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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. I'm still playing slowly. (Stupid work.) Recruited Garrus (fun mission), did the Normandy Crash Site bit (a pixel hunt that is only interesting if you're crazy-nostalgic for ME1), and scanned some planets.


    I have to say that I'm starting to agree with those who question why this scanning stuff is in the game at all. And the "scanning upgrade" I purchased doesn't seem to have done anything.


    Zaeed is fun. Doesn't seem to be completely integrated into the game (I tried to have a conversation with him on the Normandy, and he tells some fun war stories, but there's no dialogue interface), but when I took him with me to find Garrus, one of the gang leaders recognized him and treated me with a lot more respect. So far, he's basically Canderous, but without the whole "Mandalorian Pride" thing.

    The scanning upgrade basically makes the scanning process that much less annoying by speeding up the scanning cursor. Which is ironic since it almost presupposes that the devs knew that the scanning mini-game sucked donkey-balls. That being said, my dopamine fix compels me to scan-hunt every sector on every uncharted world.


    Oh, and be sure to do Zaeed's revenge mission. Heck, save before it play it twice (paragon & renegade). It's awesome.

  2. I was just thinking about something, in the cinematic trailer, it sounds like the Illusive man refers to Grunt as "Sonny Tuchanka". Did BioWare make som last minute changes to the character that didnt get sent to Blur in time for them to change the trailer?



    Tuchanka is the planet. And its very warm. Ergo sunny Tuchanka.

  3. :o Backing up a bit... is it true that there isn't a "no helmet" option??? Argghhhhhh....


    You can choose not to wear a helmet but you lose one armor bonus if you do. It's no big deal though. Most of the stuff the helmets gives are things like 5% health or the like. Most of the time I personally never even show myself once the shield fails since health can go down very quickly and it's annoying to reload. -_-

    Actually ~Di's right to fear. You can only customize normal armours. For the DLC armours (Collector Armour, Inferno Armour, Blood Dragon Armour, Terminus Armour), you're pretty much stuck with as is...helmet and all.


    On the bright side, LEDs on your helmet light up every time you speak Transformers style, and you also sound like you're speaking through a synthesizer.

  4. Just took Garrus & Tali to the Citadel.


    Garrus: Do you ever miss those conversations we would have on the elevators?

    Tali: NO! This conversation is over. I have a shotgun.

    Garrus: Uh, maybe we'll talk later.


    Where in the Citadel do they say that? Right now, I'm pretty much restricted some seedy wards section... Also, where do you pick up Tali? I met her once early on at Freedom's Pass or whatever, and now I've picked up C0ckney Thug,, Boobie Lady, Angry Black Dude, 'ol buddy Garrus, & Psycho Chick.

  5. Dogstophat.jpg


    Kor blimey, guv'nar! Me boss Owlbatten just popped out for a jimmy riddle.

    He'll be back in a jiffy that he will.

    If I may say so meself, those be some mighty fine whiskers you be sportin'.

    Might fine, indeed, sirrah.

  6. I take it back.


    I started up a new solider game just to prove all you soldier-lovers wrong...but it turns out a level 2 solider kicks more ass than my level 8 vanguard. On paper the other classes LOOK better, but solider has surprisingly durable survivability and killability. It's probably got something to do with the fact that soldier's powers offer high buck for your buck at the get go (ammo powers available at start, bullet time doesn't need to be pumped to become usable), whereas biotics etc. only becomes uber at higher levels. I still reckon they'll overtake solider at higher levels, but if ammo isn't an issue, then soldier offers quality DPS and tanking.

  7. Those armors are truly hideous, it's a miracle Shepard doesn't get shot on sight in any of the civilized areas.

    And to add insult to injury, I hear it's impossible to remove the helmets. :lol:

    Yes...but drinking with the helmets on seems to be less problematic.

  8. You should check her temperature, to make sure she doesnt have a fever. Rectal of course, you want an accurate reading :-




    and that armour is hideous... and a bit blasphemous since it mixes gay fantasy with sweet space.

    Quite right. I better give her a breast examination as well. Wth all this element zero radiation a woman really ought to avoid unnecessary exposure to undergarments. What, with the chafing and all.


    Oh, and that's not hideous.





    Now THIS is hideous...but with sweet stats. I had to wear it Sir Kaft. It was a moment of weakness. :(


    "keep in mind that your party AI = Deekin from NWN. So you'll have to end up micromanaging their powers anyway..."


