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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Wasn't there that movie with the middle age man who dragged a little girl into mass murdering a bunch of civllians because they were mildly 'annoying' releasde just a eyar or two a ago? the outrage was minimal, it was released with barely a blip, and the world didn't fall a part. Cesnorship is about cowardice, power, and control. It's about mansplaining to young women on what games to play or not play, what movies to watch or not watch, etc., etc. This is why SJWs are evil to the core. They believe in slavery and mass murder. That's DISGUSTING. And, they hate young women. That's for darn sure.
  2. Funny that people whine that police brutality is based on racism (it isn't it's based on police having way too much power and forgetting what their job is supposed to entail) yet neither of the cops savagely murdered were actually white.. I'd laugh but it's too morbidly sadly disgusting.
  3. "Inquisition is no better or worse than DA:O" It is worse. Even KOTOR is arguably better. As for the 'critic/user reviews'. They are useless garbage. Too much people - on both sides - voting just for gigles. Too many high and low ratings likely were chosen ebfore the game was even released. And, no doubt too many 'voters' haven't even played the game or had their mind set pre playing. \\ Plus, some people oppose BIO for 'political' reasons. See Q in this thread. Q likely is one of the voters who gave it a 0 because they kicked Q out of the fourms. *shrug* That's why the opinion that matters is mine. PERIOD.
  4. Geez. You people are fizted on me a little too much. Stop trolling me. I'm not that important. As for the game. It's playable but it's overrated. And, of course, the usual haters are hating because they are pathetic.
  5. "Volo, I believe this is where you normally say all cops are scum. Please do so then I'll continue. " I've defended cops before. I even defended the stupid cop who killed Brown. now, the Garner case. There is no justifible reason for the piece of crap cop doing what he did. In this case, if the reporting is accurate which i believe it is, the obvious scumbag is the shooter.\ \Now, go play your insane trolling game with someone else. Thank you.
  6. "...The more I see of this guy Volourn, the more looks like his rep is well deserved. Odd." \ Go troll someone else. You give me way more importance than I have. I am nobody. Let's keep it that way.
  7. Washing and dyeing are NOT the same thing. One is needed to keep clean and help them remain safe from germs and other illnesses. One is for fun. I'll let you figure out which is which.
  8. "Games have become whole lot better in terms of storytelling recently, uh-huh." It's true. And, using PST as your one go to is weak. PST is the exception that proves the rule.
  9. Yeah, that's the main thing. The dog looks absolutely miserable. Even if the dye itself caused no issues.. shouldn't you want your animal be happy? That dog looks like it wants to die.
  10. Jealousy? Insanity? Stupidity? Evilness?
  11. "You seem to be missing point, we all should agree it was stupid thing to do" You seem to be missing the point. "But she dyed her dog out of a misplaced sense of affection. She wanted her dog to look like her, she wanted them to be even closer" I adopted a black girl. I wanted her to look like me so I put her through multiple surgeries to lighten her skin and give her a ****. I did this out of affection. I wanted my adopted child to look like me. I wanted to be even closer. YOU SEE HOW DUMB THAT IS? "It wasn't malicious so I question the level of abuse you can sincerely level at her ?" Malicious or not, it's nazism to the core. Trying to control, bully, intimidate, and humilate a living creature for your own amusement, power, and satisfactuion. EVIL.
  12. So, she tried to murder someone because they cut her fof? EVIL. Plus, insane thinking she has special powers. To the looney bin with her.
  13. Of course, it's bad taste. But, big deal.
  14. The Hobbit > LOTR
  15. "I bet you guys in the west don't even have a word for woman warrior isn't it?" We do. It's called warrior. We ain't as sexist as you having to make up words where one already exists. A warrior is a warrior is a warrior. The ME also has a special word for women: lesser being. The truth hurts, right? Bottom line is women are better off in the western world than the ME world. Then again, so are men. Or children. Or animals. Trust me on that.
