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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "It's the same way people mention he killed two people as an excuse for the LAPD being pansies and panicking shooting at 3 people." Whoa re thes epeople? I willt alks mack to them too. There are people in this thread who have defended Donner and have blamed others for his evil actions. If you shot my wife, I would NOT be in my right to shoot yours. It would be udnerstandable if I shot you, but your wife would be innocent. And, it woudl be EVIL for me to target her. PERIOD.
  2. he's a scumbag murder who killed two innocents in cold blood. He's evil and I don't feel sorry for him and the excusing of his evilness is disgusting. This doesn't change the fact that LAPD needs to better and needs to face punishment for their evilness as well. FRY THEM ALL. It's sad that the people who are pro Donner don't care one bit about his victims but go on and on about the evils of the LAPD. Why does the evils cummery of the LAPD excuse the murder of two people? DISGUSTING.
  3. He doesn't sound evil. Donner is. So is the LAP dickheads who murdered the innocent in pursuit of their target. If the story is true, and Donner is dead, he's not exactly the Rambo people and he were bragging about. L0L
  4. Should point tout that Nash actually has 9 points in 11 games and is +8. That's prettya wesome. he also has an assist and is +1 tonight. Yup, Nash is doing well.
  5. "Who are you to say who is evil or not? I didn't know you had the power to pass judgement on people like that." I'm someone who has never murdered innocents in cold blood. That is who I am to judge. Whoa re you to judge me or anyone esle? Hypocrite. "I mean we cheer for our troops (I am one too), who have done much worse than Donner, does that mean they're evil? Or is it just morally ambiguous when it's in some village in Afghanistan Volourn? Huh? Or are you just going to give another stupid troll response? " A. I'm not Amerikkan, you bigot. B. I have NEVER cheered for anyone - soldier or toehrwise - who have murdered innocents. C. It is not morally ambiguous when troops murder inooncents - be they Afghans or otherwise - so don't pretend that i do. The only trolls are the ones defending a cold blooded mruder whose murdered two inocents. What's funny is people want to give this guy a break but won't give the LAPD a break. Or don't want two give the innocents he killed a break either. That's evil. It's also funny that on one hand people don't want him called evil but rather lamely say he is 'crazy' yet in the very next sentence will claim the 'guy has a point' thereby stating that they agree with someone they deem as crazy. NEWSFLASH: Just ebcause I state this guy is an evil scumbag for murdering two innocents does not mean I support the LAPD when they do evils cummy stuff. ie. I cna bash him for his evil murder of two innocents and bash the LAP for their evil murder of those people in thatc ar they shot up. How do you like 'em bananas?
  6. "None of the endings fall objectively or cleanly into D&D morality matrix categories." False. Siding with a certain someone is surely chaotic evil. No doubt about it. You'd have to be insanely evil to side with him.
  7. "'Overseas' lowest common denominator beats 'domestic' lowest common denominator by a longshot." No.
  8. "While he was an officer, he was a responsible man that protected the people and tattle taled on his fellow officers when they would abuse." "Well he wasn't murdering people while he was an officer, so doubtful he was a disturbed person back then, all you can say from the fact he's offed some relatives of cops is that he is crazy. His manifesto certainly goes off the rails the further along he goes. Then again, one could make the comment that an unstable potential murderer would fit in well with the ranks of the LAPD" Calling him crazy is a copout. If it's true he mrudered those people, he's evil. Plain and simple. The fact is, even if he is telling truth about what happened, he is evil to the core for cold bloodedly murdering innocents. Period.
  9. It is a lot. Period.
  10. Noty as much as Torturechips who despite offense being a mainr eason why he wona cup seems to hate offense nowaways. He'd rather play a bunch of 2-1 or 3-2 games which will only lead to what happen in this past playoff - players tiring out needing to feel being perfect. That's EPIC fail.
  11. They did get it in writing. The lesson is don't agree to do soemthing you cna't do.
  12. Being as productive as you can be under the system you are working under. I believe Nahs 8 points in 11 games playing for Turturechips. That's a pretty decent point total comapred to Nash's previous seasons when he wasn't being handicapped.
  13. "Amazingly, and sadly, smoking is still cool amongst a very large portion of the populace." Define 'very alrge portion'. it's certainly a heck of a lot smaller than in the 70s. "Yea.... except that isn't correct by most estimations, and Oby is pretty good with his/her facts. Much better than most others posting in these threads." HAHAHAHAHAHA! You must be a comedian. "For obesity vs 'natural' height and weight growth there's the Body Mass Index and the like as normalisers, it isn't just that people are getting taller and hence heavier, they're getting taller but their weights are increasing disproportionately, ie they're getting taller and fatter. Glycemic index can be used to illustrate the overall problem with a lot of western food in that all too often it is very rich in energy but disproportionately poor in terms of making you feel 'full' after eating. Drinking a litre of coke gives you a huge amount of energy, but won't make you feel full for very long, as an extreme example. If you are doing lots of exercise drinking coke won't make you put on fat, but most people aren't doing that much exercise." I drink a lot of soda, and eat lots of junk food, Outside of work, I don't exercise at all. I'm not fat. In fact, quite skinny at 6'0" and about 160-175lbs approx. Don't make stuff up.
  14. That's your deifntion of 'everyone'? L0LZ Eh. Nash is doing fine. With such a ****ty one dimensional coach I don't expect any Ranger - even pure goal scorers - to score abunch of goals. He's not doing badly points wise all things considered. And, we're 'struggling' yet are .500. I'll take that. On top of that, as long as we have Torturechips, I don't cry when the Rangers do poorly because the more we lose with our so called 'stack' team the quicker he gets fired. R00fles!
