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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Obsidian can be trusted. They are gaming gods after all." Wrong topic.
  2. Obsidian can't afford to give meaningful official support for a project that won't make them money. It's illogical to even think they could. They're a professional company. The point is to make products that make money to keep the company in business. I'm sure he'll get some as he has been getting from Obsidian volunteers. As for the actual module, some of it sounds rather cool like the main antagonist while others not so cool ala no PrC. Hooray to the fact that Mr. Sawyer has MURDERED the Warlock. Almost worth having no PrC just for that. R00fles!
  3. But, that's not what you wrote. And, ME does have dialogue lines. Full sentences even.
  4. "....6 years I want to play." Doesn't mean they haven't made quality games in those 6 years. Game over.
  5. No. I think what you meant to say was that companies cna make games YOU dislike, and still be successful. Hugely different.
  6. "That's fine for ME, but for DA I'm expecting the good ol' multiple choice procedure with some neat surprises here and there..." Eh? ME has the multiple choice procedure... <_<
  7. With all these people apparantly refusing to buy EA products, it's amazing they're still in business and rather successful at that. WOWSERS! I'm totally even more in awe of their prowess.
  8. "There is always a first time for everything." That's true; but still no reason to yell at the heavens that it would happen.
  9. That was just used as per usual; but there's a part of me that wonders if that was a crack at the Codex 'interview'. L0L I think I will EXTREMELY enjoy ME even though I'm still skepticial about the dialogue system...
  10. Cautious is one thing; writing a game off as vapour war after just a couple of years with very little articles 9though a heck of a lot of info released) is beyond silly. Espicially with BIO's rep of never cancelling an announce dgame, Mr. Gaider working on it (yeah, they're gonna have one of their Senior Writers who likely gets paid more than most playing tiddlywinks on agame they didn't plan to release), and the fact the company has a habit of taking 3-5 years to develop games. R00fles! P.S. Ah well.. at leats you admitted your error.
  11. http://interviews.teamxbox.com/xbox/1890/B...ffect-Part-2/p1 Not much meat to this one; but it talks about possible demo or soemthing really special pre release. Part 1 here: http://interviews.teamxbox.com/xbox/1886/B...fect-Part-1/p1/ Most talks about their relationship with MS, and exploration. Not exactly the most game oriented two part interview ever. L0LLERGAGS!
  12. EA is awesome. Best publisher ever... except for the crappy run of NHL and NBA games they've done recently.
  13. It's also nice to know that the esteemed Hades no longer belives DA is vapourware. All it took was a pile of repetetive articles that tells us things we mostly already knew. L0L
  14. "Getting rid of text" Eh? <_< "In the case of facial expressions, it's not only technically unimpressive - even Fallout did this and it's often decried as a game lacking in graphical power - they're not doing anything that simple dialogue or dialogue combined with statistical modifiers can't do better." Sure, it's impressive, if what they say is accurate. FO's facial expressions were rather basic and 'just there'.
  15. "Go go Mkreku!" Move to Sweden.
  16. "There are too many recent examples otherwise." Ah. You ar eone of THOSE? I, too, cna play that game. Going by recent examples, the majority of terrorists who try to blow things up in the Western world happen to be Arab/Muslims. If we are going by 'recent examples' as 'evidence' then it is fair to assume the majority of terrorists will be Arab/Muslims. Check, and mate. You don't see blacks blowing themselves up hence why they arne't usually accused of doing so, and we all know how much the white man hates the black man, right? R00fles! P.S. In all seriously, I think every time the police falsely arrest someone they should have to pay a fine that is the equivelant, at the minimum, of lost pay x2 as punishment. Period. Rounding up everyone that may fit some broad focus group is beyond retarded.
  17. I like it. Now we just need some PWs to show up....
  18. "Eh, where did you read that?" Mr. Gaider himself. " I always thought DA is gonna have party members in BG style," It does. " not self-made IWD style... " Only the PC, as always, is player made. "if this is what you mean by forced." By forced, I mean like KOTOR series, JE, and NWN2. As in, you have no choice to have the characters in your party. Only two in DA, and they don't (normally) have to be in the actual trvaelling party; but in the camp.
  19. "Pictures are at the standard of what should be expected. Will DA have the same dialogue-system as ME?" Mystary. One article wrote that it had ME dialogue; but Mr. Gaider posted that it only has similarities; but isn't exactly the same...whatever that means. "Dwarves are a short distance from Halflings. Halflings make everything suck." Be thankful this isn't the Codex. For now, I will ignore this taunting. "To me this reads "forced parties" in which I'm stuck with characters who disagree with my actions and constantly hound me about it, ala Neeshka and Bishop. How aggravating. Sigh. Perhaps Bioware can make it less irritating than Obsidian did, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Even if the rest of the game was perfect, I'd give it an 8 just because of this. But I may be overreacting, so I'll wait and see, and give it a chance." I believe DA will only have two forced party members (all the others you can tell to get lost), and the two forced ones can be (most of the time) told to stay in the party camp.
  20. You *do* relaize I dislike Bethesda, and their games, right? And, SS and I have a long, and fun history of strongly disagreeing with each other? I hope you arne't implying that I'm a Bethesda fanboy. That would be HILARIOUS!
  21. "Disinformation how? Is it disinformation because it doesn't fit with the account you would like people to believe?" Disinformation because it's one sided, and it's froma dubious source. "Again, one side of the argument has supported their position." With no ahrd evidence. Just assumptions, and whining.
  22. "All things considering Jade Empire wasn't bad and it was a nice break from the typical fantasy CRPGs with elves and dwarves. There is only so much you can do with elves and dawrves." I thought you loved JE... Hmm.. P.S. There's lots you can do with dwarves. Games are 25% better if they have dwarves. P.S.S. The pics aren't new; but the preview is cool though most of the info isn't really new either.
  23. Extremely so, I presume.
  24. "What do you know about American healthcare anyway, Canadian?" I know enough that such blatant white washing is most likely garbage. And, like the AMERIKAN judge, Judge Judy says, if it sounds like bullcrap it most likely is and what youa re claiming - that all Amerikan doctors and hospitals only care about money - most certainly sound slike a big pile of poo poo and hence is totally unbelievable. "It's true Volourn. After all, Hades has visited every hospital and met every doctor in the US. He has informed and well researched opinions." Yeah, he may be Amerikan, and I may be Kanadian; but in all likelyhood he;'s probably encountered maybe a handful of Amerikan doctors than I have.. unless he is so unhealthy he needs to see the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of doctors that are to be found in the US. R00fles! Nah, instead of relying solely on Visc's 'experiences'; I'll rely on what little common sense I actually have. I'm more likely to be right that way.
  25. I thought you didn't play POR2?
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