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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Normandy Crash-site DLC was shocking. Like something straight out of JRPG. The "mission" basically consists of scurrying around hard to find obstacles looking for JRPG-Shiny-Objects under the lame pretense of being dogtags. Oh, and this is supposed to be "exciting" as they've disabled the map to make it a pain-in-the-ass exercise in drudgery. Without a doubt, the worst quest in ME2.

  2. EDIT: Also, where do I find


    ? I've been looking for this guy, but Eezo hunting keeps pulling me away.


    Just keep playing. Not possible to miss it.

    Don't bet on it.


    Your talking to the guy who went 20 hours before realizing the Normandy had an observation deck. :p

  3. Why all the JE hate? At the time it was Bio's best release. Beautiful setting, addictive combat, morally ambiguous choices & consequence, epic score, charming characters, wire-fu awesomeness. JE had it all.


    You're living in a dream world Neo.

    Sour grapes. You're just wondering why you didn't take the blue pill.



    Besides i don't see much hate. Pointing out obvious and nagging flaws isn't hate.

    That's what all wives say.


    Funny, how they change their position at the divorce court.

  4. Why all the JE hate? At the time it was Bio's best release. Beautiful setting, addictive combat, morally ambiguous choices & consequence, epic score, charming characters, wire-fu awesomeness. JE had it all. The resolution of the quest where you return the orphanage keeper to the Tien's Landing ruins and choose to spare the fellow giving the ghost children some measure of peace, is one of the most poignant moments in gaming history, IMO. The tragedy of their watery death, the vengeance of the girl, the forgiveness of the boy...followed by the amazing theme. Even now, I'm getting warm fuzzy feelings thinking about it. :p

  5. Maybe if you train really hard you'll be able to juggle forums, the job and ME2?

    Bah, that's not multi-tasking.


    Now having sex and gaming is multi-tasking. The trick is trying to disguise it so she doesn't get suspicious. Preferably by doing something that's she'll like...you know below the equator. So hide under the sheet, chick in one hand, DS in the other (back light is perfect to this kind of operation BTW), and for god sake make sure the volume is turned down.


    EDIT: Also, where do I find


    ? I've been looking for this guy, but Eezo hunting keeps pulling me away.

  6. "Apart from not having any weapon skills, the combat mechanics have been anything but stripped down from ME1"


    I agree. It's not stripped down. It's dumbed down. HUGE difference.



    I'm using them interchangeably. I'll change my mind if you find a h4wt tenured professor to pole-dance at my bachelor party. Say...what's Darque doing these days?

  7. I was going to say something along the lines of "we'll just have to agree to disagree" until I saw your final comment. Now I won't deign you, or any of your comments, with an actual reply.

    Aw, c'mon. You know you want to. It's nothing personal, but you're a vorcha. A creature who could be feared when toughened up. And you're not gonna toughen up unless you get smacked around. You should be thanking me. :thumbsup:

  8. -Stripped down combat mechanics ala Deux Ex --> Invisible War


    Stripped down combat mechanics? WTF? Apart from not having any weapon skills, the combat mechanics have been anything but stripped down from ME1, and I certainly wouldn't compare them to that abortion they passed off as a sequel to (another) one of the best games ever made.


    Sure, ME2 is a bit rock-paper-scissors as somebody already mentioned, but when you compare it to ME1's "point at the target with the Spectre Master Gear Weapon and hold button down until it's dead" combat "mechanics", it's like a bazillion new layers have been added instead of stripping something down.

    Well, the Kelly and Miranda romance ending/"highlights" might count as stripping down, but even that would be stretching it.



    You obviously need to give Invisible War a spin if you're imagining similarities! :*

    For clarification: By combat mechanics I am referring to the blood splattering, groin crunching, head smashing aspect of the gameplay, since the totality of ME

  9. There are a lot of bits and pieces in this game that fondly remind me of Deus Ex - the only thing I can place my finger on right now are the emails and the way they add to the background.

    +Cyberpunk atmosphere & music

    +Hacking/Bypassing & Emails

    -Stripped down combat mechanics ala Deux Ex --> Invisible War

  10. I loving the new Garrus. Combines ass-kickery with cheeky style. Him and Tali both. Ah, just like old times...


    That being said, Mordin = Best Character of All Time. However...


    Garrus: Do you ever miss those conversations we used to have in the elevator?

    Tali: No.

    Garrus: Come on, remember how we'd all ask you about life on the flotilla? It was an opportunity to share!

