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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Another 4 have left. IOt's hialrious because it seems ACTI is using a threat of loss of bonuses to intimidate people from leaving as one ACTI guy mentioned that those who leave 'forfeit' their bonuses while those who remain get bigger and bigger cuts from the bonuses. That should tell people how much people don't want to work for ACTI. LMAO
  2. "I wasn't saying that Acti was "saving" them. I just said that they MIGHT have stolen something, which you took up as me saying it's the gods honest truth that they were stealing. I never said that they could only have stolen and specifically mentioned that they'd also stated that they felt that the bonuses had been payed out due to West and Zamps previous takings from the bonus pool. You know for somebody who was anal about "Get what I said right" you certainly suck at following your own instructions." You said that ACTI doesn't want to pay them the money they're after because ACTif eels they got more than their share and that, in fact, the two founders stole bonus money meant for the other IW employees. You made it veryc elar you thought this accusation was truth. Well, if it was true, I seriously doubt the employees in question woudl choose to quit their current employer who wnats to help them get money 'stolen' from them and then go and work for the former bosses who supposedly rip them off. There is no logic to that line of thought. I know if my direct superiors were taking money that my company's owners meant for me to have I sure wouldn't quit my job to go work for them. L0L
  3. "Sorry, but could you cite sources. Please." You want sources, go read a biography or a court room. Please. I really don't care if you believe me as whether or not you believe me doesn't change the facts that IW employees are quitting ACTI and going to work for their former bosses. LMAO "Neither part of the case is a hero, that much was made clear by everyone in the thread, except (I guess) you." Have you read the thread? A certain someone claimed that ACTI was acting in the best inetrest of IW employees because the foudners who got canned were 'stealing' from them. Sounds like he was callingt hem ehroes to me. I don't think the UW fiounders are heroes. But, I bet all the IW employees who are throwing ACTI in the trash can more than likely do.
  4. 4 more IW employees throw Activbision in the trash, and a total of 7 have joined the IW founders' new company. Yet, Activision was the supposed 'heroes' of this story fighting for the rights of the common IW employee? Ha. It's rather obvious who IW employees side with.
  5. Simple minded, by definition, is those who defend the murder of others simply because they disagree with you not those who oppose such believes.
  6. Absolutely ridiculous reason to suspend someone for 6 games. Now, the stupid Stdeelers are looking tot rade him. Dumb team, fans, and NFl betraying him after using and absuing him to make tons of money and win championships. Yet, sports teams/league talk about them being 'family'. family shouldn't treat others like this. I hope the Steelers trade him, and they have an absolute crap season and never win another SB while he's still an active player. And, he should sue the league. But, he likely won't, so he can a few PC points for accepting his 'punishment'. This kind of garbage would not happen if he was Joe Blow, and I seriously doubt they'r edoing this because he'damaged' the NFL's rep because the rep isfine and he still draws fans so he's not hurting them in that regard.
  7. Nah. An iphone is used by a private individual for their own private use, and unless you are purposefully lookinjg at soemone's phone that is spying and immoral. There are plenty of palces where people use their cellphones/iphones. People are simply not gonna look at porn in the middle of the public place for the same reason people don't read nudy magazines in public places. *shrug*
  8. "So; Volo, you have never looked at another's person phone/PSP/book while passing by their side? Mobile phones (specially the Iphone) is most used on public places." Only people I know, and only if they allow me to. I'm not into spying on people. Still, the main point, is even if I were to take a peek, I seriously doubt people are gonna start loking at porn in a public place in an obvious way. In fact, even people who like porn don't go around broadcasting that fact in public. Why would they start now? Porn is a 'private' thing for obvious reasons. LOL
  9. " From what I've observed so far, porn appears more "mechanical" with perhaps some manic/frantic qualities to it. Sensuality wasn't the first thing I would associate it with" Don't think this is the right thread to disucss porn; but you do realize that porn comes in many different versions with differing styles. L0L "People hanging around the street watching it on their phones in an "in your face" manner" I have a hard time believing people would actually do that. It's not like people walk down the street reading some smut mag, right? And, no, don't point out the .000000000000000000000001% ofm people who would do that as proof otherwise. Thanks.
  10. Should that distinction matter? Nudity and sexual scenes are still nudity and sexual scenes whether it's a R Rated 'more main stream' movie ala Crash (or was that rated AO? thoguh even then it probably be just considered a movie) or porn. Afterall, one of the big reasons some people are against porn is because of the nakedness and sensuality of it. The same reason why some people are anti R rated movies or even teen rated movies that skirt the edge of 'adult' behaviours. Still, the point stands, a phone is not 'public property'. It's owned by an individual, and what they have on it should be nobody's business. And, while Apple may have the 'legal' right to try to limit on a product they are selling they most certainly, imo, don't have the moral right to do so.
  11. "I swear, people on this forum must have some sort of immunity to humor." Humour, by definition, needs to be funny. I do, btw, find your defense of someone who supports murdeirng of those with differing opinions or people who do things he disaaproves of while trying to justify that defense seriously, very humourous. So, on that note, R00fles!
  12. "Volo@: I don't want other people pushing their "freedom of choice" on public places" Someone's phone is NOT a public place. You shouldn't be looking at other people's phones. Stop spying on others. It's rude. If someone wants porn on phone thhey should have the right to it. Period. I don't know much abotut he iphone but does it allow one to have movies or other stuff it? I wonder if Apple dioesn't mind R Rated movies being on someone's phone? Hmmm...
  13. " Nothing is sacred enough to kill people over. Nothing. " Disagree. Someone threatening my family most certainly are. "Actually, come to think of it, I don't think I would mind that too much." So, you agree with him? It's perfectly acceptable to you to murder people that you disagree with or you dislike soemthing they do ala making movies you hate? come on now.
  14. "Didn't know we had so many supporters of porn here " Supporters of freedom of choice, actually. I don't care for prostitution, drugs, smoking, or abortion; but I do believe in the freedom to choose for yourself. Now... porn, on the other hand, I do support but that's really not the point here. One should not be telling me what I can or cannot have on my phone, play on my computer, watch on my tv, or read about.
  15. Volourn


