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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Huh? I thought they were going to make a fairly PnP accurate implementation of the familiars, unless I missed something?" "Well I haven
  2. Volourn


    "don't care what manning's rating was bottom line leaders don't hang their head and pack it in when things don't go perfectly ON THE FIRST FACKING DRIVE." Players who pack it in don't normally make ckomebacks in the 4th quarter. The bottom line is football is a team sport. Manning had a good game. The rest of team did not. i'm so sick of him and his crappy leadership in the playoffs. YOU ARE AT HOME with the best offense in the league ACT LIKE YOU ARE IN CONTROL." If it wasn't for Manning the score wouldn't have even been close. He gave his team a chance to tie; but the kicker missed the field goal. And, anyone who watched the game knos full well he was control. Afterall, he told the punting team to get the hell off the field and then proceeded to convert that 4th down. "YOU DON'T SEE FREAKIN TOM BRADY DUFF IT AT HOME DAMNIT." No. But, we sure saw him get shellacked on Saturday. Hahahaha. "As a Steelers fan, I was very pleased with the win. And I don't believe all the touchdowns Bettis has scored for the Black and Gold would have saved him if Big Ben didn't make that tackle. A fumble in that situation is unacceptable for someone with his experience." Oh, please. That wasn't Bettis' fault. That was a fantastically hard hit. 99% of runningbacks would have fumbled thta ball on that hit. Manning + Bettis > You Know Nothings In past play-offs, Manning *was* it fault for his team's losses; but this year he was not. The coach was blame. What a friggin' loser. Period.
  3. "I just found out today that makes it new" I like this attitude 'cause I believe the same thing. "Warlocks are awesome. Game over. RoOfLeS!" Even the Great Darque can't be perfect.
  4. "Learning there were no sewers tripled my interest. I'm considering buying the game now." 2 Volournian points for the easy troll. (w00t)
  5. "4. Our module, Magical Volo!" Talking official stuff. P.S. We should start delving into our world background.
  6. LOL This has been known for months. :D And, I've been planning to get this game since it was announced. Though, warlocks are such a crappy and overrated nonsesne class its one of these that if I were not such a NWN fanboy would STOP me form buying that. Three Best New Things About NWN2: 1. World Map 2. Official Subraces 3. 3 Henchmen In Party Three Worst New Things About NWN2: 1. WARLOCK!!!! 2. NO SEWERS!!!! 3. Garbage Familiars
  7. "And the terrorist DO wan't only the Yankees." You are joking right? You gotta be. This smacks off simple ignorance. 1. Most terrorist attacks ar enot perpetrated against Amerikans. 2. Amerika has not been attack on it soil since 9/11. Many other countries have. Some repeatedly. 3. Most people killed by terorrists are not Amerikans. Heck, a number of victims in 9/11 weren't even Amerikan. 4. The terrorists themselves have stated they have many targeted countries including a number of ME and European countries. 5. Kanada is #5 of 6 countries on the 'prime attack' list. The first 4 have been attacked. Funnily enough, they were directedly involved in the Iraq War. 6. This idea that the terrorist just wnat to destory the US,as nd then they'll simply call it quits is as ridiculous as the notion that Germany was gonna stoop after conquering Europe. Seriously, Dude, you gots to be jokin'.
  8. Volourn


    "Indy's line is the best in football, or atleast was this year." Even the best have a bad day. Manning had a good day. His QBR was over 90. He also enginered a near 4th quarter combeack. It's too bad Indy doesn't ahave a coach as all he does is sit on the sidelines playing tiddlywinks. if it was up to the Indy coach the Colts would have been blown up but Manning nearly saved the day (along with an untimely fumble by bettis).