  15. "Actually, very accurate, that's how Feargus described it recently in an interview : they had a release date set for December, early versions of the games made their interlocutors at Lucas Arts very enthusiastic so they told Obsidian to expand and gave them six more months, but 'last minute' Lucas Arts changed plans and came back to the original date and Obsidian had to cut short on the additional content." Let me get this straight.... you corrected me by agreeing with me. WTF!?!
  16. "The latest made like 160 million domestic, and like 750 million overseas. I was wondering why they kept making them." You make it sound like 160mil domestically is somehow horrible. L0LZ
  17. "Lucasarts told them they would have more time but didn't put it in writing so there was nothing to do when they backed out of that agreement." Not quite accurate. Originally, the game was supposed to be out at Christmas.. then it wa switched to early the next eyar then it was changed abck to Christmas. So, all alomg, Obsidian had to realize that Christmas was the target date. I do agree that all that date switching can hurt but still as the dev it's Obsidian's job to be prepared - espciially since Christmas was the original target date. "hey weren't dissatisfied. They just wanted an x-mas rush. Nothing more, nothing less." Yes, they were. Why do you think there was no KOTOR3 depsite the fact that Obsidian has been voically desperate to do one and still are so ar enow trying to beg Disney for it? It wa svery clear that LA was disspoainted with KOTOR2. That's just fact. That isn't mean so don't shoot me. I found KOTOR2 fine and wouldn't have minded an Obsidian KOTOR3. I find both KOTORS overrated bu decent games. But, I'm not LA and LA was dissapointed in KOTOR2. This is fact.
  18. "BioWare makes KOTOR1 in 4 years." BIO makes a game engine, a universe (well advanced universe since its absed on SW), rules, and characters in 3-4 years as theyw ere contracted to and LA was happy with their work. "Obsidian makes KOTOR2 in 1 year." Obsidian continues a story in a year or so as contracted and sadly LA wasn't happy with their work (for the record I found KOTOR2 an enjoyable xperience but I'm not LA and I didn't invest in the game outside of buying 1 copy). There, now your post is actually logically based in fact instead of make believe like it was/. Thank me.
  19. Dust till Dawn is one of the best horror adventure movies ever. One of those sequels 9 i think part 3) is actually a prequel. Both sequels are subpar. watchable but nowhere enar the original.
  20. Who is everyone? Last i ehard, NJ was one of the top teams in the elague. Afterall, they reached the Finals. And, Kovy has come from 'worst defense ever' to 'best defense ever'. L0L Krookie sound svery better b/c maybe 1 or 2 peons had the dare to make fun of his team. Boo hoo.
  21. From MS? He has been at MS for 10 years. He's no insider. He comes across as arrogant and a piece of crap not to mention ignorant. P.S. I did notice your last sentence but the point stands.
  22. "Having said that, KOTOR 3 would still have been a great pitch. I would venture a guess that TOR, as an MMO, didn't appeal to a lot of single player KOTOR fans. I certainly didn't buy it and I would guess there were many KOTOR fans who likewise exchewed it. Besides, it did get a couple of million sales - it's just that the MMO couldn't keep them for a long time, which is where it makes its revenue." TOR sold as much if not more than either KOTOR. It also still has a solid customer base. The issue with TOR is not really it's popularity comapred to the KOTOR. The problem is that too much money was wasted. It did not need to have 2 billionn dollars thrown in its direction. It could have had the same numbers with a lot less spent.
  23. Looking solid but some issues. Perception cones for enemies is a lame concept. No way should the player have access to that kind of literal information. Key word dialogue has always been lame. No different here. It makes the PC look like a loser. Good stuff is the combat looks fun, the UI is serviceable even if not pretty. The description texts are cool and 9so far) look plentiful. And, the final metal 'spider' looks sweet and I WANT TO KILL IT! Demo = 7.5/10 Glad I'm getting the game through PE.
  24. Define 'failure'. TOR has sold lots of copies - more than KOTOR2 for sure and very likely mroe than KOTOR1 - so if it is a failure based on that than those games are also failures. It has madem money - just not as much as LA/EA/BIO foolishly thoguht it would. It didn't meet the retarted expectations, but it still was successfule noguh to bring money in. Failure in expectations (because they were stupid) but success in actual bottom line. Then again,m youa re part of the inetrnet who claims that TOR cost 10billion dollars to make so I cna't take yous eriously. L0L
  25. "Jagr went to go play hockey in his home country, I respect that completely. " That's not how that worked. Jagr wanted a 3 year contract. The Rangers (and other interested teams) wanted to giv him 1 year ebcause he was 'too old' to play another 3 eyar sin the NHL... that was 5 years ago. "Thomas has shown disrespect for the game and for the USA with his actions. There are plenty of ways to voice your political opinions in a respectful manner, and he has gone out of his way to do the opposite. " No. He showed respect for the game and the US. You show disprect to the game iand the US by your crying about his politics. "He has a contract to play hockey this year. I'm a bit confused on why they can't cancel it or he can't simply retire and return in another year if he wants, but it seems like he put the Bruins in a bad situation here." Boston could have (and now NYI) can make it so he has to honour his last year of the contract next season if he decides to play. Know the rules of the NHl or don't spam silly stuff. He's not getting 'out' of the contract. Sorry.
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