Although I imagine that the relationship between OSI and the (other) corporations is more stable and collaborative. I think that Spacer’s Choice would like to think that OSI is its loyal (and domesticated) defender, and I’m sure OSI likes that Spacer’s Choice (and the other corporations) would think that, but I’m absolutely sure that OSI has its own agenda, too. In my own headcannon thinking, OSI has a sizable intelligence arm that it occasionally brings to bear to the benefit of individual corporations (or of HHC as a whole), but I think it absolutely has its own agenda as well. (Back to Game of Thrones: vibes of Varys.) Thank you for pointing this out!
  12. (1) Agree for needing to eat & sleep in other modes. It would be a nice add to the DLC if a) it isn't already and b) isn't too late to add into the game.
  13. Maybe not a hamster (though I admit that would be cool), but it would be great to have a Ship's Sprat. : )
  14. If you press on the Options button, you should get a menu; select "load". Those are your saves. The game autosaves at several points, so you should see several of those, and you may have to scroll down to get to any saves you have made. But you have to make the saves to see them -- Options > Save > New save (or you can overwrite an old one).
  15. I see I'm of the same mind as everyone else here -- I saw a lot of stuff in the noclip documentary that I'd love to actually see in the game, and I'm intrigued by the stuff that was cut out -- the 6-month project, the expanded Terra 2 map. For some reason, I really have Hephaestus on my mind, though. I'd love to see what they do with that. I keep thinking of Kim Stanley Robinson's "Mars" series and wonder if they'll have something like Terminator -- the city that rides on rails so that it's always on the night-side of the planet (as the sun heats up the rails behind it, they expand, and "squeeze" the city along the cooler night-side rails). Also, we've seen canines, primates, insects, reptiles, and something like birds, as animal foes. Where are the cats at? I would love to see some cats. I did some speculating on my own...
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