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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. Yep. Normal MDT is 50 in DnD. Dropping it to be equal to the character's Constitution score would mean the wizard has a good chance of taking out his warrior friend with the 14 Con with the fireball. How many hit points you have is irrelevant if you fail your Fortitude Save against massive damage. If you fail it you are immediately at -1 hit points and dying or dead all together.
  2. It depends on the massive damage rules used. That wizard who casts that 10d6 fireball at his 10th level fighter friend, who happens to have a 14 Con, would easily kill his friend if a more realistic Massive Damage threshold is used. Average roll of that fireball is 30 hit points damage, which is 16 points higher than the fighter's Constitution. Base Fortitude DC would be 15 + 1 point for every five points of damage that exceeds the Damage threshold for a total of DC 18. Another rule is that the Fortitude DC is equal to the damage dealt.
  3. I have been working with the d20 System since before DnD 3.0 was released and I will probably continue to do so many years to come, but I need a break. So, I got my hands on Hero System FRed and Star Hero. I am just wondering if any PnPers have any good links and resources for the system that isn't at the HeroGames.com.
  4. Didn't they do that in Fable and wasn't Fable a POS game?
  5. There are general objective traits to good writing. You should take one, regardless of your area of study. They can be very fun and very aggravating. Just stay away from Poetry unless you want to erode your sanity. I am not an Athiest. I am Agnostic.
  6. Um, why the hell would you want KotOR 2? It was a poorly written rushed game that has bugs up the yingyang and has been abandoned by its developer and publisher.
  7. You know what the hell I meant. Gods, don't act like a freaking idiot.
  8. Because the ending sucked. Good writing requires that we are shown what is going on and not simply told. Basic Creative Writing 101. That bit made me think that Chris A. needed to head back to college and take refresher courses.
  9. If they do then they do. If they don't, then they don't. Why worry about it?
  10. Tutorials need to be separate from the game. No compromise on this one from me. If I want to go through the tutorial, which is an OUT OF CHARACTER process, then I should just load it up like you can in BG 2 or ToEE (one of the things right in that game). Once I am in the game I want the OOC nonsense out of it.
  11. You mean it wasn't? It looked like DBZ to me. Only Goku and Vegeta grunted as much as they did.
  12. I have no need of WotC. I own all the books I need for my campaigns.
  13. Battlestar Galactica is frackin' awesome. I also like the SG-1 and Atlantis. SCIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
  14. If I was to use a non-d20 System rules set it would be Fuzion or the Hero System. I never really liked GURPS.
  15. I don't particularly care about development time. All I really care about is the game itself once it is in my possession. If I have fun with the game, all is good. Doesn't matter to me if it took 1 week to make the game or if it took 10 years.
  16. My favorite moment is RPGing happened when I killed a player character within 47 minutes of the start of a new campaign. It was ADnD 2e and I was running Return to the Keep on the Borderlands and the characters were a mix bag of primes and Sigil natives. The player was playing a wizard belong to the Taker faction and he decided not to listen to the natives when they saw a tower in the distance. Now, they were all 1st level characters mind you and this guy wanted to go to the tower. The Native PCs stated that no one has ever returned from that tower. It is death to go there. The party decided to do their mission and go to the caves. The Taker Wizard went to the tower and noticed the door was open. He walked in, went up the stairs and came to a door. The door was locked so he decided to try to break it down by kicking it. Repeatedly. This woke up the 20 hit die, 154 hit point House Mimic. Lets just say the Taker was lunch.
  17. So is d20 Modern but I prefer to do some tinkering to make the rules fit specifically to my campaign.
  18. Gauntlet stopped being noteworthy more than a decade ago.
  19. Oh, I haven't forgotten IWD 2 but I am one of those few freaks who actually liked it.
  20. I like to tinker. The Action Points originate with d20 Modern.
  21. Its about bloody time. J.E. and Chris working together again. CRPGs might become good again.
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