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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. :*


    I think the universe hiccups when Volourn accuses someone of trolling.





    Back to TIM's plans, I see one of two possibilities. Either he intends to "evolve" humanity into to their "pinnacle" state that is a human reaper. Or he intends to build a counter-reaper force by harvesting aliens into alien reapers. Now a Krogan Reaper would be immense IMO. That or a Blasto The Hanar Reaper. Or even just Blasto himself. Yeah, that ought to teach them.




    Also, did anyone else feel bad about laughing like a little schoolgirl during Mordin's loyalty mission? You know the part. Where he tried to kill his Salarian pupil, and you intervene. The kid's shaking shaking his head when you tell Mordin to stop. And then nodding his head in agreement when you tell Mordin he's not a murderer. Hilarious. Even though I'm not sure it was meant to break the dramatic tension. I f***ing love Salarians!

  2. The whole re-spawn thing is pretty much the deal breaker for me on this one. If it is not too intrusive (say like System Shock 2) then that's not a problem.


    Nice read on that review.

    Felt the same way about Bio1, Jaesun. Totally broke my willful suspension of disbelief, which is probably why I didn't finish it.. Worse, the enemies remained wounded, so when you respawned you'd simply finish them off. That's virtually no penalty for failure. :x


    If Bio2 has the respawn thing going on, then I'll have to give it a miss. Don't cry Bioshock. We'll always have Rapture. :*

  3. ME2, insanity run in small bits and pieces. It's kind of a tedious grind, but I've been catching up with some tv series on blu-ray, so it's as good a time as any to play for 30mins-2hours.

    What class and special power did you select for your insanity run, Nepenthe? All my selections so far play out an exercise in duck-and-cover.


    Soldier w. Fortification. So far the only two places where I've had actual trouble were the very first recruitment mission (Mordin) and the end of Horizon. Not looking forward to the Collector ship or Derelict Reaper.


    Fortification gives somewhat enhanced survival, and having access to the full weapons trove is useful (especially now that the Eviscerator is out). Generally Miri and Mordin to debuff when no party members are forced.

    I'll give it a shot. Even if mooks can beat you down on insanity, the instant recharge ability has to be useful.


    Also, new wep Eviscerator!? Tell more! :wowey:


    A new armor (Cerberus assault armor or something like that) and the Eviscerator shotgun (longer range, better AP) were released to people with the Cerberus Network last week (for free, in case some whiner feels the urge to jump in and attack the Evil EA and their poorly failing marketing attempts - again). Haven't tried the armor yet, but the shotgun seemed a bit less useless than the others on insanity. :down:

    "Yes, I can see how that will be beneficial to all concerned. But really, Councilor, you should consulted with me before taking such drastic measures".

  4. "Yeah that's my #1 annoyance in ME and ME2... basically if there is an NPC on your team that can romance you.. DO NOT TALK TO THEM EVER. As for ME2.."


    Not true for ME2 at least for male Shep. You can point black teell the 3 potential omances that you aren't interested in them 'in that way', and all 3 react in their own way to it. There is no way to 'accidentally' have a romance with them. And, the good thing even if you sy no they can still be talked to afterwards.


    Maybe I just had a glitch then Vol.. Because I told Jack flat out "no, I wasn't interested in her" and then every time I tried talking to her after she kept doing the dialogue spin of "i know you're seeing that other girl, make a choice or just leave me alone." and nada else but that.

    All I got was "F*** off!" :down:




    L0L Hilarious stuff. I also got to say that despite my annoyance over the dumbed down character/combat system, ME2 has BIO's best group of chaarcters, and C&C wise it is even better than DA.

    My thoughts exactly. If ME2 didn't dumb down the combat, and if it improved the Mako exploration/land combat system rather than have gotten rid of it, then ME2 would have been one of the greatest RPGs of all time - and definitely worthy of a Kanye West Interruption Award.


    Remember kids, if something sucks, get rid of it. But it's simply not tight, then improve it. Words to live by. :wowey:

  5. ME2, insanity run in small bits and pieces. It's kind of a tedious grind, but I've been catching up with some tv series on blu-ray, so it's as good a time as any to play for 30mins-2hours.

    What class and special power did you select for your insanity run, Nepenthe? All my selections so far play out an exercise in duck-and-cover.


    Soldier w. Fortification. So far the only two places where I've had actual trouble were the very first recruitment mission (Mordin) and the end of Horizon. Not looking forward to the Collector ship or Derelict Reaper.


    Fortification gives somewhat enhanced survival, and having access to the full weapons trove is useful (especially now that the Eviscerator is out). Generally Miri and Mordin to debuff when no party members are forced.

