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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. GOD DAMN IT my old sheppy is lvl 47. No bonuses for me.

    I was under the impression that the level only affected how high level you start the game? One or two levels in a game like ME shouldn't be a biggie.

    Level bonuses? FFS guys, instead of the meta gaming stat modifiers, let's focus on the important RPG elements of this fine title...interspecies sex!


    What combinations have we got?


    Human-Turian? Check!

    Human-Quarian? Check!

    Human-Asari? Been there, done that.


    What about Geth Sex, Salarian Sex, and Krogan Sex? Bio, why do you these us with inter-species parties AND a Captain's Quarters with no funky alien to keep us warm on those cold, lonely space nights? :)

  2. If you're a dude, you can have sex with Miranda, Tali, Subject Zero, and Kelly. No threesomes. All the ladies magically know if you've shagged one of the others.

    What kind of magic know are we talking about? This better not be the Oblivion Steal A Spoon In The Palace of Chorrol And The Peasants of Cheydinhal will know of your crime against humanity...


    And you wont even get to see a pair of boobz. The gif of Miranda stripping is the most explicit thing in the game.


    *waits for jaguars to implode*


  3. For those who have completed the game / nearly finished with it, answer me this: What is the extent of the...sensuality choice & consequence?


    Aw, who am I kidding?! Basically, I want to be able to bang all the ladies while on the Normandy, and while planet-side. Heck, I'm not adverse to shagging in space just for the sheer awsomeness of the zero-grav-money-shot. However, If my salacious shenanigans will result in the loss of lascivious opportunities, then I might elect to stay my hand, or wang as the case may be.


    So for those who a deep in the game (pun intended) feel free to spill the beans (pun not intended).

  4. Apparently the scars can also "naturally heal" through consistent accumulation of Paragon points.


    Not 100% sure it's true, but apparently you can also get plastic surgery to remove them if your renegade.



    But I think scars look hawt! Can you get scar-enhancing surgery if you're paragon?

    Screw that! I want total cyborg face pop out complete with red-LED eye replacement ala Terminator.

  5. Breaking News: It has come to my attention that Shepard will be able to get drunk and stagger around like an irishman. And that the Normandy now has bathrooms.


    Only useful if you can use it as an excuse for walking into the girls bathroom.(While in use) *Achievement unlocked: Pervert*

    Hey! It's not pervert if you really are so drunk that you happen to wander in the girls bathroom by accident!



    [shepherd kicks open stall door in womens restroom; occupant screams]

    Commander Shepherd: Sorry, retarded.

    Miranda: Oh, its okay.

    [shepherd kicks open second stall door; occupant screams]

    Commander Shepherd: Sorry, dont know any better.

    Tali: Oh, bless you then.

    [shepherd kicks open third stall door; occupant screams]

    Commander Shepherd: Geez, didnt you hear me a second ago? I'm retarded!

    Subject Zero: Oh, you're just curious. Well, let me show you how

    everything works down there.

  6. So does anyone here know for sure which save file we import: the autosave, the highest number save, or the char# save?


    It's the char# save. All you have to do is run the ME2 configuration utility and point it to the folder containing your ME1 saves. It'll do the rest.

    Thanks man.


    Now all I need to do is figure out how to import my Blood Dragon Armor.




    I hope you don't have to flex too many muscles for that :p

    Gah - I vaguely remember suppressing memories of this Bio Social Site when "signing up" to play my legitimately purchased copy of DA. :aiee:

  7. So does anyone here know for sure which save file we import: the autosave, the highest number save, or the char# save?


    It's the char# save. All you have to do is run the ME2 configuration utility and point it to the folder containing your ME1 saves. It'll do the rest.

    Thanks man.


    Now all I need to do is figure out how to import my Blood Dragon Armor. On the bright side, my ME2 steam pre-load is fully downloaded and ready to rock and roll. :rolleyes:

  8. No F/F action.


    I doubt that. I mean ME had it, DA had it, JE had it, KotOR had it... :ermm:


    No F/F according to the devs, people hoped for Samara action(Asari not considered female by the devs :ermm: ). But the game files seem to indicate that Samara is not an option.

    Not an option for the females that is.


    For us guys, it's a matter of gotta shag 'em all!

  9. I got Giants: Citizen Kabuto from GoG, since I never got around to playing it.

    Its waiting for my CoH download to finish, and then I'll get to it. Been reading the manual in the meantime, its hilarious.



    The Charger is an incredibly fierce territori-

    al creature. Once it settles on a spot, it will

    rarely attempt to leave that spot, even if

    fired upon from a distance. Not that a

    Charger would even feel anything short of a

    planet colliding with its skull, the creature

  10. I am aware of the sexy promiscuity of these pirate tramps, Brother Kaft. But keep in mind that they are also jail-bait for our Attorney General Eric Holder and his Zombie Crack Squad of Mutant Bureaucrats. You can never win against a zombie mutant bureaucrat, dear brother.


    Besides, we wouldn't want Feargus Urquhart to get arrested for pimping these skanky tarts.

  11. You're aiding-and-abetting software piracy, Pop. Hand your head in shame.



    Operation: Monkey-Launch is a go!

    Indeed. On a silver platter no less... Thread pruned a bit. Now, if the freeloaders and parasites of the net could kindly wait and at least pretend they are decent people. Like waiting until the official release date?


    Wow, yeah, because whether or not somebody downloads works without paying for them is an accurate indicator of their decency as a human being. 8)


    Fair enough that such discussion isn't allowed on here, but perhaps tone down the vilification.

    Shut your mouth, pirate-lover!


    You knew this was a Ninja only joint when you signed up. Besides we have b00bies:



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