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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Do NOT comapre Bishop to GOTO!!!! For one, when you meet him, Bishop isn't trying to murder you. To me, that already gives him a leg up on the lame GOTO. Heck, neeshak may be 1 million times more annoying than GOTO; but she's still better than that lameo GOTO.
  2. I've never been drunk in my life. Anyways, soemtimes I edit posts because the silly forums seem to use a large empty space inbetween my actual post and my sig. That is evil, and wrong, and must be DESTROYED.
  3. "Bishop is trash. My first meeting with him I wanted to just kill him where he stood. No way in hell is he joining." Bishop may be evil to the core; but he's more worthwhile than Nesska. Bishop has better dialogue, is cooler, and just plain alla round better. Bishop > Neeshak. Then again, ALL JOINABLES > Neeshka!
  4. Another stupid review. Gamespy is DEAD to me.
  5. "did you play hardcore, or normal rules, alanschu? i'm guessing hardcore is a bit of a pain for a spellcaster given the swarm mentality of the enemy AI." It's still easy even on hardcore. I laugh at them when they chase my spellcasters. It makes them even easier. LOL In fact, NWN2 is easier than either KOTOR which were rather easy themselves. *shrug*
  6. "I like how the npcs will bicker with each other, it gives the group realism in not being a bunch of yes men." The problem is that they bicker all the time over the most mundane stuff. They're pretty much all children; not a party. Neeshka is the worst offender, and is why she deserves nothing but poo. Both music tracks are awesome. NWN1 music is still awesome, and most NWN2 tunes are awesome. Sadly, they also snuck in some of the lame NWN1 tunes as well.
  7. Same here. For exmaple, I never bothered with non magic missle ammunition. Heck, I wish there was fewer inventory pages. As in, only 1.
  8. "traps are actually deadly enough for lowly mage HPs, volourn." I cna't remember her con score, but Quara is the one I got removing traps and when she fails; she pretty much laughs at them. And, if you ar eelading your mage in front... well.. you get what you deserve.
  9. "Open locks Find traps Remove traps" True. These were useful; but I find Quara does a decent job opening locks. And, now I don't even that. And, traps, are almost laugbale. The damage done is neglible. "And the occasional bit of humor." Yeah; once and ahwile she can be genuinely funny. 99% of the time... not so much...
  10. Positive Impression: The joinable npcs - minus a couple - are some of the best ever. Mr. Avellone did a heck of a job. Negative Impression: The main story is beyond linear, and instea dof gaining steam; it's losing it except one certain 'twist'. Mr. Avellone should have written the story too!!!!
  11. I'm not done (not even close); but I'm level 10 and still in chapter 1. I have a question: How come people actually like a whiner named Neeshka when much better npcs are around? Heck, even a certain Bishop is cooler.
  12. Donb't hide your spoilers in this thread! That's considered rude and poor etiquette! Otherwise, good post.
  13. Yeah, load timea area really quick overall for me. World map transistions do take a little time though.
  14. FO did not have a linear plot. And, no, NWN2's plot is much more linear than either BG2, PST, NWN1, or even the KOTOR series. Thankfully, there's other things that make up for it that. At least in the first chapter.
  15. Not quite. The NWN2 Gpraghics Engine is 100% Electron. Everything else (well.. except toolset which is wholly new as well) is basically an updated Aurora. Though, I still say, the Electron Graphics Engine to me looks like an upgraded Auora style engine even if it is a new engine completely. That's a good thing. Not a bad thing.
  16. This result was predicted about 2 and half years ago... when the game was first announced. " It's good it is selling; but you guys make it sound like you were expecting the worse. Obsidian is a big time gaming company who have the inside track with major publishers; not to mention being buddies with one of the few game devloeprs thata re actually bigger than they are. Good stuff.
  17. Still have my complaints about the interface, and camera control; but I'm at leats used to it now so it's no longer much of an issue when it comes to negatively effectly my enjoyment of the game. DEATH TO NEESHKA AND HER STUPID GNOME TOO!!!! LONG LIVE ALL OTHER JOINABLES!!!
  18. I don't think you can target 'friendlies'. Something they borrowed from the overrated KOTORs (and JE). If its possible later; ignore my mocking. :ph34r:
  19. I DESTROYED mr. Bulock by beating him with the answer. He DETROYED me by making the game!
  20. No limit as far as I know mkenaing as a half orc you could, preusmably have 20 strnegth +5 from level up = 25 strength before magics. Power critical for NWN2, IIRC it from feats election screen, gives +4 to attack bonus on the critical strike roll (the secondary d20 roll to see if a critical is actually a critical). Improved crit works like it did in NWN1, I believe except it does stack with keen.
  21. Eh? You guys sound shock. Of course NWN2 is selling well. That should have never been in doubt.
  22. Newc! Don't compare NWN2 to that overrated crap KOTOR series! DEATH TO KOTOR SERIES! LIVE TO NWN SERIES!
  23. "whoa, snappy." What did you expect? You are talking with a fanboy. Arguing with Taks over NWN2 is wasted energy. I am sad. The bottom line is NWN2 has some major problems that effects quite a few people. And, I say that despite the fact that my computer runs it rather well.
  24. Ah.. Never noticed. Never bothered with familiars thus far. Ah well.
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