    That series is tied 2-2 for the same reason SJ and COL are tied 2-2: Goaltending.
  16. "Good. South Park is mindless middle garbage and distributes the worst principles of American politics in a ****ty, overly offensive, unfunny format. I'm sure that the end of this episode revolved around some centrist garbage about how "Maybe Muslims are kind of right, and Christians are also kind of right" or some such nonsense." So, you believe it's alright to murder someone who says something you dislike? That's so beautiful.
  17. "Quite frankly if someone needs to have porn on their phone they should find help; either psychiatric or treatments for sore elbows." Quite frankly if someone needs to control others even strangers over what they do that harms nobody else they should find help; either psychiatric or treatments for control issues.
  18. Extremists like these are pieces of crap. 'This is not a threat'. Yes, it is. At least have the guts to admit it. What's worse is that many moderates will semi defend them by saying they were 'asking for it'.
  19. Volourn


    What? They looked great last night controlling the play and getting chance after chance.
  20. Volourn


    Nabokov better start playing better. That game should have been a blowout. I notice how you didn't bash The Big three just because they won. LMAO
  21. "Considering the jews were a minority and built their numbers through illegal immigration..." 'Illegal immigration'. LOLZ Did Palestine ever have a modern style immigration law? And, oh btw, tell that to the US anda few decades when illegal immigrants will magically become 'legal' and have some control (if they don't already). " They were less than a third of the population of the land when they were given control of it. And no arguments about it being their homeland as it hadn't been their country for about 3000 years." I love thisa rgument. With thatab rgument, if Isreal can keep control of the land for, say, 1000 years, you are then suggesting that the palestinians will no longer have a legit claim and they then should shut up. What a weak argument. Hey, judge, yeah, I stole that guy's car but it was 10 years ago. He should just get over it. HAHA! That's the same lame argument the child molestor supporters use as well. L0LZ Soemthing doesn't become 'right' simply due to the passage of time. If taht were the case, both the Kanadian and Amerikan governemtns should destroy treaties with the Native populations because it was so a few centuries ago. LMAO
  22. Volourn


    Wow. Year of the upset? Gah.
  23. It failed, because it played a game of chicken and lost.
  24. Volourn


    They have nothing to apologize for. They played pretty well nor did they 'lose all offensive skill'. Just have to find a way to crack the goalie. *shrug*
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