    Tali: This conversation is over.

    Garrus: Tell me again about your immune system!

    Tali: I have a shotgun.

    Garrus: Uh, never mind.



  11. Snowed this weekend, which was a good excuse to sit around playing the game pretty much all the time. Question: Without getting too spoilery, when should I

    go investigate the dead Reaper? I went through the Collector ship, but declined to immediately follow-up and started doing loyalty missions instead. I now have Miranda, Samara (Reave is great; basically Warp on steroids), Garrus, and Thane loyal to me. Is there an advantage to going there early, or should I wrap up my squadmate missions first?



    Are people finding ammo powers useful? I haven't played with them much-- I'm playing a Sentinel, so my approach is to just spam Overload and Warp/Reave at protected enemies.


    For the first question:

    Things will change depending on when you go check out the dead Reaper. I don't think I can say any more than that without getting too spoilery.



    Ammo powers can be a big help. Disruptor can shutdown mechs for a second or two. Inferno ammo can light enemies on fire, organic enemies will panic and stop to put out the flames. Fire also disables Krogan and Vorcha regen. I would assume cryo ammo can freeze enemies, which would then be prone to shattering. Never used it myself. The other types don't seem to have any extra effect.


    Also I take back everything bad I ever said about Throw. 1 second cooldown time is amazing against husks. One shot the armour with the hand cannon then throw. By the time you shoot another one, throw is ready to use again. Or you can go with the area effect version, wipe out all the armour and throw them all at once. :lol:

    You pansies and your flapping around with your girly biotics and techs. :lol:


    A real man wades right into the battle (cover is for sissies) LMG bursting, concussive shots/inferno grenades splattering, shield/health regenerating, while bullet-time pr4wning. ;)

  12. The thing is that PC gaming itself is pretty non-mainstream by now and the bigger publications don't really care. The thinking goes something like this: if you want to play PC games you put up with the DRM, otherwise you play console games.


    Also, proud to be the official cynic :lol:

    I don't think the binary bandits really care. Their thinking goes something like this: if you want us to buy PC games you piss off with DRM, otherwise we pirate.


    Also, proud to be the official iconoclast ;)

  13. Gotta a question for Volo, since none of you other scum-bucket non-cross-platformers will help:


    On ME1, I bought it first on the 360 (didn't have a non-spastic PC at the time), and when I later bought it for the PC (360 --> red ring of death) I noticed that the hacking minigame was completely different. I think instead of being a time-based context sensitive button-mash it was some sort of puzzle game. So what's the bypassing and hacking minigames like for the 360 - the same as PC or competley different? Oh, and what's the synergy of the control scheme like? I don't think I've played a console game with as good a control scheme as Jade Empire. The xbox controller was practically MADE for that game. On PC ME2, the raidal dial being mapped at Left-Shift was awful. If I didn't remap it to Spacebar, my little pinky would have had carpal tunnel for sure.

  14. I'm real happy for you F-to-end-the-mission, and Imma let you finish, but unobscured radial dial were the best dialog options of all time.


    For the love of god yes! Why can't we turn those damn notifications off?! Not just the "Press F to end", but "Left click to launch a probe" and all the other idiotic messages that we really didn't need to see once, let alone a billion more times.

    And ironically, the one that is the most important, they tell you once and never again. I actually had to restart the tutorial to find out what it was. You know, that W + space jump-hop that only works under cover. I love how they just casually pop it in there too right in the middle of a fire-fight at level 1 when you're scrambling to stay alive. Kind of how women do the boyfriend-drop just before you go for the home phone number. If you weren't interested then why waste my time flirting? Gimme my five minutes back, you skanky tart! I never wanted you anyway!

  15. Which big gun is the best for taking down those large annoying droids? The two first rocket/grenade thingies didnt seem to have any effect



    FFS Bio, don't pollute sweet space with gay fantasy!


    Word, brother jags.

    Of course brother Kaft.


    As for taking down Big F***ing Mechs, try using the Collector Particle Weapon (found on Horizon) for medium-long range, or the Flame Thrower (found on Zee's revenge mission) for short range. They'll drop faster than Lindsay Lohan on a night on the town.

  16. Make sure you install the DLCs. In my opinion, it gave me the best assault rifle and sniper rifle in the game. My solider is loving it. My only regret is that I didn't buy from Gamespot, because then I would have had that awesome heavy weapon gravity gun. Ah well, for heavy weps, there's none better than the Nuke Launcher.




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