    I'll give it a shot. Even if mooks can beat you down on insanity, the instant recharge ability has to be useful.


    Also, new wep Eviscerator!? Tell more! :woot:

  6. All the fish in the tank in my quarters died... how did *that* happen? :brows:

    You have to feed them, else they die. :(


    If you

    invite Kelly to your quarters for a "dinner date", then she'll offer

    to feed your fish for you.

    I did that, but apparantly too late. I wonder if I can buy new fish anywhere (bought two kinds of fish so far) :*


    Yeah, the galaxy can wait.

    Yeah, screw the galaxy. Fish is at stake here.


    Just go back to your old fish n' chip shop. I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite fish shop on the Citadel.


    Oh, and make sure you buy the Space Hamster too. Then you can play with it...which is far more important than that Collector nonsense.

  7. ME2, insanity run in small bits and pieces. It's kind of a tedious grind, but I've been catching up with some tv series on blu-ray, so it's as good a time as any to play for 30mins-2hours.

    What class and special power did you select for your insanity run, Nepenthe? All my selections so far play out an exercise in duck-and-cover.

  8. Ah, yes...Phantasmagoria. Along with 7th Guest and Eleventh Hour, it made up the Unholy Triad of 90s-Kitchy Point-and-Spook Adventure Games.


    Now Sanitarium was a REAL man's old-skool horror adventure.

  9. I do kind of wish that if they're going to let you troll around the universe after finishing the suicide mission... that there'd be at least some recognition by certain people that you'd just done that. I mean you just get the same old dialogue choices for Aria, Anderson...

    How much would it have taken to have put in something there? Apart from taking Legion around to see what reactions people get to a Geth... there just doesn't seem any real immersive flow to doing any missions or such afterwards..

    Definitely. This was a little disappointing by Bio on this aspect. Personally, I find very little post-campaign motivation to continue playing when there is little post-campaign acknowledgment by the rest of the NPCs. I'd much rather just start a new campaign. Sure, your buddies chimed in their 2-cents, but I guess I was expecting something more in the vein of Fallout 2.


    On the bright side, you're able to invite Tali back to your cabin for nookie & cuddles. :thumbsup:

  10. Am I the only one who finds this guys enduring enthusiam for giving us info disturbing? Especially as nobody here has yet to show even remote interest for his works. :thumbsup:

    Yo Neverending Nights, I'm real happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but Neverwinter Nights are the best nights of all time!

  11. I took Legion to the Citadel... nobody seemed to care about it... but maybe it's because my Shepard went all Renegade in ME1.


    Talk to the Citadel Security/Receptionist in the dock area when you have Legion..


    Shep : "Why is security so heavy?"

    C-Sec: "We're cracking down to prevent Geth infiltration."

    Legion: "Geth do not infiltrate"

    C-Sec: "Please be aware that mobile recording units are not allowed on ..."



    I was surprised Anderson had a pot-shot at Legion. Seems the poor guy can't get a break.

  12. Grunt: I must admit, I expected Grunt to suck donkey balls. He proved me wrong. Actually had compelling and believable character development...for a Krogan.
    He was fine... except he's a krogan. I mean, the whole "KILL! MAIM! MURDER!" thing applied to an entire culture is quite silly. I remember than in ME1, Ash and Wrex have an Elevator Convo, and Wrex specifically mocks this krogan stereotyping. Sounded promising, but Bio chose to take the easy path and reduce krogan to multi-gonad Klingons. And since Grunt is the UBER krogan, he ends up being uber silly.



    Miranda: Bitch Queen must go, however. Questions every decision I make. Give my back my yes-man Pressley, dammit! No sense of humor. No integrity either mind you: She lies and manipulates. And she snoops on your email. That's just bad form.
    So... what you're saying is that she's exactly the kind of person you'd expect TIM to choose to watch his multi-billion cred investment?


    I liked her precisely for that.



    These were my impressions as well (including pretty much agreeing with mah Man Jags on the rest). 'cept Jack doesn't provoke any strong feelings in me, thae fact that she's in a hard-to-reach (well, relatively) area of the ship just makes it easier to ignore her.


    Miranda, though, I like a lot. Not just for the stripperific outfit, but the fact that the whole epic boobage, bootage and bodypaint uniform also apparently give her some serious self-esteem issues - best of the "daddy issue" quests, too imho. The fact that there's quite a bit of the amazingly gorgeous and superbly sexy-voiced and accented Yvonne Strahovski there is just the icing on the cake. Garrus and Tali were kind of thin in ME1, but come to their full potential here, and Mordin and Legion are just made of awesome.