    Huh? They use their powers all the time. In fact, they can pratically win most fights by themselves with me hiding in a corner. L0L

    You're right, they do use their powers judicially, and I admit they're practically carrying me at the moment (my char is very squishy). I just wish they would use the right powers for the right job. What's this? A giant mech right on top of my little hiding spot?! Can someone give me a little Overload here? :aiee:

  9. Apparently, I didnt get any pre-order code thingie so no armour and stuff for me :-

    Shall I taunt you with screenshots on what you're missing to cheer you up, Sir Kaft?



    Please do, Sir Jags. I did get a Cerberus card so Im not missing anything vital, but its still annoying when the store (www.spelbutiken.se) fudges it up and robs you off stuff.





    Need help guys.


    I'm trying to romance Dr. Chakwas. I've bought her favorite brandy, we cracked it open, but...how do I escalate from here?!? :aiee:

    So you managed to get the broad drunk... and you're asking for advice on what to do next?!


    You're losing your touch, jags. Didn't think I'd see the day.

    It's not my fault! She passed out right on the bed in medbay...so I thought I'd do the only honorable thing: Give her a medical examination!

  10. every class has health regen & unlimited sprint stamina.

    You actually don't have unlimited sprint stamina. If you keep sprinting Shep will start huffing and puffing and eventually be unable to run for a period of time. They've simply removed the stamina meter and replaced it with heavy breathing, the kind girls get from stalkers over the telephone. :-

    I knew it!


    You told me it was the wrong number! :aiee:

  11. For you crazy Europeans who haven't played the game: DON'T CHOOSE SOLDIER CLASS.


    The unkillable class from ME1 is now the impotent class of ME2. With the limited ammo system (and believe me its limited alright) assault rifle is no longer the fountain stream of death it used to be. On top of that every class can use the sub-machine gun, which is pretty much as good IMO is you learn to control the bursts. On top of that, the reticle accuracy is entirely twitch dependent so any class can be a monster with guns if need be (especially since heavy weps can be used by everyone). Also, what actually made the solder awesome in ME1 is shared by all classes in ME2. Every class can wear every armor AFAIK, every class has health regen & unlimited sprint stamina. And to add insult to injury, soldiers don't even have the uber immunity power anymore.


    With tech, biotics, & guns, this gameplay is pretty much rock, paper, scissors. Don't cripple yourself by only having rock.

  12. I'm now near the end

    At the Collectors base

    , and I didn't get the chance to shag someone. And I was always so nice to Kelly and Miranda. What did I wrong?

    Don't you know anything about women, Morgoth?


    They don't like nice guys, they like jerks. You gotta treat them like dirt. They'll love you for it, my friend. :)

  13. "Don't make that assumption about Jack before you find out more about her past..."


    I know enough to know that she is one of the most emoist characters ever. She should just cut herself, and get it over with. I should have allowed her to die in that prison (if you are able to). Miranda may be a biatch but at least she iemo. Plus, she's super hot so that takes the sting off.

    Why even settle for a biatch, when you can have a sweet, playful, space-babe for those steamy space nights?


    Tali > Kelly > Miranda > SuZe





    I LOVE how your choices carry over into ME2. I've run into so many characters and news announcements about specifics that I chose in the original game. At first I suspected the game detected my Paragon status, and simply repeated Paragon outcomes to quests, but I have yet to hear any sort of give away about a situation I handled differently. It all matches up so far.



    Meeting up with crime boss Helena Blake, bitch reporter Al Jillani (renegade QTE here was the moment of the game), & sweet reporter Emily Wong kicked ass. An especially nice touch was the Toombs dude that was kidnapped by Cerberus in ME1.

  14. ***SPOILERS***



    Speaking of minigames, while on Omega my reflexes were shot and I took too long to knock off the mechanic, and also screwed up hacking the mech. Well, I guess the baddies managed to repair the gunboat so now my Garrus is proper f***ed. To add insult to injury the in game tooltip whatever alluded to possible permanent penalties to his ability. Someone please tell me I haven't sealed my Turi buddy to a death sentence.


    On the bright side, I didn't take him with me to the plague slum. See, I'm not all bad...

  15. Lame sex aside, does this game even feel like an RPG, when Volourn starts to say that Bioware are stretching it, i do not know what to believe.

    You better believe.


    I'm actually a little disappointed with the loss of feel. The game doesn't even let you cop a feel. For boobies that is. How can Bio expect me to immerse myself into their masterpiece when they don't even provide boobie juggle? You see, Troika understood our plight. That's why Vampire: Bloodlines was a quality RPG with quality boobies juggles. Seriously, spin your female Malkavian on the character creation screen and not only do you get an up skirt snapshot, but you were also treated to some epic boobie juggling of Ringling Brothers Barnham and Bailey proportions.


    What a wasted opportunity. ME2 = Mass Effect IN NAME ONLY! :down:

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