  16. I win yet again.
  17. "No need to try to marginalize the role that women played in history ( and yes military contribution is part of that ), I know this suits your idea of the gender role but my advice is try not to generalize. Its sexist and inaccurate " Huh? You are the sexist one. Youa re thje one who thinks women shouldn't be allowed to play sports. \Again, you are lying. Nowhere did I say women had no role in past history (military or otherwise) but it's historical fact they weren't largely in front of war. Of note, youa re now twisting the feminist/SJW mantra that if 'women had power' there'd be no wars. L0L So, which is it? Were women en masse involved in war at the same level as men or all women peace loving hippies? You cna't have it both ways you anti women sexist pig. Also, your link is laughable. If women had all this power how the ehck were men compeltely (well not quite apparantly) erase them from history? Again, you just randiomly spam stuff hioping it sticks. \ FACT: Women have played important roles in military history but not as much as men did. This is historical fact. \ P.S. Nothing in your link disproves my position on this. Not one thing.
  18. "Actually its not, there are many cases of women being involved on various levels historically in military conflicts. But there contribution was and is overlooked by narrators and some historians" Actually, it is. Historically speaking, women are an extremely low percentage of military conflicts. How much involvement do you think they had? 20%? 40%? 50%? Whatever number it was they surely wweren't as involved as men. 'Hiding their contributions' doesn't change the fact. But, hey, start naming names. Give me 100 and I bet someone could give 1000 names of men. I'm all for equality but I also believe in not changing historical fact for the 'feels'.
  19. No, he didn't. They won't listen. That's their super power - blessed with super ignorance.
  20. Uh... if I recall, that was one of the main points of the movie...
  21. "Its another reason I dislike them, I am surprised this doesn't bother. I would think you would naturally distance yourself from anything related to Neo-Nazism" I know I do. Which is why I'm not a SJW. That link flat out lies. The video shows the white protagnaist murdeirng everyone he says no matter the colour yet the stupid crybaby whines about the fact some of the innocents happened to be non white because the writer is racist/sexist neo nazi SJW who doesn't care about whites. That's evil. Why do you support such evil?
  22. "i found it funny in the west women fighting in battle is an issue, it is not in my place, we have woman admiral in history who command an armada fighting Portuguese and Dutch...." \ That's fantastic, but that's likely an exception to the rule.
  23. Funny... Most war games like COD tend to do exactly that. KILL THE RUSSIANS! THEY ARE EVIL! KILL THE AMERIKAN! THEY ARE EVIL! KILL X! \ They are games. GAMES. Not real. You must think Anthony Hopkins is an actual cannibal since he had no problem playing one if you cna't tell the difference between fake and real... Thnakfully, Mr. Hopkins can tell the difference and doesn't (to my knowledge) go around eating people in real life... *TO BE NOTED* inform Hollywood that they should not hire Bruce to star in any remakes of Hannibal.... it might turn him into a cannibal...
  24. SJWs, by definition, are fanatics. They murder people. And, then write multiple articles about it. They get women fired. they haraass women. they manspalin to women. They censor and ban games even though they originally claimed that wasn't a goal. They even attack their allies who aren't as extreme as them - see SJW attacks on groups like BIO. They feel the need to enslave, control, and act like nazis. They like to tell teenage young ladies what games they are allowed or not allowed to play. They threaten people with death. In essence, theya re evil. So yeah, SJWs by defintion are fanatics and tried to fundamendetlaly tired to ruin my gaming experience. the fact they failed only shows how pathetic they are. \ SJWs do not care about women. They do not care about other minorities. they care about power, control, slavery, nazism, and evil. Equality is not in their vocabulary. It is in mine. :) "Well I wouldn't like to play any game where you only target and kill a certain demographic, what would be the purpose of this? Why select only gamers...this is a form of discrimination and not something I would condone" It's not real. Only psychos believe otherwise.
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