    Jacob is just meh, I guess if I'd played ME: Galaxy, I might care a bit more, but now he's basically just a reference to a stupid handheld game I haven't played with little to bring to the table this time around. Thane and Grunt I actively dislike (pouty estrogen brigade bait with flashbacks and family issues, caricature krogan), Samara brings little to the table apart from being mechanically a really good character and having epic cleavage (though, taking the other path through her loyalty quest on this second playthrough might make it a bit more interesting). Zaeed - just feels a total let-down, especially after the way Shale showed us how a proper DLC NPC can be done...


    Happily I can just stick to the NPCs I like, use the ones I am indifferent to and pretty much ignore the two-three I really don't like.

    Don't be so shallow, Nepenthe. Look at her personality - she's an Ice Queen. You have to look past the epic boobage. And bootage. And glorious camel toe...dammit, she can stay, she can stay!


    But I wouldn't recommend Galaxy as it'll be too dumb for your tastes. If you value your intelligence stay away from it. Seriously, Bio's hand-held games are like kryptonite for your brain-cells. They're completely dumb games which will dumb you down in the process...but the dopamine fix compels you to keep playing.



    For the slightly random thing.. How many things have people noticed that should be affected by ME1 playthroughs? (beyond the main storyline aspects of Wrex/Ashley/Kaidan dead or not, Rachni queen alive or dead, Council save or not)..


    I mean Conrad Venner acts as if renegade option was chosen, (even though I went paragon on him).

    The Asari Consort mission was done to save her reputation, and yet there are the news stories about her having to leave the Citadel due to leaking information...


    I ran into Helena Blake doing social work on Omega.. :shifty:


    The Asari scientist I told on Virmire to "run if you can, because I'm about to nuke this place) turns up with the amusing "I saw it was you, so I turned the security cameras off..now I'm about to run before you nuke this place"... o:)


    How many other aspects have people noticed? and how many seem to go with the choices made in ME1?


    the conrad thing were a bit puzzling as am certain that we were nice to him.


    shalia (sp?) the asari we spared on theros is met on ilium


    giana parasini gives us a little peck on cheek in me2


    saw fist in afterlife bar


    meet reporter (al-jilani(sp?)) and take her down a peg for a second time.


    save the council and made anderson a council member... kinda regretted saving the council in retrospect.


    ashley were still dead in me2... we were pursuing a romance with her and then let her die.


    emails made up much o' me1 crossover content, but we only recall a handful.


    got narali's body back for saresh (sp?) received email we didn't read.


    corporal toombs displeased that we is working with cerberus... email we partial read.




    HA! Good Fun!

    What did Fist and Virmire Asari Scientist have to say? Shame I missed out on this.


    I guess I need revise Jag's Standard Policy to Named NPC Interation:

    • If male: Attempt to recuit him as henchy. If female: Attempt to have sex with her.
    • If female is un-sexable: Attempt to recruit her, then re-sex her.
    • If NPC is unrecruitable or un-sexable: Attempt to pickpocket.
    • If NPC cannot be pickpocketed: Terminate.


    Just finished the game. While not eprfect (there's flaws but I won't spoil); but oevralla wesoemly done. Everything went perfectly first time through with no deaths. Still, even thoguh I was mostly confident, I gotta say there were times where BIO gave enough teasing drama that i thoguht a companion would die and I was biting my nails and 8crossing my finegrs* hoping they'd pull through. I wish the final final end was a little longer. Need more meat on that tease, BIO...



    Now to Jack.... Still hate her with a passion; but I love the way she said her favorite word right at the end of her loyalty mission. Just the way the voice actress delivered it. L0L


    Now to Legion. Friggin' awesome. I friggin' LOVE geth. If he is telling the truth, wow, I love them big time. He's top 5 if not top 3 ME2 characetr easily despite the fact I only had him form his mission + the end sequence. HAHAHA!


    Great game but with some MAJOR faults.




    Ha - I told yah you'd love Legion. On your next playthrough, recruit Legion ASAP, and then take him with you to recruit Tali, as well as on the Flotilla and Citadel.


    And I confess, I was screaming like a little school-girl when Garrus was shot. Almost thought he wouldn't make it.


    Yeah, Legion was also one of my favorites. Sad you get him SO late in the game. He also has voiced comments if you do bring him on other missions with you, granted then your crew will all die, but one. heh


    I've always wondered if there is epic lulz if you bring Tali on Legion's Loyalty mission. Going to do that this play-through.

    Legion LOLz on Citadel and Flotilla. :nuke:



    That's not the most terrifying thing the fans have come up with. Makes you wonder.

    You don't say.



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