  9. Volourn


    Yeah, because a 90.9 QB Rating is sooo horrible. In comparison, Roth had around 95.8. Both QBs had good games. The offensive line for the Colts sucked, and Pittsburgh front line dfenese was awesome except in the 4th when they decided to relax. Football is a team sport. Shouldn't blame Manning because the rest of the team didn't do their jobs. "he didn't show up, if he did they would have not run up a 14-0 lead in the first minutes of the game" He doens't play defense. It's not his job to stop the other team from scoring. "No in this case the calls definitley didn't even out. The ref took atleast six points off the board for the steelers during the game." Nice try. The refs werne't eprfect; but they weren't eprfect for either team. "And Manning didn't much look like a MVP cannidate during the game, he's responsible for most of the blitz pickup during the game,and he didn't do a very good job. He was fooled more often then not by the Steelers and even with the ref's help didn't look so hot." Oh, please. Manning had a fantastic try. His offesnive line was simply outmatched. He knew the blitz was coming but it didn't matter because his offensive line forgot how to block. Didn't look like a MVP candidate? Yeha, that explains why they came within a missed field goal of a comeback against a great defensive team. Both QBs should be proud. Roth just had the better offensive line, and he made a great tackle too.
  10. Volourn


    "Manning and the colts once again don't show up in a big game." Manning most definitely showed up. His offensive line didn't. Even the one almost interceotion occured simply because he had to continually rush throwing. He ended up with pretty good stats. Colt's Biggest Mistake: Not rushing the ball at 3rd and 2 to get closer for the FG or maybe even a 1st down. Steeler's Biggest Mistake (tie): Not passing in 2nd Half even though Roth was the reason they did well offensively and not rushing Manning in 4th quarter 'til near the end. And, oh, the fumble wans't in the end zone. Great game either way! However, if Pittsburh lots it would ahve been the coach's fault; not the ref's fualt who made questionable calls on both teams. This stuff almost always evens out.
  11. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Hmm... NWN wins! It is officially off your most hated list. You finally admit the truth. Soon you will admit it's the best game EVAR!!!! P.S. Yes, I got carried away there!... (w00t) edit: Check your profile.
  13. Hade's Most Hated Game: "Lionheart Temple of Elemental Evil Might and Magic 9 Ultima 9 Every single MMORPG in existance Pirates of the Caribbean Fallout Tactics Gothic 2" I'm sure you forgot one. :D Anyways, my faves: BG series NWN series FO series Madden 2006 MVP Baseball 2006 Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 JE FF series (minues a few crappers) V:TM:BL Megamania
  14. "Volourn sure is in love with NWN." Darn tootin'! BEST GAME EVER!!!
  15. "ok i get the point." Don't listen to the extremists. The OC's story is nowhere as bad as some like to claim. It's your typical fantasy story more or less. If you expect more than you'll be disspaointed. If you expect a good story with some very good side quests, some decent joinable npcs (though lame way of doing their silly quests), and various ways to do side quests (but the main quest does lack chocie though it has maybe one or two choices); you'll be alright. SOU is worse than the OC. And, HOTU is better and is about on par with either KOTOR.
  16. NWN = Best game evar. NWN OC's story is good. Not great; but good. Haven't played that Warhammer game so can't compare. It's story is better than games like IWD2 and TOEE; but not as good as either KOTOR.
  17. "Like party NPCs noticing your alignment and reacting accordingly. This can be a simple reaction based on a static alignment, or a dynamic reaction based on a character's alignment changes. Ideally, it should be a combination of both alignment and the PC's actions. Another example would be to try and firmly establish the notion that an alignment is more than just a title - and is actually the character's morality - by making the character react according to his alignment more often. Someone who is evil likely has very little reason to perform good deeds or make selfless choices, for instance, and this could result in, say, giving him more options based on alignment rather than generic good, evil or neutral choices." You don't seem to udnerstand how D&D alignment works. 1. Alignment isn't a shiny beacon that everyone cna see so to have reactiosn based on alignment in all but the rarest cases (detetc alignment using casters/paladins, angels, and demons) would be silly. 2. Alignment can change so to not allow someone with a good alignment commit an evil act and 'fall from grace' is silly. Alignment is not static. It's not permenant unless the character continually acts his alignemnt. Tru, one rarely changes their moral code in drastic ways; but it is very possible. A paladin shouldn't be aribitrally stopped form committing murder; but if he does choose to committ murder will he should suffer the consequences of such an action.
  18. NWN.
  19. I played it once, and I still find it worth it. 47 times? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I haven't played nay games 47 times except maybe one of the best games ever known as MEGAMANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Selling well usually means it was worth it from developers/makers view but I think that may change depending on the effect of it's reputation. It could be that it wasn't worth it in the long term...we'll have to wait and see." Don't need to wait, and see. It was worth it to them. it sold 1 mil+ copies. They have NWN2 coming out which will also sell 1 mil+ copies. PNJ will also likely sell well (but not as well as either NWN2 or KOTOR2) since it is not based on a popualr license nor is it a sequel to a popular game. KOTOR2 had good reviews, good sales, and lots of rewards or nominations. Most definitely was worth it for Obsidian.
  20. And, before someone accuses me of being anti 3E, wrong again. I wa sin the past. But, overall, I like it just as much as 2E and in some ways it is better. So there. " But, I've never un=dertsood this nonsense of thaco and negative ac being some overly complicated difficult thing to figure out. It's VERY intuitive. The lower the ac or the lower the thaco the better they are. NOt complicated at all. Just the way calories work. Or the faster you go the more likley you'll get in toruble with the law making it a bad thing. LOL Same with PING for internet connections for multiplayer games. The lower the better. R00fles!
  21. "But if anyone claims that they made perfect sense out of all this their first time looking at AD&D rules, I say they are lying." Then call me a liar.. again. I found it rather intuitive. And, I was about 14 or so when 2E came out. And, none of my friends had any real trouble figuring it out. "In real life most things get better when they go up, why should game ruleset be the other way around?" Most things. Not everything. And, the D&D ruleset works the same.
  22. Obsidian doesn't want me as a mod. Heh. They might not even want me as a poster. LOL :D Anyways, too bad SS, you did a great job as a moderator.
  23. If I want to see the general PST story, I'll just watch a soap. (and, I do). And, their amnesia storylines tend to better acted with sueprior dialogue. The wekaness of course is there is no player/viewer choice. Hahaha. R00fles!
  24. "What "roleplaying" options really existed in Baldur's Gate? You could "play" evil....if you didn't mind fighting hordes of guards. Certainly didn't see much difference between classes or even gender however." Roleplaying is more than choosing good vs. evil. Then again, plenty of quests offered good or evil ways to solve thenm. On top of this, role-playing was also served well by how you interacted with potential joinable npcs. Heck, the Minsc/Dynaheir/Wizard quest illsutrates this a lot. "Freshness of it's approach? A world with a linear plot, sidequests, and tons of monster killing? I guess you didn't play RPGs before Baldur's Gate. You could have at least mentioned a game like Ultima, which actually granted the player the opportunity to do stuff other than quest (like bake bread if you wanted to!)." Oh please. Don't give me that 'old skool RPGs were awesome RPG games'. Outside of Ultima, 'old skool RPGs' were nothing more than dungeon haks that were leveling treadmills. As deep as POR2 is at its most shallow. I;m sorry but while the GB games were fun when I wa slike 10 they didn't know what role-playing was. GB, M&M, Wizardry, and a host of other games were all like that. Ultima was the EXCEPTION not the RULE. "Unless you consider doing sidequest X before sidequest Y as a "distinct" difference....but that wouldn't differentiate between the game and other games at all)." BG may noy be the best role-playing experience; but outside of Ultima and a few other games it CRUSHES 'old school RPGs'. "The original Baldur's Gate had it right. Leveling was never intrusive and effectively reflected the development of your character through the adventure, the latter being the point of the game..." BG is an excpetion; not the rule. Most old school games (GB aside) were all about fast leveling.
  25. Bloodlines is cool; but you guys all seems to be wussies. I love the Headrunners. They wer ecute, and the horror move side quest is one of the best side quests I've seen in a game. Good stuff.
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